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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

/-e/ final

vai; vii
abwendibe vai s/he has a sweaty head
abwenike vai s/he has a sweaty arm or sweaty arms
abweninjii vai s/he has a sweaty hand
abweyiingwe vai s/he has a sweaty face
abwezide vai s/he has a sweaty foot
adaawen vai + o s/he buys (it)
agaasadengwe vai s/he has a narrow face
agaasadezide vai s/he has narrow feet
agaasaakwaanowe vai s/he has a small furry tail
agaasaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a small skinny tail
agaasidenigome vai s/he has small nostrils
agaasidiye vai s/he has a small rear
agaasidoone vai [N] s/he has a small mouth
agaasijaane vai s/he has small nose
agaasininjii vai h/ hand is small, hands are small
agaasitawage vai s/he has a small ear or small ears
agaasizide vai s/he has small feet
agaasiingwe vai s/he has a small face, has a narrow face
agidaakiiwe vai [ML] s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top
agoodakii vai s/he hangs up moss (to use for diapering babies)
agoodasabii vai s/he hangs up a net
agwazhe vai s/he is covered with blankets, covers up with blankets
agwaagodoondane vai s/he has crusty heels
agwaagonike vai s/he has an arm or arms encrusted with dirt
agwaa'iskomii vai s/he scoops ice (from a hole in the ice)
akawishibe vai s/he lies in wait for ducks in a blind
akojaane vai h/ nose is so long
akonike vai s/he is up so far on h/ arm; h/ arm is so long
akwaakogaade vai h/ leg is so long, legs are so long
akwaakojaane vai h/ nose is so long
akwaakonike vai h/ arm is so long, arms are so long
amwaagone vai s/he eats snow
andawadabii vai s/he looks for tree runners
andawamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver
andawasimwe vai s/he looks for horses
andawaaboozwe vai [N] s/he hunts for rabbits
andawinise vai [N] s/he goes look for firewood
andawishibe vai s/he hunts ducks
andobigiwe vai s/he looks for pitch
andobinewe vai s/he goes partridge hunting
andomiijime vai s/he looks for food
andomoozwe vai [BL] s/he hunts for moose
andoobii vai [N] s/he looks for a liquid, looks for a drink
andookome vai [N] s/he searches for lice or ticks
andwaawanwe vai s/he looks for eggs, searches for eggs
animadewe vai s/he goes, walks away (in the other direction) on the snow crust
animaagone vai s/he goes away through the snow
apaabowe vai s/he flavors, seasons soup
apiichibiboonwe vai s/he is so old
asigizhooniyaawe vai s/he collects money as a donation
atoobii vai s/he stores liquid
ayekogaade vai s/he is tired in h/ leg
ayekogwayawe vai s/he is tired in h/ neck
ayekoninjii vai s/he has tired hands
ayekozide vai s/he has tired feet
ayekwaawigane vai s/he has a tired back
ayikwanagwe vai h/ sleeves are pulled up
azhashkiiwininjii vai s/he has muddy hands
azhashkiiwizide vai s/he has muddy feet
azhebowe vai s/he rows (a boat)
azheboye vai [ML] s/he rows (a boat)
aabitawazhe vai s/he uses half of the blanket
aabooda'inagizhii vai s/he turns intestine inside out to make sausage casing
aaboodazhigane vai s/he has h/ sock or socks on inside out
aadaagone vai s/he is blocked by the snow
aakoshkade vai s/he has a stomachache
aakwashkade vai s/he has a stomachache
aandadowe vai s/he changes h/ coat (of fur)
aandagoode vai she puts on another dress, changes her dress
aandakizine vai s/he puts on another pair of shoes, changes h/ shoes
aandakii vai s/he lives, moves somewhere else (in a different territory or country); s/he moves to the spirit world
aandazhigane vai s/he puts on another pair of socks, changes h/ socks
aandaabide vai s/he gets h/ permanent teeth
aandikwewe vai s/he has a new girlfriend or female partner
aanjibabagiwayaane vai s/he puts on another shirt, changes h/ shirt
aanjibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he puts on another coat, changes h/ coat
aanjibiitooshkigane vai s/he puts on another pair of underwear, changes h/ underwear
aanjidaabaane vai s/he changes cars, trades in a car
aanjigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he puts on another pair of pants, changes h/ pants
aanjigondaagane vai h/ voice changes
aanjigwane vai s/he [bird] moults
aanjininiiwe vai s/he has a new boyfriend or male partner
aanzikonaye vai s/he changes h/ (own) clothes
aatawe'ishkodawe vai [N] s/he puts out fires, fights fires
aateshkodawe vai [S] s/he puts out a fire
aawadashkosiwe vai s/he hauls hay
aawadaatigwe vai s/he hauls logs
aawadinise vai s/he hauls firewood
aawajibingwe vai s/he hauls sand or gravel
aawajimine vai s/he hauls wild rice
aawajiwiisiniwine vai s/he hauls food
aazhawagaame vai s/he goes across going along the shore or the edge
babaagidoone vai s/he has swollen lips
babaagidooskwane vai s/he has swollen elbows
babaagigaade vai s/he has swollen legs
babaagigidigwe vai s/he has swollen knees
babaaginike vai s/he has swollen arms
babaagininjii vai s/he has swollen hands
babaaginiishkwe vai s/he has swollen glands
babaagitawage vai s/he has swollen ears
babaagizide vai s/he has swollen feet
babaamadewe vai s/he goes, walks about on the snow crust
babaamaagone vai s/he goes around through the snow
babiiwanowe vai s/he has tiny cheeks
babiiwaabide vai s/he has tiny teeth
babiiwinike vai s/he has small arms; s/he has thin arms
babiiwininjii vai s/he has tiny hands
babiiwishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has small eyes
babiiwitawage vai s/he has tiny ears
babiiwizide vai s/he has tiny feet
babiizigaanikwe vai s/he has curly hair
babiizigindibe vai s/he has curly hair
babiizigitigwaane vai s/he has curly hair
bagaskimisade' vta slap h/ on the stomach making a slapping sound
bagidaabii vai s/he fishes with a setline
bagidinise vai s/he puts wood on or in the fire
bagwa'akizine vai s/he mends shoes
bagwa'asabii vai s/he patches a net
bajiishkidaamikane vai s/he has a pointed chin
bajiishkiganzhii vai s/he has pointed nails or claws or talons
bajiishkijaane vai s/he has a pointed nose
bakade vai
  1. s/he is hungry
  2. s/he is thin, is skinny [N]
bakaagime vai s/he breaks the webbing of h/ snowshoe or snowshoes
bakiwanii'igane vai s/he pulls all h/ traps out
bakonamikwe vai s/he skins beaver
bakonazhashkwe vai s/he skins muskrat
bakonaaboozwe vai s/he skins rabbit
bakonaakigwe vai s/he skins otter
bakwadaabaawe vii it comes off from the water or rain
banangonike vai s/he has a floppy arm or arms
