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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/okw-/ initial

pile, group
okobizowag vai they (animate) drive in a group, fly in a flock
okogaabawiwag vai they (animate) stand in a bunch
okoginoon vii they grow in a bunch
okogiwag vai they (animate) grow in a bunch
okosidoon vti2 pile, stack it
okosinoon vii they lie in a pile
okoshim vta pile, stack h/
okoshinoog vai they (animate) lie in a pile
okwabiwag vai they sit in a group
okwagomowag vai they (animate) are in a bunch on the water
okwagooziwag vai they roost in a bunch, perch as a flock
okwakidewan vii they stand in a cluster
okwakizowag vai they (trees) stand in a cluster
okwapide vii it is tied in a bunch
okwapidoon vti2 tie it in a bunch
okwapizh vta tie h/ in a bunch
okwapizo vai it (animate) is tied in a bunch
okwaakosidoon vti2 stack it (as something stick- or wood-like)
okwaakosinoon vii they (inanimate; stick-like) are stacked, are piled up, are heaped up
okwaakoshim vta stack h/ (as something stick- or wood-like)
okwaakoshinoog vai they (animate; stick-like) are stacked, are piled up, are heaped up
okwaakowebinan vti throw it/them (something stick-like) into a pile
okwiinadoon vii they are in a bunch, are in a pile
okwiinowag vai they (animate) are in a group, a herd, a flock, a swarm