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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-ns/ final

abinoojiinyens na a baby
agoojiganaabikoons ni a coat hanger made of wire
akikoons na an outboard motor
amikoons na a beaver kit
animoons na a puppy
anwiins ni a small caliber bullet; a twenty-two bullet
apikaans ni a fan belt
asaawens na a perch
asemaans na a cigarette
asiniins na stone, a stone; rock, a rock
bagaanimizhiins na a hazel bush
bakite'igaans ni a hand hammer
bami'aagaans na a pet
baashkizigaans ni [S] a small gun: a twenty-two rifle, a handgun, a toy gun
bezhizhooniyaans na a dime; [BL] a quarter
bigiins na chewing gum
bikwaakwadoons ni [BL] a baseball
biimiskwa'igaans ni a screw
biiwaabikoons ni
  1. a can, a tin
  2. wire
  3. a telephone
boodawaanaatigoons ni a kindling stick
dakwanjiganaabikoons ni (a pair of) pliers
desinaagaans ni [S] a saucer
gaapiiwakikoons na a coffee pot
ishkodens ni a match
makakoons ni a small box-like object: a small box or basket, a battery, a small radio
makoons na a bear cub
manidoo-giizisoons na December
manidoons na a bug, an insect, a worm; a germ
manoominikeshiinh na a rice bird
mashkikiins ni a pill; {BL] (a piece of) candy
mashwens na [LL] [RL] a handkerchief
mawiinsiwi vai s/he cries a little
mazina'igaans ni a small book or document: a ticket, a license
mikwamiiwinaagaans ni a drinking glass
miskwaabikoons na a penny, a cent
miskwaabiimagoons na a red willow (red osier dogwood); a piece of red willow (red osier dogwood) as used for a basket rim
mitigoons ni a stick
mizizaakoons na a deer fly
miishiiginoons na [BL] velveteen
moshwens ni a handkerchief
moozonagizhiins ni a moose sausage
naabinootaage-makakoons ni an audio recorder: a digital or tape recorder
nemaabiins na a marble
nenookaasiins na a hummingbird
nitiiwakikoons na [BL] a small tea kettle; a teapot
odaabii'iwe-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a driver's license
ogimaakwens na a princess
ogimaans na a prince
onaagaans ni a cup; a small dish
opwaagaans na a cigarette
ozaawaabikoons na a penny, a cent
oojiins na a fly
wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a trapping license
wazhashkwedowens na a mushroom
waagaakwadoons ni a hatchet
waakoons na a fish egg, roe
zaga'igaans ni a tack
ziibiins ni a stream, a creek
ziinzibaakwadoons ni candy
zhiishiigwaans na a sugar cake, a sugar cone,
zhooniyaans na
  1. a coin
  2. a small (silver) coin, a dime