banaskoninjiini vai [BL] s/he straightens out h/ hand or paw; s/he opens up h/ hand or paw
bangiskwe vai s/he is dripping blood
bashkaabide vai s/he has a gap or gaps between h/ teeth, has widely spaced teeth
bashkwadowe vai it (animate) is bare of fur
bashkwanige vai s/he is toothless
bazagodoone vai h/ mouth is sticky
bazagwiingwe vai h/ face is sticky
baaga'akokwe vai s/he beats a drum
baaganowe vai s/he has h/ cheek or cheeks swell up, has a swollen cheek or swollen cheeks
baagaabide vai s/he is swollen at a tooth
baagidaamikane vai s/he has a swollen jaw or chin
baagidenaniwe vai s/he has a swollen tongue
baagidoondane vai s/he has a swollen heel or swollen heals
baagidoone vai s/he has a swollen mouth
baagidooskwane vai [S] s/he has a swollen elbow
baagigaade vai s/he has a swollen leg or swollen legs
baagigidigwe vai s/he has a swollen knee or swollen knees
baagigondashkwe vai h/ throat swells, s/he has a swollen throat
baagijaane vai s/he has h/ nose swell up, has a swollen nose
baagimisade vai s/he has a swollen belly
baaginawe vai s/he has h/ cheek or cheeks swell up, has a swollen cheek or swollen cheeks
baagindibe vai s/he has a swollen head
baaginike vai s/he has a swollen arm
baagininjii vai s/he has h/ hand or hands swell up, has a swollen hand or swollen hands
baaginiishkwe vai s/he has his gland (lymph node) or glands swell up, has a swollen gland (lymph node) or glands
baagishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has h/ eye or eyes swell up, has a swollen eye or swollen eyes
baagitawage vai s/he has a swollen ear or swollen ears
baagizide vai s/he has h/ foot or feet swell up, has a swollen foot or swollen feet
baagiingwe vai s/he has h/ face swell up, has a swollen face
baapaawaange vai it (animate) flaps or shakes its wings
baapaazagogaade vai s/he has scratches on h/ legs
baapaazagonike vai s/he has scratches on h/ arms
baapaazagozide vai s/he has scratches on h/ feet
baapaazagwaawigane vai s/he has scratches on h/ back
baasa'igane vai s/he breaks up bones for marrow
baashkaabigwanii vii it blossoms, blooms
baatayiinogaade vai it (animate) has many legs
bebakaanazhigane vai s/he wears unmatched socks
bebezhigooganzhii na a horse
bengodenaniwe vai h/ tongue is dry
bengodoone vai s/he has a dry mouth
bengwazhe vai s/he has dry skin
bengwaanikwe vai s/he has dry hair
bepeshaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has stripes on h/ tail
bepeshaawigane vai s/he has stripes on h/ back
bepeshigwane vai s/he (a bird) has striped feathers
bepeshiningwii vai s/he has striped wings
beshaakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a striped tail
beshaanowe vai s/he has a stripe on h/ tail
beshaawigane vai [N] s/he has a stripe on h/ back
bibagadowe vai s/he has short thin fur
bibagikonaye vai s/he wears a thin layer of clothes
biboonakizine vai s/he wears winter boots or moccasins
bigishkiga'ise vai s/he chops up firewood (for kitchen wood)
bikominagijaane vai s/he has a bulbous nose
bikonagizhii vai s/he has a potbelly
bikwaawigane vai [N] s/he is a hunchback
bimaagone vai s/he goes along in the snow
bimaatigwe vai [BL] s/he moves logs along
bimidewiingwe vai s/he has an oily face
binadowe vai s/he loses fur, sheds
binaabide vai h/ tooth falls out, teeth fall out; s/he loses a tooth or teeth
binaabigwanii vii its flower falls
binaagone vii it is pushed down or caved in by the snow
binaagone vai it (animate) is pushed down or caved in by the snow
binaanikwe vai h/ hair falls out; h/ loses some hair
binigwane vai s/he (a bird) drops feathers, moults
biskaanowe vai s/he has a up-turned tail
bishagipinii vai s/he peels potatoes
bisha'igobii vai s/he peels basswood bark
bizhishigojiimaane vai s/he has an empty boat
biichibabagiwayaane vai s/he puts on h/ shirt
biichibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he puts on h/ coat or jacket
biichibagiwayaane vai [LLC] s/he puts on h/ shirt
biichibiitooshkigane vai s/he puts on underwear
biichidaase vai [BL] s/he puts on h/ pants
biichigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he puts on h/ pants
biichigoodaase vai she puts on a dress
biichiminjikaawane vai s/he puts on h/ mittens
biichiwakwaane vai s/he puts on h/ hat
biichiwiiwakwaane vai [BL] s/he puts on h/ hat
biidadewe vai s/he comes, walks here on the snow crust
biidaagone vai s/he comes here through the snow
biidikwewe vai he brings a wife home
biidoobii vai s/he brings water (or other liquid)
biidweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming in the snow
biigodaabaane vai s/he has a broken-down car
biimidoone vai [N] s/he has a crooked mouth
biimijaane vai s/he has a crooked nose
biiminakwe vai s/he twists fiber to make cord, string, rope, or twine
biinadowe vai s/he has clean fur
biina'ashkimode vai s/he puts something in a bag or pack
biinazhe vai s/he has clean skin
biinaabide vai s/he has clean teeth; h/ teeth are clean
biinaakogwe vai s/he has a clean neck; h/ neck is clean
biinaanziye vai s/he has a clean diaper
biindashkwe vai s/he stuffs something
biindigenise vai s/he brings firewood inside
biinidoone vai [N] s/he has a clean mouth
biiniganzhii vai s/he has a clean nail or clean nails
biinijaane vai s/he has clean nose; h/ nose is clean
biininike vai s/he has a clean arm or clean arms
biinininjii vai s/he has a clean hand
biinisanowe vai s/he has a numb cheek or numb cheeks
biinisidaamikane vai s/he has a numb chin or jaw
biinisidiye vai s/he has a numb rear
biinisidoone vai [N] s/he has numb lips
biinisigaade vai s/he has a numb leg or numb legs
biinisinike vai s/he has a numb arm or numb arms
biinisininjii vai s/he has a numb hand or numb hands
biinisitawage vai s/he has a numb ear or numb ears
biinisizide vai s/he has numb foot or numb feet
biinisiingwe vai s/he has a numb face
biinitawage vai s/he has a clean ear or clean ears
biinizide vai s/he has a clean foot or clean feet
biiniingwe vai s/he has a clean face
biisaanikwe vai s/he has fine hair
biisiga'ise vai s/he chops small pieces of firewood
biiswewigwane vai it (animate) has fine fluffy feathers
biitagoode vai s/he puts on h/ dress
biitakizine vai [BL] s/he puts on h/ moccasins or shoes
biitawagoode vai she wears one dress under another, wears a slip
biitawazhe vai s/he has another blanket on
biitawazhigane vai s/he has another pair of socks on
