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zaagijidaabaazh vta drag h/ out

Paired with: zaagijidaabaadan vti

zaagijidaabii vai s/he drags a load out

zaagijigidaazo vai s/he goes out angry, goes out mad

zaagijigozi vai s/he moves (h/ residence) out from a place

zaagijigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps out

zaagijinaazha' vta tell h/ to go outside

zaagijinizhikaw vta chase, drive h/ outside

zaagijise vai s/he or it (animate) drives, flies, falls, speeds, rushes out

Paired with: zaagijise vii

zaagijise vii it flies, falls, rushes out

Paired with: zaagijise vai

zaagijishimo vai s/he dances out (of an enclosed space)

zaagijiwan vii it flows out

zaagijiwane vai s/he carries a pack out

zaagijiweba' vta shove or throw h/ out using something

Paired with: zaagijiweba'an vti

zaagijiweba'an vti shove or throw it outside using something

zaagijiweba'wi vta [NI]

zaagijiweba' vta

zaagijiwebin vta throw h/ outside

Paired with: zaagijiwebinan vti

zaagijiwebinamaw vta throw (it) outside for h/

zaagijiwebinan vti throw it outside

Paired with: zaagijiwebin vta

(benefactive) zaagijiwebinamaw vta throw (it) outside for h/ (detransitive) zaagijiwebinige vai s/he throws things outside (verb of undergoing) zaagijiwebinigaade vii it is thrown outside (by someone), "they" throw it outside (verb of undergoing) zaagijiwebinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is thrown outside (by someone), "they" throw h/ or it (animate) outside (derived noun) zaagijiwebinigan ni something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash
zaagijiwebinigan ni something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash

zaagijiwebinigaade vii it is thrown outside (by someone), "they" throw it outside

zaagijiwebinigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is thrown outside (by someone), "they" throw h/ or it (animate) outside

zaagijiwebinige vai s/he throws things outside

zaagijiwebishkan vti kick it out

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkaw vta

zaagijiwebishkaw vta kick h/ out; shove h/ out (with foot or body)

Paired with: zaagijiwebishkan vti

zaagijiwidoon vti2 carry, take it outside

(detransitive) zaagijiwijige vai s/he carries, takes things outside (verb of undergoing) zaagijiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken out (by someone), "they" carry, take it out (verb of undergoing) zaagijiwijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is carried, taken out (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ or it (animate)out
zaagijiwijigaade vii it is carried, taken out (by someone), "they" carry, take it out

zaagijiwijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is carried, taken out (by someone), "they" carry, take h/ or it (animate)out

zaagijiwijige vai s/he carries, takes things outside

zaagijiwizh vta carry, take h/ outside

zaagikwebi vai s/he sits with h/ head sticking out or up

zaagikwegaabawi vai s/he stands with h/ head sticking up or out

zaagikwegomo vai s/he or it (animate) is in the water with h/ or its head sticking out

zaagikweni vai s/he sticks h/ head up or out

zaaginikeshin vai s/he lies with arm out

zaagininjiini vai s/he sticks h/ hand out

zaaginizhikaw vta chase h/ out

zaagisidoon vti2 put, set it sticking out

Paired with: zaagishim vta

zaagisin vii it sticks out

Paired with: zaagishin vai

zaagiskwagizi vai s/he bleeds

zaagishim vta put, set h/ sticking out

Paired with: zaagisidoon vti2

zaagishin vai s/he or it (animate) sticks out

Paired with: zaagisin vii

zaagitawageni vai

zaagitoon vti2 love, treasure it

Paired with: zaagi' vta

(detransitive) zaagichige vai s/he loves, treasures things; s/he is stingy with things (verb of undergoing) zaagichigaade vii it is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure it (verb of undergoing) zaagichigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure h/ or it (animate)
zaagiwine vai h/ horn or antler emerges, grows out

zaagiziba' vta run out with h/

(detransitive) zaagiziba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone (reciprocal) zaagiziba'idiwag vai they run out together
zaagiziba'idiwag vai they run out together

See also: zaagijiba'idiwag vai

zaagiziba'iwe vai s/he runs out in flight from someone

See also: zaagijiba'iwe vai

zaagizibatoo vai s/he runs out

See also: zaagijibatoo vai

(applicative) zaagizibatwaadan vti run out with it (applicative) zaagizibatwaazh vta run out with h/
zaagizibatwaadan vti run out with it

