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wenipaninaagwad vii it looks easy

Paired with: wenipaninaagozi vai

wenipanizi vai s/he is easy, does something easily

Paired with: wenipanad vii

wenipazh adv man easily, at hand, readily

wenipazhi' vta get h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenipazhitoon vti2

wenipazhise vii it fall into place easily; it goes easily, happens easily

wenipazhitoon vti2 get it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenipazhi' vta

wenji- pv rel because; for a certain reason; from a certain place

onji- pv rel

wenji' vta make h/ easily, have an easy time with h/

Paired with: wenjitoon vti2

wenjitoon vti2 make it easily, have an easy time with it

Paired with: wenji' vta

wese'an vii it is a tornado

wetotwaag ni-v jello

wewayiiba adv tmp every little while

wewaagijiizid ni-v a banana

wewebanaabaan ni [BL] [BL] a fish hook; [RL] a fishing pole and line

wewebanaabaanaak ni [BL] a fishing pole

wewebanaabaanaatig ni [BL] a fishing pole; pole with multiple hooks

wewebanaabaaneyaab ni [BL] fishing line

wewebanaabii vai s/he fishes with a hook and line

wewebanaabiiwin ni fishing using a hook, angling
wewebanaabiiwin ni fishing using a hook, angling

wewebanaabiiwinini na fisherman; angler

wewebaabiigin vta swing h/ with a line (as a baby in a cradle swing); swing h/ (on a swing)

Paired with: wewebaabiiginan vti

wewebaabiiginan vti swing it on a line

Paired with: wewebaabiigin vta

wewebaabiiginaawaso vai s/he rocks a baby in a cradle

See also: wewebinaawaso vai

wewebaabiigise vai s/he or it (animate) swings on a line

wewebaanoweni vai s/he wags h/ tail

wewebaasin vii it is blown back and forth (by the wind), flutters, flaps

Paired with: wewebaashi vai

wewebaashi vai it (animate) is blown back and forth (by the wind), flutters, flaps

Paired with: wewebaasin vii

wewebikwebani'o vai s/he shakes h/ head

wewebikweni vai s/he nods h/ head side-to-side

wewebikwetaw vta nod, shake head at h/

wewebin vta swing h/

Paired with: wewebinan vti

wewebinan vti swing it

Paired with: wewebinan vti

wewebinaawaso vai s/he rocks a baby in a cradle

See also: wewebaabiiginaawaso vai

wewebinikeni vai s/he waves h/ arms

wewebiniketaw vta wave h/ arms at h/

wewebise vii it swings back and forth, flutters, flaps, sways

wewebizo vai s/he swings

(derived noun) wewebizon ni a swing, a hammock
(verb of making) wewebizonike vai s/he makes a swing
(benefactive) wewebizonikaw vta make a swing for h/ (verb of use) wewebizonikaagen vai + o s/he uses (it) to make a swing
wewebizon ni a swing, a hammock

wewebizonikaw vta make a swing for h/

wewebizonikaagen vai + o s/he uses (it) to make a swing

wewebizonike vai s/he makes a swing

wewebizoo-apabiwin ni a rocking chair

weweni adv man properly, correctly, carefully

wewese' vta fan h/

Paired with: wewese'an vti

(reflexive) wewese'odizo vai s/he fans h/ self
wewese'an vti fan it

Paired with: wewese' vta

(detransitive) wewese'ige vai s/he fans something (derived noun) wewese'igan ni a fan (verb of undergoing) wewese'igaazo vai s/he is fanned (by someone), "they" fan h/
wewese'igan ni a fan

wewese'igaazo vai s/he is fanned (by someone), "they" fan h/

wewese'ige vai s/he fans something

wewese'o vai s/he fans h/ self

wewese'on ni a fan
wewese'odizo vai s/he fans h/ self

wewese'on ni a fan

wewiib adv man hurry, in a hurry, quickly

wewiibendam vai s/he is in a hurry, is eager

wewiibi' vta hurry h/; hurry making h/

Paired with: wewiibitoon vti

wewiibim vta tell h/ to hurry

wewiibingwaange na a teal

wewiibishkaa vai s/he hurries

wewiibitaa vai s/he hurries (in some work or activity)

wewiibitoon vti hurry it; hurry making it

Paired with: wewiibi' vta

wewiibizi vai s/he is in a hurry

wezaawiminagizid na-v an orange

See also: gaa-ozaawiminagizid na-v [BL]

wii- pv tns is going to, will, want to

wiiba adv tmp [N] early; soon

See also: wayiiba adv tmp

wiibid nid tooth

wiibidaa-mashkikiiwinini na a dentist

wiibidaakaajiganan ni false teeth

wiibidaakaanan ni false teeth

wiibidaake vai s/he works on, makes teeth; s/he has dentures

wiibidaakewinini na a dentist

wiibidikaan ni [BL] false tooth

wiibijiinh na a goldeye

Hiodon alosoides

wiibwaa vii it becomes narrow; it constricts

wiidabim vta sit with h/

(reciprocal) wiidabindiwag vai they sit with each other
wiidabindiwag vai they sit with each other

wiidagwazhem vta share a blanket with h/

wiida'adoom vta walk with h/ on the trail or road

wiidakiwenziiyan nad his fellow old man, old companion

wiidanokiim vta work with h/

(reciprocal) wiidanokiindiwag vai they work with each other, work together (derived noun) wiidanokiimaagan na a co-worker, a fellow worker
wiidanokiimaagan na a co-worker, a fellow worker

wiidanokiindiwag vai they work with each other, work together

wiidaakizoom vta be photographed with h/

wiidige vai s/he marries, is married

wiidigekaazo vai s/he shacks up with someone wiidigem vta
  1. live with h/
  2. marry h/, be married to h/
(reciprocal) wiidigendiwag vai they marry, are married to each other
(derived noun) wiidigendiwin ni a marriage; a wedding
(derived noun) wiidigemaagan na a spouse, a husband, a wife, a partner (cohabitant), a companion (cohabitant)
wiidigekaazo vai s/he shacks up with someone

wiidigem vta
  1. live with h/
  2. marry h/, be married to h/

wiidigemaagan na a spouse, a husband, a wife, a partner (cohabitant), a companion (cohabitant)

wiidigendiwag vai they marry, are married to each other

wiidigendiwin ni a marriage; a wedding

wiidosem vta walk with h/ on the trail or road

(reciprocal) wiidosendiwag vai they walk with each other
wiidosendiwag vai they walk with each other

wiidookaw vta help h/

(detransitive) wiidookaage vai s/he helps people (reflexive) wiidookaazo vai s/he helps (reflexive) wiidookodaadizo vai s/he helps h/ self (reciprocal) wiidookodaadiwag vai they help each other
wiidookawagenim vta sympathize with h/ in what h/ is doing; pull for, root for h/

wiidookaage vai s/he helps people

wiidookaagewikwe na a helper (female), an assistant (female)

wiidookaagewin ni help, assistance, aid

wiidookaagewinini na a helper, an assistant

wiidookaazo vai s/he helps

wiidookodaadiwag vai they help each other

wiidookodaadiwin ni mutual help or assistance, helping others

wiidookodaadizo vai s/he helps h/ self

wiidoonzhe vai s/he has a child with someone

wiidoonzhem vta have a child with h/