biitazhigane vai s/he puts on h/ socks
biitaagime vai s/he puts snowshoes on
biitookizine vai s/he wears overshoes
biitookonaye vai s/he wears layers (as underwear)
biizikonaye vai s/he dresses, is dressed, puts on clothes
bookodoone vai s/he stops talking abruptly
bookogane vai s/he has a broken bone
bookogaade vai s/he breaks h/ (own) leg, has a broken leg
bookojaane vai s/he has a broken nose
bookonike vai s/he breaks h/ (own) arm, has a broken arm
bookoningwii vai s/he breaks h/ wing, has a broken wing
bookoninjii vai s/he breaks h/ hand, has a broken hand
bookozide vai s/he breaks h/ foot, has broken foot
bookwaboye vai s/he breaks a paddle
bookwaabide vai s/he has a broken tooth or had broken teeth, breaks h/ tooth or teeth
bookwaagime vai s/he breaks the frame of h/ snowshoe or snowshoes
bookwaawigane vai s/he has a broken back, breaks h/ back, is hunchbacked
boozazhe vai [BL] s/he oils or greases h/ skin, applies lotion
boozininjii vai [BL] h/ hand is greasy, hands are greasy
dabasadowe vai s/he has short thin fur
dabasakii vii it stands low out of the ground
dadawaabide vai s/he has missing teeth
dadaakiiwe vai s/he can't go up the hill, can't walk up the hill
dadaakoganzhii vai s/he has short nails or claws
dadaakogaade vai s/he has short legs
dadaakoningwii vai s/he has short wings
dadaakoninjii vai s/he has short hands or fingers
dadaakwaakonike vai s/he has short arms
dadaakwaakoninjii vai s/he has short hands or fingers
dadaakwaakozide vai s/he has short feet or (hind)paws
dadaakwaanikwe vai s/he has short hair
dadewininjii vai
dakaawigane vai s/he has a cool back
dakidiye vai s/he has a cold rear
dakijaane vai s/he has a cold nose
dakininjii vai s/he has cool hand or cool hands
dakizide vai h/ foot is chilled or cold, h/ feet are chilled or cold
dakiingwe vai s/he has cold face
dakogaade vai s/he has a short leg or short legs
dakokii vai s/he steps, takes a step
dakokoozhe vai s/he has a short bill
dakoningwii vai s/he has a short wing or short wings
dakoshkinzhii vai s/he has a short snout or muzzle
dakwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a short tail
dakwashkidii vai it (animate; a bird) has a short tail
dakwaakoganzhii vai s/he has a short nail or claw, has short nails or claws
dakwaakogaade vai s/he has a short leg or short legs
dakwaakonike vai s/he has a short arm, has short arms
dakwaakozide vai s/he has a short foot or (hind)paw, has short feet or (hind)paws
dakwaakwaboye vai s/he has a short paddle
dakwaanawe vai [LLC] s/he has a short tail
dakwaanowe vai s/he has a short tail
danakii vai s/he lives, dwells in a certain place
danweweyaange vai the sound of h/ wings can be heard in a certain place
dasobiiwaye vai s/he has so many hairs (in h/ fur or on h/ body)
dasoogaade vai s/he has so many legs
daswaanikwe vai s/he has so many hairs (on h/ head)
dawaabide vai s/he has a missing tooth or has missing teeth, has a gap in h/ teeth
dazhwaakogaade vai s/he has h/ leg or legs spread out
dazhwaanikwe vai s/he has straight hair
daashkaganzhii vai s/he has a split nail or split nails
daashkiga'ise vai s/he splits firewood
debijiiyaabowe vai s/he fills up with liquid, has enough liquid in h/ belly
dewaabide vai s/he has a toothache
dewaakigane vai [N] s/he has chest pain; h/ chest aches
dewaawigane vai [N] s/he has a back ache
dewidaamikane vai h/ jaw aches, chin aches
dewidenaniwe vai h/ has a sore tongue
dewidoone vai h/ mouth aches
dewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones
dewigaade vai s/he has an ache in h/ leg
dewigidigwe vai h/ knee aches
dewigwayawe vai s/he has ache in h/ neck
dewijaane vai h/ nose aches
dewikwe vai s/he has a headache
dewimisade vai s/he has a stomachache
dewinawe vai [LLC] h/ cheek aches or cheeks ache
dewinike vai s/he has an ache in h/ arm
dewininjii vai s/he has an ache in h/ hand
dewipikwane vai s/he has a backache
dewishkiinzhigwe vai h/ eye aches or eyes ache
dewitawage vai s/he has an earache
dewitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a headache
dewizide vai s/he has an ache in h/ foot
diba'akii vai s/he surveys land
diba'aatigwe vai s/he scales timber
didibaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a curly tail
dipiiwininjii vai h/ hand is wet
dipiiwiingwe vai s/he has a wet face
gabedibikwe vai s/he spends the whole night
gagaanoganzhii vai s/he has long nails, claws
gagaanotawage vai s/he has long ears
gagaanwaabide vai s/he has long teeth
gagaanwaabiigitawage vai s/he has long floppy ears
gagaanwaakoganzhii vai s/he has long nails or claws
gagaanwaakogaade vai s/he has long legs
gagaanwaakonike vai s/he has long arms
gagaanwaakoninjii vai s/he has long hands, has long fingers
gagaanwaakozide vai s/he has long feet or (hind) paws
gagaanwaakwaabide vai s/he has long teeth
gagaanwaanikwe vai s/he has long hair
gagaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has sharp teeth
gagaashiganzhii vai s/he has sharp nails or claws
gagiibanagaskwe vai s/he stutters
gagiibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose
gagiibishe vai s/he is deaf
gagiibiingwe vai s/he is blind
gagiipanowe vai s/he has chapped cheeks
gagiipidoone vai [N] s/he has chapped lips
gagiipinike vai s/he has chapped arms
gagiipininjii vai s/he has chapped hands
gagiipizide vai s/he has chapped feet
gagiipiingwe vai s/he has a chapped face
ganawishkodawe vai s/he keeps the fire, tends the fire
gaagiidaawigane vai [N] s/he has a sore back
gaagiijidaamikane vai s/he has a sore jaw or chin
gaagiijidenaniwe vai h/ tongue is sore
gaagiijidiye vai s/he has a sore rear
gaagiijidoondane vai s/he has a sore heel or sore heels
gaagiijidoone vai [N] s/he has a sore mouth or lips
gaagiijidooskwane vai [N] s/he has a sore elbow
gaagiijigaade vai s/he has a sore leg
gaagiijigidigwe vai s/he has a sore knee or sore knees
gaagiijigwayawe vai s/he has a sore neck
gaagiijijaane vai s/he has a sore nose
gaagiijindibe vai s/he has a sore head
gaagiijinike vai s/he has a sore arm
gaagiijininjii vai s/he has a sore hand, has a sore finger
gaagiijishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has sore eyes
gaagiijitawage vai s/he has a sore ear or sore ears
gaagiijizide vai s/he has a sore foot
gaasiinaagane vai s/he wipes dishes
gaasiininjii vai s/he wipes h/ (own) hands
gaashaabide vai [BL] s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth
