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anokaadan vti work on or at it

Paired with: anokaazh vta

(derived noun) anokaajigan ni something worked on, a product, a craft item ; plural: goods
anokaajigan ni something worked on, a product, a craft item ; plural: goods

anokaazh vta work on or at h/

Paired with: anokaadan vti

anokii vai s/he works

(verb of pretending) anokiikaazo vai s/he pretends to work (verb of addiction) anokiishki vai s/he is always working, is a "workaholic" (causative) anokii' vta make h/ work, put h/ to work, employ h/
(reflexive) anokii'idizo vai s/he makes h/ self work (reciprocal) anokii'idiwag vai they make each other work, put each other to work
(applicative) anokiitaw vta work for h/
(reflexive) anokiitaadizo vai s/he works for h/ self (reflexive) anokiitaazo vai s/he works for h/ self (detransitive) anokiitaage vai s/he works for people
(derived noun) anokiiwin ni work, a job
(verb of abundance) anokiiwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) work
anokii-minjikaawan na a work glove

anokii' vta make h/ work, put h/ to work, employ h/

anokii'idiwag vai they make each other work, put each other to work

anokii'idizo vai s/he makes h/ self work

anokiikaazo vai s/he pretends to work

anokiishki vai s/he is always working, is a "workaholic"

anokiitan vti work at it or on it

anokiitaw vta work for h/

anokiitaadizo vai s/he works for h/ self

See also: anokiitaazo vai

anokiitaage vai s/he works for people

anokiitaazo vai s/he works for h/ self

See also: anokiitaadizo vai

anokiiwigamig ni a workshop, a factory

anokiiwikwe na a (female) worker

anokiiwin ni work, a job

anokiiwinikaa vii there is (a lot of) work

anokiiwinini na a worker, a male worker

anooj adv qnt all kinds; various; carelessly, abusively

anooj gegoo pron indf a variety of things; various things

anookii vai s/he hires, orders, commissions (someone)

anoozh vta hire, order, commission h/

anwaataa vai s/he stops doing something

anwaatin vii it is calm weather

anwebi vai s/he rests

anweshin vai s/he rests lying down

anwi ni something shot as a missle, a bullet, a shot gun shell

(verb of making) anwiike vai s/he makes bullets (verb of possession) odanwiimi vai s/he has bullets, has (shotgun) shells (derived noun) anwiins ni a small caliber bullet; a twenty-two bullet
anwii-baashkizigan ni a rifle

anwiike vai s/he makes bullets

anwiins ni a small caliber bullet; a twenty-two bullet

anzig na a merganser

anzhikegaabawi vai s/he stands alone

anzhike'amaazo vai [RL] s/he sings alone

anzhikewabi vai [RL] s/he lives alone, is home alone, sits alone

See also: nazhikewabi vai

anzhikewige vai s/he lives alone

See also: nazhikewige vai

anzikwe'o vai [RL] s/he combs h/ hair

See also: nazikwe'o vai

apabaadan vti sit on it

Paired with: apabaazh vta See also: apabaazh vta

apabaazh vta sit on h/

Paired with: apabaadan vti

apabi vai s/he sits on something

(derived noun) apabiwin ni a chair, a seat (applicative) apabaadan vti sit on it (applicative) apabaazh vta sit on h/
apabiwin ni a chair, a seat

apagadaganaam vta knock h/ down or against something (by hitting with force)

Paired with: apagadaganaandan vti

apagadaganaandan vti knock it down or against something (by hitting with force)

