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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

asemaakaadan vti offer tobacco to it

asemaakaazh vta offer tobacco to h/

asemaake vai s/he works with tobacco, offers tobacco

asemaans na a cigarette

See also: opwaagaans na

(verb of possession) odasemaansimi vai s/he has a cigarette or cigarettes
asemaawazh ni [BL] [diminutive]: a tobacco pouch; a tobacco bag

(verb of possession) odasemaawazhi vai s/he has a tobacco bag
asemaawinaagan ni a tobacco tray

asemaawipwaagaans na a cigarette

See also: asemaa-opwaagaans na

asigagim vta add h/ together (e.g., money)

Paired with: asigagindan vti

asigagindan vti add it together

Paired with: asigagim vta

(detransitive) asigagindaaso vai s/he adds, totals
asigagindaaso vai s/he adds, totals

asigaawadoon vti haul it together

Paired with: asigaawazh vta

asigaawazh vta assemble them in a group, round them up; haul everything (animate) together

asigibii'an vti add it up

(detransitive) asigibii'ige vai s/he writes numbers, adds things up, tallies up (derived noun) asigibii'igan ni a number; a calculator
asigibii'igan ni a number; a calculator

asigibii'ige vai s/he writes numbers, adds things up, tallies up

asigibii'igewikwe na an accountant, a bookkeeper (female)

asigibii'igewinini na an accountant, a bookkeeper

asigi'idiwag vai they come together, assemble

asigin vta gather h/ up, collect h/

Paired with: asiginan vti

asiginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/

asiginan vti gather it up, collect it

Paired with: asigin vta

(verb of undergoing) asiginigaade vii it is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it up (verb of undergoing) asiginigaazo vai it (animate) is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it (animate) up (benefactive) asiginamaw vta pick (them) up for h/; gather, collect (them) up for h/
asiginaak na a blackbird

red-winged blackbird
Agelaius phoeniceus

asiginigaade vii it is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it up

asiginigaazo vai it (animate) is gathered up (by someone), "they" gather it (animate) up

asigisidoon vti2 assemble it, put it together

Paired with: asigishim vta

asigishim vta put h/ together, assemble h/

Paired with: asigisidoon vti2

asigizhooniyaawe vai s/he collects money as a donation

asigobaan ni processed basswood bark fiber

asigobaani-mazinichigan na a doll of processed basswood bark fiber

asin na stone, a stone; rock, a rock

(verb of abundance) asiniikaa vii there is (a lot of) rock or stone, there are (many) rocks or stones (verb of being) asiniiwan vii
  1. it is of rock or stone
  2. it is rock-hard
(verb of being) asiniiwi vai
  1. it (animate) is of rock or stone
  2. s/he is rock-hard
(derived noun) asiniins na stone, a stone; rock, a rock
(verb of possession) odasiniinsimi vai s/he has gall stones
asinaab ni a net weight, a net sinker

asinii-bwaan na an Assiniboin

asinii-miikana ni a concrete paved road

asinii-opwaagan na a stone pipe

See also: asiniiwipwaagan na

asinii-opwaagan na a stone pipe

See also: asiniiwipwaagan na

asinii-waakaa'igan ni a house of stone or brick

asiniikamigaa vii it is rocky ground

asiniikaa vii there is (a lot of) rock or stone, there are (many) rocks or stones

asiniins na stone, a stone; rock, a rock

asiniiwakamigaa vii there is rocky ground, a rocky area

asiniiwan vii
  1. it is of rock or stone
  2. it is rock-hard

Paired with: asiniiwi vai

asiniiwaamikaa vii it has a rocky bottom

asiniiwi vai
  1. it (animate) is of rock or stone
  2. s/he is rock-hard

Paired with: asiniiwan vii

asiniiwipwaagan na a stone pipe

See also: asinii-opwaagan na

ashagi na [BL] a blue heron

great blue heron
Ardea herodias

See also: zhashagi na

asham vta feed (it) to, serve (it) to h/

Paired with: ashandan vti

(reciprocal) ashandiwag vai
  1. they feed each other
  2. they feast each other, have a feast
(derived noun) ashandiwin ni food that is given out or distributed: community food shelf, commodity food, rations
(reflexive) ashandizo vai s/he feeds h/ self (with it) (detransitive) ashange vai s/he feeds people, feasts people, serves food
ashamaawaso vai s/he feeds a child

