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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

amo vta

eat h/

Paired with: miijin vti3 See also: amwi vta

indamwaa 1s - 3s ind; nindamwaa 1s - 3s ind; nidamwaa 1s - 3s ind; odamwaan 3s - 3' ind; amwaad 3s - 3' conj; emwaad 3s - 3' ch-conj; amo 2s - 3 imp; amwi 2s - 3 imp; Stem: /amw-/

Ingii-amwaa wiishkobi-bakwezhigan gii-tibishkaayaan.

I ate cake when I had my birthday.

Reduplicated Form: ayamo