gaashibiiwaye vai it (animate) has prickly hair
gaashiganzhii vai s/he has a sharp nail or claw, has sharp nails or claws
gaashikomaane vai s/he has a sharp knife
gaashkaabika'akokwe vai s/he scrapes the pot to the bottom
gezhishawikonaye vai s/he wears loose clothes
giba'aagone vai s/he is blocked by the snow
gibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose
gibishe vai s/he is deaf
gibitawage vai s/he has a plugged ear or plugged ears
gidaganashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a spotted tail
gidagaakigane vai s/he has a spotted chest
gidagigwane vai s/he (a bird) has spotted feathers
gidagiingwe vai s/he has spots on h/ face, has freckles on h/ face
gidinamegwe vai s/he takes fish out of the net
gigakizine vai [BL] s/he wears moccasins or shoes
gigazhigane vai s/he wears socks
gigaatigwe vai s/he has a sliver
gigibabagiwayaane vai s/he wears a shirt
gigibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he wears a coat
gigibaashkizigane vai s/he has a gun on h/
gigidaabaane vai s/he has h/ car with h/
gigigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he wears pants
gigigoodaase she wears a dress, has a dress on
gigikwewe vai s/he has your woman along
gigiminjikawaagane vai s/he wears mittens
gigiminjikaawane vai s/he wears mittens
gigimookomaane vai s/he has a knife on h/
gigiwiiwakwaane vai s/he wears a hat
gigizhimaagane vai s/he carries a lance, spear
gijigemikwaane vai its (animate; turtle) shell has ridges
gimoodagwe vai s/he steals something from a snare or snares
gimoodakii vai s/he steals from a garden
gimoodasabii vai s/he steals something from a net or nets
gimoodasimwe vai s/he steals a horse or horses, steals a dog or dogs
gimoodaatigwe vai s/he steals wood
gimoodikwewe vai he steals someone's wife
gimoodoobii vai s/he steals a liquid, steals a drink
gimoodoone vai s/he steals a boat or canoe
gimoojidaabaanaakwe vai s/he steals a sled or sleds
gimoojidaabaane vai s/he steals a car or cars
gimoojimiijime vai s/he steals food
gimoojinaabeme vai s/he steals somebody's husband
ginagazhe vai h/ skin itches
ginagaawigane vai [BL] s/he has an itchy back
ginagidiye vai [BL] h/ rear end is itchy, bum is itchy
ginagigaade vai [BL] h/ leg is itchy
ginagijaane vai [BL] h/ nose itches
ginagimisade vai [BL] h/ stomach is itchy
ginaginike vai h/ arm itches
ginagininjii vai [BL] s/he has an itchy hand
ginagishtigwaane vai h/ head itches
ginagitawage vai [BL] s/he has an itchy ear or itchy ears
ginagitigwaane vai [BL] h/ head itches
ginagizide vai h/ foot itches
ginokoozhe vai s/he has a long bill
ginwanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a long tail
ginwashkidii vai it (animate; a bird) has a long tail
ginwaabiigaanowe vai s/he has a long stringy tail
ginwaakodaamikane vai s/he has a long protruding chin
ginwaakogaade vai s/he has a long leg or long legs
ginwaakojaane vai s/he has long nose
ginwaakokoozhe vai s/he has a long bill or beak
ginwaakonike vai s/he has long arms
ginwaakoningwii vai s/he has long wings
ginwaakoninjii vai s/he has a long hand or finger, has long hands or fingers
ginwaakoshkinzhii vai s/he has a long snout or muzzle
ginwaakozide vai s/he has a long foot or (hind) paw, has long feet or (hind) paws
ginwaakwaboye vai s/he has a long paddle
ginwaanowe vai s/he has a long tail
gipagadowe vai s/he has thick fur
gipagaanikwe vai s/he has thick hair
gipagemikwaane vai s/he (a turtle) has a thick shell
gipagidoone [N] s/he has thick lips
gipagikonaye vai s/he wears a thick layer of clothes
gizhibinike vai s/he is missing an arm, h/ arm is amputated
gizhibininjii vai [BL] s/he is missing a hand, h/ hand is amputated
gizhibizide vai s/he is missing a foot
gizhiibazhe vai h/ skin itches
gizhiibaawigan vai [S] h/ back itches
gizhiibaawigane vai h/ back itches
gizhiibidaamikane vai [N] h/ chin itches
gizhiibidiye vai h/ rear end itches
gizhiibidooskwan vai [S] h/ elbow itches
gizhiibidooskwane vai [N] h/ elbow itches
gizhiibigaade vai h/ leg itches
gizhiibigwayawe vai h/ neck itches
gizhiibijaane vai h/ nose itches
gizhiibinike vai h/ arm itches
gizhiibininjii vai h/ hand itches
gizhiibishkiinzhigwe vai h/ eye itches
gizhiibizide vai h/ foot itches
giziibiigazhe vai s/he washes up, takes a bath, bathes
giziibiigidaabaane vai s/he washes a car or vehicle
giziibiiginakokwe vai s/he washes a kettle or a pail
giziibiiginaagane vai s/he washes dishes
giziibiigindibe vai s/he washes h/ (own) hair
giziibiigininjii vai s/he washes h/ (own) hands
giziibiigishtigwaane vai s/he washes h/ (own) hair
giziibiigitawage vai s/he washes h/ (own) ears
giziibiigitigwaane vai [BL] s/he washes h/ (own) hair
giziibiigizide vai s/he washes h/ (own) feet
giziibiigiingwe vai s/he washes h/ (own) face
gizhiibiingwe vai h/ face itches
giziininaagane vai [BL] s/he washs dishes
giziininjii vai s/he wipes h/ (own) hands; s/he washes (own) h/ hands
giziiyaabaawe vai s/he rinses off
giichibabagiwayaane vai s/he takes off h/ shirt
giichibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he takes off h/ coat or jacket
giichigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he takes off h/ pants
giichiminjikaawane vai s/he takes off h/ mittens
giichiwakwaane vai s/he takes off h/ hat
giichiwiiwakwaane vai s/he takes h/ hat off
giikimanigaade vai h/ leg is asleep, legs are asleep; h/ leg feels numb, legs feel numb
giikimaninike vai h/ arm is asleep, arms are asleep; h/ arm feels numb, arms feel numb
giikimanininjii vai h/ hand is asleep, hands are asleep; h/ hand feels numb, hands feel numb
giikimanizide vai h/ foot is asleep, feet are asleep; h/ foot feels numb, feet feel numb
giiminiijii vai she has a child out of wedlock
giimoodagwe vai s/he steals from a snare
giinaabide vai s/he has a sharp tooth or sharp teeth
giipininjii vai s/he has a chapped hand or chapped hands
giipizide vai s/he has a chapped foot or chapped feet
giipiingwe vai s/he has a chapped face
giishka'aakwe vai s/he is logging, cuts timber
giishka'ise vai s/he cuts firewood
giishkaanowe vai s/he has a cut-off tail
giishkigaade vai s/he has a leg or legs cut off
giishkinike vai s/he has h/ arm cut off
giishkininjigane it (fish) has a broken-off fin or fins; it (crayfish) has a broken-off pincer or pincers
giishkizide vai s/he has h/ foot cut off
giishkiingwe vai s/he has a cut on h/ face
giitagoode vai she takes off her dress