Paired with: zaagizibatwaazh vta

zaagizibatwaazh vta run out with h/

Paired with: zaagizibatwaadan vti

zaagizichigaade vii it is taken out (by someone), "they" take it out

zaagizichigaazo vai s/he is taken outside (by someone), "they" take it outside

zaagizichige vai s/he takes things out

zaagizidegomo vai s/he is in the water with h/ feet sticking out

zaagizideni vai s/he sticks h/ foot out

zaagizideshin vai s/he lies with h/ foot or feet sticking out

zaagizigwadin vii it sticks out of the ice

Paired with: zaagizigwaji vai

zaagizigwaji vai it (animate) sticks out of the ice

Paired with: zaagizigwadin vii

zaagizi' vta make h/ go out; take h/ out

Paired with: zaagizitoon vti2

zaagizikaa vii it comes out slowly, oozes out

zaagizitamaw vta take (it) out for h/

zaagizitaw vta take (it) out for h/

zaagizitoon vti2 take it out

Paired with: zaagizi' vta

(benefactive) zaagizitaw vta take (it) out for h/ (benefactive) zaagizitamaw vta take (it) out for h/ (detransitive) zaagizichige vai s/he takes things out (verb of undergoing) zaagizichigaade vii it is taken out (by someone), "they" take it out (verb of undergoing) zaagizichigaazo vai s/he is taken outside (by someone), "they" take it outside
zaagiing adv loc at the mouth of the river, at the inlet

zaagiingweni vai s/he sticks h/ face out

zaagiiwan vii it goes into lake [river]

zaakwaazh vta cheer for h/; yell at h/

zaama'an vti [BL] touch it (using something)

Paired with: zaama'wi vta [BL]

zaama'wi vta [BL] touch h/ or it (animate) (using something)

Paired with: zaama'an vti [BL]

zaamandan vti [BL] touch it with the mouth

zaamaabiigandan vti [BL] touch it (string-like) with the mouth

zaamin vta [BL] touch h/ (with hand)

Paired with: zaaminan vti [BL]

(reciprocal) zaaminidiwag vai [BL] they touch each other
zaaminamaw vta [BL] touch (it) for h/, touch something of h/

zaaminan vti [BL] touch it (with hand)

Paired with: zaamin vta [BL]

(benefactive) zaaminamaw vta [BL] touch (it) for h/, touch something of h/
zaaminidiwag vai [BL] they touch each other

zaamininiken vta [BL] touch h/ on the arm

zaamininjiin vta touch h/ on the hand

zaamisin vii [LLC] it lies touching

Paired with: zaamishin vai [LLC]

zaamishim vta [LLC] lay h/ touching

zaamishin vai [LLC] s/he or it (animate) lies touching

Paired with: zaamisin vii [LLC]

zaamishkan vti [BL] touch it (with body or foot)

Paired with: zaamishkaw vta [BL]

zaamishkaw vta [BL] touch h/ or it (animate) (with body or foot)

Paired with: zaamishkan vti [BL]

zaangwewe-magooday ni a jingle dress

zaasagokwaadan vti fry it

Paired with: zaasagokwaazh vta See also: zaasakokwaadan vti

zaasagokwaade vii it is fried

See also: zaasakokwaade vii

zaasagokwaan ni something fried

zaasagokwaan na (a piece of) fry bread

See also: zaasakokwaan na

zaasagokwaanamik na a fried beaver

zaasagokwaazh vta fry h/

zaasagokwaazo vai it (animate) is fried

Paired with: zaasagokwaade vii See also: zaasakokwaazo vai

zaasagokwe vai [RL] s/he fries something

zaasakokwaadan vti fry it

Paired with: zaasakokwaazh vta See also: zaasagokwaadan vti

zaasakokwaade vii it is fried

Paired with: zaasakokwaazo vai

zaasakokwaan na (a piece of) fry bread

See also: zaasagokwaan na

zaasakokwaani-bakwezhigan na (a piece of) fry bread

zaasakokwaani-bimide ni [BL] cooking oil or grease (for frying)

zaasakokwaazh vta fry h/

Paired with: zaasakokwaadan vti See also: zaasagokwaazh vta

zaasakokwaazo vai it (animate) is fried

Paired with: zaasakokwaade vii See also: zaasagokwaazo vai

zaasakokwe vai s/he fries something

See also: zaasagokwe vai [RL]

(applicative) zaasakokwaadan vti fry it zaasakokwaazh vta fry h/
zaasaabizo vai s/he is dazzled