ashamigoowin ni food that is given out or distributed: community food shelf, commodity food, rations

ashamigoowizi vai s/he receives food as a gift or donation, is blessed with food as a spiritual gift

ashandan vti feed it (with something); offer it food

Paired with: asham vta

ashandiwag vai
  1. they feed each other
  2. they feast each other, have a feast

ashandiwin ni food that is given out or distributed: community food shelf, commodity food, rations

ashandizo vai s/he feeds h/ self (with it)

ashandii-mazina'igan ni a welfare check

ashange vai s/he feeds people, feasts people, serves food

ashangewigamig ni a welfare office, a commodity store

ashangewikwe na a social worker, a welfare worker (female)

ashangewinini na a social worker, a welfare worker

ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashawaabam vta wait watching for h/

Paired with: ashawaabandan vti

ashawaabandan vti wait watching for it

Paired with: ashawaabam vta

ashawaabi vai s/he lies in watch for something, waits watching for something

ashawebi vai s/he sits at a slant, sits unevenly

ashawegaabawi vai s/he stands on a slant

ashawegonde vii it floats listing to one side

Paired with: ashawegonjin vai

ashawegonjin vai s/he floats listing to one side

Paired with: ashawegonde vii

ashawekamigaa vii it is slanted ground

ashawekweshin vai s/he lies with h/ head at a slant

ashawenaniisi na [NI] a grackle

common grackle, purple grackle
Quiscalus quiscula

ashawendam vai2 s/he feels anxious about something expected

ashawese vai s/he tilts over, flips

Paired with: ashawese vii

ashawese vii it tilts over, flips

Paired with: ashawese vai

ashaweshk ni a sword

ashaageshiinh na a crayfish, a crab

ashi vta put h/ in a certain place

Paired with: atoon vti2

ashi adv conj plus

See also: shi adv conj

ashi- adv num plus in counting

ashi-aabita qnt num and a half

ashi-bezhig qnt num
  1. eleven
  2. and one

ashi-bezhigo- pv qnt
  1. and one
  2. eleven

ashi-bezhigo-anama'e-giizhik qnt num X plus one week; eleven weeks

ashi-bezhigo-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is X plus one week; it is eleven weeks

ashi-bezhigo-diba'igan qnt num
  1. eleven hours; [with decade number] X and one hour
  2. eleven miles; [with decade number] X and one mile

ashi-bezhigo-diba'igane vii [N] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganed vii [S] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is eleven o'clock

ashi-bezhigo-giiziswagad vii it is eleven months

Paired with: ashi-bezhigo-giiziswagizi vai

ashi-bezhigo-giiziswagizi vai s/he is eleven months old

Paired with: ashi-bezhigo-giiziswagad vii

ashi-bezhigonagizi vai it is the eleventh (of the month)

ashi-bezhigwaginzo vai [BL] it is the eleventh (of the month)

ashi-ingodwaaso- pv qnt and six

ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen

ashi-ishwaaso- pv qnt and eight

See also: ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt

ashi-ishwaaswi qnt num
  1. and eight
  2. eighteen

See also: ashi-nishwaaso- pv qnt ; ashi-nishwaaswi qnt num

ashi-naanan qnt num
  1. and five
  2. fifteen

ashi-naano- pv qnt and five

ashi-naanwaginzo vai [BL] it is the fifteenth (of the month)

ashi-ningodwaaso- pv qnt and six

ashi-ningodwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the sixteenth (of the month)

ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num
  1. and six
  2. sixteen