giitakizine vai [BL] s/he takes h/ shoes or moccasins off
giitazhigane vai s/he takes off h/ socks
giitaagime vai s/he takes off h/ snowshoe
giiwekii vai s/he returns to h/ country
giizhadowe vai s/he has prime fur (at end of the season)
giizhashkime vai s/he finishes weaving snowshoe webbing
giizhaabide vai s/he has a full set of baby teeth
giizikonaye vai s/he undresses, takes off h/ (own) clothes
giizhowaagone vai
giizhoondibe vai h/ head is warm
giizhooninjii vai s/he has a warm hand or warm hands
giizhoozide vai s/he has warm feet
godigozide vai s/he sprains h/ foot
gonzaabii vii it sinks (in the water)
gonzaabii vai s/he sinks (in the water)
gopimine vai s/he takes wild rice inland
gwanabinaagane vai s/he upsets h/ dish or plate
gwaaba'adaawangwe vai [BL] s/he scoops up dirt or sand
gwaaba'iskomii vai [BL] s/he scoops ice (from a hole in the ice)
gwiinoobii vai s/he is unable to find water (or another liquid)
ikwanagwe vai h/ sleeve is pulled up
inadewe vai s/he goes, walks to a certain place on the snow crust
inadowe vai s/he has such fur
inakizine vai s/he wears certain footwear
inaabide vai s/he has such a tooth or teeth, has a tooth or teeth in a certain condition
inaagone vai s/he goes to a certain place through snow
inaanikwe vai s/he has such hair
inigokozide vai h/ feet are such a size, are so big
inigokwaabide vai s/he has teeth of such a size
inikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way
ishkigaade vai h/ leg is tired, legs are tired
ishpadowe vai s/he has deep fur
ishpakii vii it stands high out of the ground, grows high
izhidaamikane vai s/he has such a chin or jaw
izhiganzhii vai s/he has such nails, claws, or hooves
izhigaade vai s/he has such a leg or such legs
izhijaane vai s/he has such a nose
izhikonaye vai s/he dresses a certain way
izhinike vai s/he has such an arm or such arms
izhininjii vai s/he has such a hand or such hands
izhishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has such an eye or eyes
izhitawage vai s/he has such an ear or ears
izhiwiiwakwaane vai s/he wears such a hat, wears a hat a certain way
izhizide vai s/he has such a foot or such feet
jiibadaakogaade vai s/he has a stiff leg
jiibadaakonike vai s/he has a stiff arm
jiibajigaade vai s/he has a stiff leg
jiibajigwayawe vai s/he has a stiff neck
jiibajinike vai s/he has a stiff arm
jiibokoozhe vai [BL] s/he (a bird) has a pointed beak or bill
jiiboningwii vai [BL] s/he has pointed wings
jiiboshkinzhii vai s/he has a pointed snout or muzzle
jiibozhigwane vai [BL] s/he (a fish) has a pointed tail
jiibwanashkidii vai [BL] s/he (a bird) has a pointed or sharp tail
jiibwaanowe vai s/he has a pointed tail
jiichiigwaanowe vai s/he has a bare skinny tail
jiigewe vai s/he goes along on the shore or edge
jiigewekii vii it grows along the shore
madaabiishkosiwe vai s/he goes out into a meadow
madwe'ise vai s/he is heard cutting or chopping firewood
madweyaagone vai s/he is heard going through the snow, "you" can hear h/ going through the snow
makadewadowe vai s/he has black fur, has dark fur
makadewazhe vai s/he has dark sklin, black skin
makadewaanikwe vai s/he has black hair
makadewaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a black tail
makadewibiiwaye vai s/he has black fur, has dark fur
makadewigwane vai s/he (a bird) has black feathers
makadewijaane vai s/he (an animal) has a black nose
makadewikonaye vai s/he dresses in black
makadewikoozhe vai s/he has a black beak
makadewindibe vai s/he has black hair
makadewiningwii vai s/he has black wings
makadewitawage vai s/he has a black ear or black ears
makadewitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has black hair; s/he (a bird, an animal) has a black head
makadewiingwe vai s/he has a dark face, a black face
makadeyaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a black tail
mamagoniishkwe vai s/he has the mumps
mamakadewiganzhii vai s/he has black nails or claws
mamakadewishkiinzhigwe vai
mamakadewitawage vai s/he has black ears
mamakadewizide vai s/he has black feet or paws
mamaanaabide vai s/he has crooked teeth
mamaangadeyiigizide vai s/he has wide and flat or webbed feet
mamaangadezide vai s/he has wide feet
mamaanganowe vai s/he has big cheeks
mamaangaabide vai s/he has big teeth
mamaangibwaame vai s/he has big thighs
mamaangidenigome vai s/he has big nostrils
mamaangiganzhii vai s/he has big nails, has big claws
mamaangigaade vai s/he has big legs
mamaangigidigwe vai s/he has big knees
mamaanginike vai s/he has big arms
mamaangininjii vai s/he has big hands
mamaangishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has big eyes
mamaangitawage vai s/he has big ears
mamaangiwine vai s/he has big horns or antlers
mamaangizide vai s/he has big feet
mamaangizhigwane vai it has big tail fins
mamiziweganzhii vai s/he is hoofed, has hooves
manashkikiwe vai s/he gathers medicine
manashkosiwe vai s/he cuts hay, puts up hay
manaanzhide vai s/he gathers boughs
mangadengwe vai s/he has a broad face
mangadeyaanowe vai s/he has a wide tail
mangadeyiigizide vai s/he has a wide and flat or webbed foot, has wide and flat or webbed feet
mangadeyiingwe vai s/he has a wide face
mangadezide vai s/he has a wide foot or wide feet
mangadezhigwane vai s/he (a fish) has a wide tail
mangaabide vai s/he has a big tooth, has big teeth
mangaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a big tail
mangidaamikane vai s/he has a big chin or jaw
mangide'e vai s/he is courageous
mangidiye vai s/he has a big rear
mangidoon vai [S] s/he has a big mouth
mangidoone vai s/he has a big mouth
mangigaade vai s/he has a big leg or big legs
mangijaane vai s/he has big nose
mangikoozhe vai s/he has a big bill
mangimisade vai s/he has a big belly
manginawe vai s/he has a big cheek or big cheeks
mangindibe vai s/he has a big head
mangininjii vai s/he has a big hand or big hands
mangishkinzhii vai it (animate) has a big snout
mangishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has a big eye or big eyes
mangishtigwaane vai s/he has a big head
mangitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a big head
mangizide vai s/he has a big foot or big feet
mangizhigwane vai s/he (a fish) has a big tail
manise vai s/he harvests, cuts firewood
maniwiigwaase vai s/he gathers birch bark
mashkawigane vai s/he has strong bones
mashkawiskawe vai it (animate; fish) has firm meat