Paired with: apagadaganaam vta

apagada'an vii the wind blows against something

apagadaanimad vii it winds blows against or into something

apagadaasin vii it is blown against something

Paired with: apagadaashi vai

apagadaashi vai s/he is blown against something

Paired with: apagadaasin vii

apagadaashkaa vii waves beat against something

apagajinaazhikamaw vta drive game for h/

apagajinaazhikaw vta drive h/ as game

(detransitive) apagajinaazhikaage vai s/he drives game
apagajinaazhikaage vai s/he drives game

apagajise vai it (animate; tree) falls against something

Paired with: apagajise vii

apagajise vii it falls against something

Paired with: apagajise vai

apagajiwebaganaandan vti

apagajiwebagaanaam vta

apagamo vai s/he sings about something

apagidamaw vta throw something at or to h/

See also: apagidaw vta

apagidaw vta throw (it) at or to h/

See also: apagidamaw vta

(reciprocal) apagidaadiwag vai they throw (it) at each other
apagidaadiwag vai they throw (it) at each other

apagidoon vti2 throw it

Paired with: apagizh vta

(detransitive) apagijige vai s/he throws things (benefactive) apagidaw vta throw (it) at or to h/
(reciprocal) apagidaadiwag vai they throw (it) at each other
(benefactive) apagidamaw vta throw something at or to h/ (verb of undergoing) apagijigaade vii it is thrown (by someone), "they" throw it (verb of undergoing) apagijigaazo vai s/he is thrown (by someone), "they" throw h/
apagijigaade vii it is thrown (by someone), "they" throw it

apagijigaazo vai s/he is thrown (by someone), "they" throw h/

apagijige vai s/he throws things

apagijigewinini na a (baseball) pitcher

apagizh vta throw h/

Paired with: apagidoon vti2

apagizo vai s/he moves towards or against something fast: s/he throws h/ self down, falls or jumps against something

apa'idiwag vai they run to a certain place together

apa'igo vai s/he rides to a certain place, drives to a certain place (drawn by horse or dog)

See also: ipa'igo vai

apa'iwe vai s/he runs away from someone to a certain place

apakwaadan vti roof it

apakwaan ni roofing

apakwaanaajiinh na a bat

See also: bapakwaanaajiinh na

apakwe vai s/he puts on a roof, covers the lodge with bark

(derived noun) apakwaan ni roofing
apakwen vai + o roof something with it

apakweshkway na a cattail; a cattail mat

apam vta eat something with h/

Paired with: apandan vti

apambizon ni

apambizonens ni [BL] a (flat) cloth diaper

apamibizon ni [BL] what a baby is wrapped in

apandan vti eat something with it

Paired with: apam vta

(detransitive) apanjige vai s/he eats things with something else (e.g., butter with bread) apanjigan ni something extra added to food: a condiment, a side dish, a sauce
apane adv tmp all the time; always; continually

apangisin vii it falls down against

Paired with: apangishin vai

apangishin vai s/he falls down against

apani'o vai s/he makes a quick move there, makes a quick change of position (as in dancing)

apanjigan ni something extra added to food: a condiment, a side dish, a sauce

apanjige vai s/he eats things with something else (e.g., butter with bread)

apatebiigise vai

apateshiwish na [BL] a pewee

eastern wood-peewee
Contopus virens

apatoo vai s/he runs in a certain way; s/he runs to a certain place

apaabikinigan ni a potholder

apaabikinigan na an oven mitt

apaabowaadan vti season the soup with it

apaabowe vai s/he flavors, seasons soup

(applicative) apaabowaadan vti season the soup with it
apaabowen vai + o s/he flavors (it); s/he seasons (it)

apaakozigan ni [C] kinnikinnick (tobacco and bark smoking mixture)

See also: apaakozigan na [N]

apaakozigan na [N] kinnikinnick (tobacco and bark smoking mixture)

See also: apaakozigan ni [C]

apaakozige vai s/he makes or uses apaakozigan (kinnikinnick)

apegish adv pred I wish that ...; I hope that ...

See also: ambegish adv pred

apenimo vai s/he depends on, relies on something

(applicative) apenimonodan vti depend on, rely on it (applicative) apenimonodaw vta depend on, rely on h/
(reciprocal) apenimonodaadiwag vai they depend on, rely on each other