mayagigondaagane vai h/ voice sounds strange
mazhiiyaabide vai s/he is toothless
maajiga'ise vai s/he starts chopping wood
maakigaade vai s/he has a lame leg
maakinike vai s/he has a lame arm or lame arms
maakininjii vai h/ hand is injured, is maimed
maanaabide vai s/he has crooked teeth
maazhide'e vai s/he has heartburn
maazhigondaagan vai [ML] s/he has a poor voice
maazhimaagodoondane vai h/ heel stinks or heels stink
maazhimaagozide vai s/he has smelly feet, has stinky feet
maazhimaagwaabide vai s/he has smelly rotten teeth
maazhizide vai s/he has a deformed foot or deformed feet
meshkodakizine vai s/he changes h/ shoes
meshkojikonaye vai [BL] s/he changes clothes
michaakwaanowe vai s/he has a big furry tail
michaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a big tail
michidiye vai s/he is bare-assed
michidoodooshime vai she is bare-breasted
michigaade vai s/he is bare-legged
michimisade vai s/he is bare-bellied
michinike vai s/he is bare-armed
michiingwe vai h/ face is uncovered, is bare
mindaweganzhii vai s/he has white spots on fingernails
minisinakii vii it grows in an island, there is an island of it growing
miniingwe vai s/he has an infected eye
miniiwaabide vai s/he has an abscessed tooth
miniiwigaade vai s/he has an infected leg
miniiwininjii vai s/he has an infected hand or finger
miniiwitawage vai s/he has an infected ear
miniiwizide vai s/he has an infected foot
minodaabaane vai s/he has a nice car
minode'e vai s/he is kind, is generous
minogondaagane vai [N] s/he has a good voice, speaks well
minokwanaye vai s/he is well-dressed
minwadowe vai s/he has nice fur
minwaabide vai s/he has good teeth
minwaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair
miskodoone vai s/he has red lips
miskogwane vai s/he (a bird) has red feathers
miskojaane vai s/he has a red nose
miskokonaye vai s/he dresses in red
miskondibe vai s/he is red-headed
miskoskawe vai it (animate; fish) has red meat
miskoshkiinzhigwe vai s/he has a red eye or red eyes
miskotigwaane vai [BL]
  1. s/he has a red head
  2. s/he has red hair
miskwadowe vai s/he has red or reddish fur
miskwanowe vai s/he has a red cheek or red cheeks
miskwazhe vai s/he has measles
miskwaakigane vai s/he has a red chest, is red-breasted
miskwiingwe vai s/he has a red face
miskwiiwanowe vai s/he has a bloody cheek
miskwiiwidaamikane vai s/he has a bloody jaw or chin
miskwiiwidiye vai s/he has a bloody rear
miskwiiwidoondane vai s/he has a bloody heel or bloody heels
miskwiiwidoone vai s/he has bloody lips or mouth
miskwiiwigaade vai s/he has bloody leg
miskwiiwigidigwe vai s/he has a bloody knee
miskwiiwijaane vai s/he has a bloodied nose
miskwiiwindibe vai s/he has a bloody head
miskwiiwinike vai s/he has a bloody arm
miskwiiwininjii vai s/he has a bloody hand
miskwiiwitawage vai s/he has a bloody ear
miskwiiwizide vai s/he has a bloody foot
miskwiiwiingwe vai s/he has a bloody face
mitaakigane vai s/he is bare-chested, is bare-breasted
mitaakondibe vai s/he is bare-headed
mitaakwayawe vai s/he has a bare torso, is naked from the waist up, is topless
mitaakwazhe vai s/he is naked
mizhaakigwe vai s/he gets a cold, catches a cold
miziweganzhii vai s/he is hoofed, has a hoof or hooves
miigaadikwewe vai he fights, assaults h/ wife
miishanowe vai s/he has a hairy cheek or hairy cheeks
miishaakigane vai [N] he has a hairy chest
miishaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a furry tail
miishaawigane vai [N] s/he has a hairy back
miishidaamikane vai [N] he has a beard
miishidenigome vai s/he has hairy nostrils
miishidoone vai [N] s/he has whiskers at h/ mouth, has a moustache
miishigaade vai s/he has hairy legs
miishigidigwe vai s/he has a hairy knee or hairy knees
miishinike vai s/he has hairy arms
miishitawage vai s/he has hairy ears
miishiwine vai it (animate) has velvet on its antlers
miishizide vai s/he has hairy feet
miishiingwe vai s/he has a hairy face, is bearded
miiwizagimewe vai s/he can't stand the mosquitoes, is driven away by the mosquitoes
moona'asinii vai s/he digs up rocks, mines ore
moona'ashkikiwe vai s/he digs medicine
moona'ashkwe vai s/he digs for herbs or roots for medicine
moona'aabikwe vai s/he mines something
moona'aagone vai s/he digs out the snow, scoops the snow off or out of something
moona'ipinii vai s/he digs potatoes
moosewiingwe vai s/he has acne on h/ face
mooshkineyaabide vai she has a full set of teeth, gets h/ wisdom teeth completing h/ set of teeth
moozhagipinii vai s/he picks potatoes
nabagaabide vai s/he has flat teeth
nabagaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a flat tail
nabagidaamikane vai s/he has a flat chin
nabagijaane vai s/he has a flat nose
nabagikoozhe vai s/he has a flat bill
nabagizide vai s/he has flat feet
nabagiingwe vai s/he has a flat face
nabanegaade vai s/he has only one leg
nabanekizine vai s/he has only one shoe on
nabanenike vai s/he has only one arm
nabaneningwii vai s/he has only one wing
nabaneninjii vai s/he has only one hand
nabanezide vai s/he has only one foot
na'imine vai s/he stores rice or berries
na'iiwinike vai [BL] s/he is right-handed
namanjinike vai s/he is left-handed
nanaa'idaabaane vai s/he repairs a car
nanaapaadakizine vai s/he has shoes on the wrong feet
nanaapaajizide vai h/ feet turn out
nandawasimwe vai [S] s/he looks for horses
nandawaaboozwe vai [S] s/he hunts for rabbits
nandawishibe vai s/he hunts ducks
nandookome vai [S] s/he searches for lice or ticks
nanibiiwininjii vai s/he has wet hands
nanibiiwizide vai s/he has wet feet
naadagaamekwazhiwe vai s/he paddles to the shore
naadagwe vai s/he checks snares, goes after snares
naada'ibii vai [BL] s/he goes for water
naadakiiwe vai s/he goes to get, fetches moss
naadasabii vai s/he goes to get a net, checks a net, pulls a net (up)
naadasoonaagane vai s/he checks h/ traps, goes to get h/ traps
naadashkikiwe vai s/he goes to get medicine
naadashkosiwe vai s/he goes after hay
naadazina'igane vai s/he goes to get mail
naadaabowe vai [N] s/he goes after water or something to drink
naadaanzhide vai s/he goes get boughs (for lodge flooring)
naadinise vai s/he goes to get firewood
naadoobii vai s/he goes to get water or other liquid; s/he gathers sap
naajidaabaane vai s/he goes after a car or cars
naajidewe'igane vai s/he goes after a drum
naajijiimaane vai s/he goes after a canoe or boat
naajimanoomine vai s/he goes after the rice
naajimiijime vai s/he goes to get food
naajishkodewe vai s/he goes to get fire, goes to get a flame
naajiwaagaakwadwe vai s/he goes after an ax
naajiwiigwaase vai s/he goes after birchbark
naajizhooniyaawe vai s/he goes after money
naangide'e vai s/he is carefree
naanoninjigane vai s/he (a fish) has five fins
naawakwe vii it is mid-day, is noon
nibaadaakigwe vai s/he has a awful cold, has a damn cold
nibiiwazhe vai h/ skin is wet
nibiiwaanikwe vai s/he has wet hair
nibiiwaawigane vai s/he has a wet back
nibiiwidiye vai s/he has a wet rear
nibiiwininjii vai s/he has wet hands
nibiiwizide vai h/ feet are wet
nibiiwiingwe vai h/ face is wet
niboowigaade vai s/he has a paralyzed leg
niboowinike vai s/he has a paralyzed arm
niboowininjii vai s/he has a paralyzed hand
niboowizide vai s/he has a paralyzed foot
niminaawekii vii it grows out into the lake
ningwa'akii vai s/he buries something (in the ground); s/he spreads dirt on something
ningwaagone vii it is covered with snow
ningwaagone vai s/he or it (animate) is covered with snow
niibinakizine vai s/he wears summer shoes or moccasins
niimabwewine vai s/he takes along a frying pan or pans
niimagwazhe vai s/he takes along a blanket
niimakikwe vai s/he takes along a kettle, pot, pan, or pail
niimakizine vai s/he takes along footwear
niimanwiiwe vai s/he takes along bullets
niimashkimode vai s/he takes along a bag or bags
niimazhigane vai s/he takes along socks
niimaagime vai s/he takes along snowshoes
niimibagwaanegamigwe vai [BL] s/he takes along a tent or tents
niimibaashkizigane vai s/he takes along a gun
niimibikwakwe vai s/he takes along an arrow or arrows
niimijiimaane vai s/he takes along a canoe or canoes; take along a boat or boats
niimikomaane vai s/he takes along a knife or knives
niimiminjikaawane vai s/he takes along mittens or gloves
niimimitigwaabii vai s/he takes a bow along
niimimiijime vai s/he takes along food
niiminagwaagane vai s/he takes along a snare or snares
niimipwaagane vai s/he takes along a pipe or pipes
niimiwaagaakwadwe vai s/he takes along an ax or axes
niimizhiiwitaagane vai s/he takes along salt
niimizhooniyaawe vai s/he takes money along
niimoobii vai s/he takes water or another liquid along
niingidawidenaniwe vai it (animate) has a forked tongue
niisaagone vii it is knocked down lower by the snow
niisaakiiwe vai s/he goes downhill
niiskindibe vai s/he has messy hair
niizhoogaade vai s/he has two legs; it (animate) has two wheels
niizhookwewe vai he has two women, two wives
niizhootawage vai s/he has two ears
noodamewe vai s/he goes after sturgeon, goes fishing for sturgeon
noodamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver
noodazhashkwe vai s/he hunts muskrat
nooji'ikwewe vai he goes after a woman or women, courts a woman
noojinamewe vai s/he goes after sturgeon, goes fishing for sturgeon
nooka'iskawe vai s/he makes smoked fish pemmican
nooka'iiwagwe vai s/he pounds meat, makes pemmican
nookaanikwe vai s/he has soft hair
nookiskawe vai it (animate; fish) has soft meat
nookiingwe vai s/he has soft skin on h/ face
noomazhe vai [RL] s/he applies something oily to the skin: skin cream, lotion, linement
noomininjii vai s/he applies lotion on h/ (own) hand or hands
noosookigwane vai it (animate) has fluffy feathers
ogidadewe vai s/he goes on top of the snow crust
ogidaakiiwe vai s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top
ojibinigogaade vai s/he gets cramps in h/ leg
ojibinigonike vai s/he gets cramps in h/ arm
ojibinigoninjii vai s/he gets cramps in h/ hand
ojibinigozide vai s/he gets cramps in h/ foot
ojiishanowe vai s/he has a scar on h/ cheek
ojiishidaamikane vai s/he has a scar on h/ jaw, has a scar on h/ chin
ojiishigaade vai s/he has a scar on h/ leg
ojiishijaane vai s/he has scar on h/ nose
ojiishindibe vai s/he has a scar on h/ head
ojiishinike vai s/he has a scar on h/ arm
ojiishininjii vai s/he has a scar on h/ hand
ojiishitawage vai s/he has scar on h/ ear
ojiishizide vai s/he has a scar on h/ foot
ojiishiingwe vai s/he has a scar on h/ face
omigidaamikane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ jaw or chin
omigidiye vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on his rear
omigijaane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ nose
omigindibe vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ head
omiginike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm
omigininjii vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ hands
omigitawage vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ ear
omigizide vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ feet
omigiingwe vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ face
omigiiwidiye vai s/he has scabs or sores on h/ butt
omigiiwigaade vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ leg or legs
omigiiwijaane vai s/he has a scab on h/ nose
omigiiwinike vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ arm or arms
omigiiwininjii vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ hand or hands
omigiiwiskatigwe vai s/he has a scab on h/ forehead
omigiiwitawage vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ ear or ears
omigiiwitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ head
omigiiwizide vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ foot or feet
omigiiwiingwe vai s/he has a scab or scabs on h/ face
ondadewe vai s/he comes, goes, walks from a certain place on the snow crust
ondaagone vai s/he comes from a certain place through the snow
ondinise vai s/he gets fire wood from a certain place
ondweweyaagone vai s/he is heard coming from there in the snow
oninasabii vai s/he prepares a net for setting
onzaamidoone vai [N] s/he talks too much, is mouthy
oshkagoode vai she has a new dress
oshkakizine vai s/he has new shoes, has new tires
oshkazhigane vai s/he has new socks
oshkibabagiwayaane vai s/he has a new shirt or new shirts
oshkibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he has a new coat
oshkidaabaane vai s/he has, gets a new car
oshkigiboodiyegwaazone vai s/he has new pants
oshkigoodaase vai s/he has a new dress
oshkijiimaane vai s/he has a new boat or canoe
oshkikonaye vai s/he dresses in a new outfit
oshkiminjikaawane vai s/he has new mittens
oshkiwaakaa'igane vai s/he has a new house
oshkiwiiwakwaane vai s/he has a new hat
ozaawadowe vai s/he has brown or yellow fur
ozhaawashkwaanagiingwe vai s/he has a bruised face
ozaawaagamishkiinzhigwe vai s/he is brown-eyed
ozaawaakigane vai s/he has a yellow or brown chest, is yellow-breasted
ozaawaakondibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair
ozaawaakozide vai s/he has brown or yellow feet or (hind)paws
ozaawaanikwe vai [BL]
  1. s/he has yellow or brown hair
  2. s/he is blond
ozaawemikwaane vai s/he (a turtle) has a brown shell
ozaawibiiwaye vai s/he has brown fur
ozaawigwane vai s/he (a bird) has brown or yellow feathers
ozaawikonaye vai s/he wears yellow, wears brown
ozaawikoozhe vai s/he (a bird) has a brown or yellow bill
ozaawindibe vai s/he has blond hair, brown hair
ozaawishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has brown or yellow eyes
ozhaawishkogwane vai [BL] s/he (a bird) has blue feathers; s/he (a bird) has green feathers
ozhaawishkwaagamishkiinzhigwe vai [NI] s/he is blue-eyed
ozaawitigwaane vai [BL] s/he is blond; it (animate) has a yellow or brown head
ozaawizide vai s/he has brown or yellow feet or (hind)paws
ozaawiingwe vai s/he has a yellow or brown face
oziiganowe vai s/he has wriinkled cheeks
oziigigatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead
oziigigaade vai s/he has wrinkled legs
oziigigwayawe vai s/he has a wrinkled neck
oziiginike vai s/he has a wrinkled arm or wrinkled arms
oziigininjii vai s/he has a wrinkled hand or wrinkled hands
oziigiskatigwe vai s/he has a wrinkled forehead
oziigishkiinzhigwe vai s/he is wrinkled at the eyes
oziigizide vai s/he has wrinkled feet
oziigiingwe vai s/he has a wrinkled face
wawaabishkitawage vai s/he has white ears
wawaagigaade vai s/he is bow-legged
wawaagizide vai s/he is pigeon-toed
wawiiniganzhii vai s/he has dirty nails
wawiinininjii vai s/he has dirty hands
waabadowe vai s/he has grey fur
waabanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a white tail
waabijiishkinzhii vai s/he has a grey snout or muzzle
waabijiiwadowe vai
waabijiiyaabide vai s/he has discolored or yellowed teeth
waabijiiyaakigane vai s/he has a grey chest, is grey-breasted
waabikwe vai s/he has grey hair
waabishkadowe vai s/he has white fur
waabishkanashkidii vai s/he (a bird) has a white tail
waabishkawedoone vai [N] s/he has white whiskers
waabishkaabide vai s/he has a white tooth or white teeth
waabishkaakigane vai s/he (a bird, an animal) has a white chest, is white-breasted
waabishkaanowe vai s/he (an animal) has a white tail (at the tip)
waabishkigwane vai s/he (a bird) has white feathers
waabishkikonaye vai s/he dresses in white
waabishkindibe vai s/he has white hair
waabishkiskawe vai it (animate; fish) has white meat
waabishkishkinzhii vai s/he has a white snout or muzzle
waabishkitigwaane vai [BL]
  1. s/he (animal, bird) has a white head
  2. s/he has white hair
waabishkiingwe vai s/he is white-faced
waabiingwe vai s/he is pale-faced
waagigaade vai s/he is bowlegged
waagijaane vai s/he has a curved nose
waagikoozhe vai s/he has a curved bill
waasikwiingwe vai s/he has a shiny face
weba'aagone vai s/he removes snow: shovels snow, plows snow, blows snow
wekwaawajiwe vai s/he climbs to the end of the hill
wiinanowe vai s/he has a dirty cheek or dirty cheeks
wiinazhe vai s/he has dirty skin, h/ skin is dirty
wiinaabide vai s/he has a dirty tooth, has dirty teeth
wiinaakigane vai s/he has a dirty chest
wiinaanagiingwe vai s/he has a dirty face
wiinaanikwe vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty
wiinaanziye vai s/he has a dirty diaper
wiinidaamikane vai s/he has a dirty chin or jaw
wiinidisii vai s/he has a dirty navel
wiinidiye vai s/he has a dirty rear
wiinidoondane vai s/he has a dirty heel or dirty heels
wiinidoone vai
  1. s/he has a dirty mouth
  2. s/he has a filthy mouth (using bad language)
wiiniganzhii vai s/he has a dirty nail or dirty nails
wiinigaade vai s/he has dirty legs
wiinigwayawe vai s/he has a dirty neck
wiinijaane vai s/he has a dirty nose
wiinikonaye vai s/he wears dirty or filthy clothes
wiinimisade vai s/he has a dirty belly
wiininaagane vai s/he has a dirty dish or dirty dishes
wiinindibe vai s/he has a dirty head
wiininike vai s/he has a dirty arm or dirty arms
wiinininjii vai s/he has a dirty hand or dirty hands
wiininonike vai s/he has a fat arm or fat arms
wiininoninjii vai s/he has fat fingers
wiininoskawe vai it (animate; fish) has has fatty meat
wiinishkiinzhigwe vai s/he has dirty eyes
wiinishtigwaane vai s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty
wiinitawage vai s/he has a dirty ear or dirty ears
wiinitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has dirty hair, h/ hair is dirty
wiinizide vai s/he has a dirty foot or dirty feet
wiiniingwe vai s/he has a dirty face
wiisagidenaniwe vai h/ tongue hurts
wiisagidiye vai h/ rear hurts
wiisagidooskwane vai h/ elbow hurts / h/ elbows hurt
wiisagigonewe vai s/he has a sore throat, h/ throat hurts
wiisagininjii vai h/ hand hurts or hands hurt
zagakinaagane vai s/he gathers up and put away the dishes
zagwaabide vai s/he has tightly spaced teeth, has no missing teeth
zaka'ipwaagane vai s/he lights a pipe
zhazhaashagizide vai s/he has splayed-out feet
zaagajiwe vai s/he comes out over a hill
zaagakii vai it (animate; a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaagakii vii it (a plant) sprouts, comes up, grows out (of the ground)
zaagaabide vai s/he teethes, grows teeth
zaagaagone vai s/he sticks out from the snow
zaagaagone vii it sticks out from the snow
zaagaanowe vai h/ tail sticks out
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out
zhaagode'e vai s/he is cowardly
zaasakokwe vai s/he fries something
zhaashaaginigaade vai s/he is bare-legged
zhaashaaginizide vai s/he is barefoot
ziidawaakogwayawe vai [BL] s/he has a stiff neck
ziidawaawigane vai [BL] s/he has a stiff back
ziiginiingwe vai s/he puts drops in h/ own eyes
zhiigoninjii vai s/he has skinny fingers
ziikawidoone vai [N] s/he drools
ziimaakigwe vai s/he is down with a cold
ziiniskiigome vai [N] s/he blows h/ nose
zhiiwaakigane vai s/he has heartburn
zoongaawigane vai s/he has a strong back
zoongide'e vai s/he is brave
zoongigane vai s/he has strong bones
zoonginike vai s/he has a strong arm
zoongininjii vai s/he has a strong hand
zhooshkwajiwe vai s/he goes sliding, slides downhill
zhooshkwaagime vai s/he skis