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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

waashkobizid bakwezhigan na-v cake; pastry; sweet roll

waatebagaa vii there are bright leaves

waatebagaa-giizis na September; October

waatebagaawi-giizis na [BL] September

waatebagizi vai it (animate) has bright leaves

waawan ni an egg

(verb of possession) owaawano vai s/he has an egg or eggs; she lays eggs
waawanogegan ni an eggshell

waawaabam vta stare at, examine, inspect h/

Paired with: waawaabandan vti

waawaabandan vti examine, inspect it

Paired with: waawaabam vta

(verb of undergoing) waawaabanjigaade vii it is examined, inspected (by someone), "they" examine, inspect it (verb of undergoing) waawaabanjigaazo vai s/he is examined, is inspected (by someone), "they" examine, inspect it
waawaabanjigaade vii it is examined, inspected (by someone), "they" examine, inspect it

waawaabanjigaazo vai s/he is examined, is inspected (by someone), "they" examine, inspect it

waawaabiganoojiinh na a mouse

waawaasikose vii it glitters in motion

waawaashkeshi na a deer

white-tailed deer
Odocoileus virginianus

waawaashkeshiwayaan na a deer hide

waawaashkeshiwaanow ni a deer's tail

waawaashkeshiweshkan na a deer antler

waawaashkeshiwi-bimide ni deer tallow

waawaashkeshiwi-miikana ni a deer trail

waawaashkeshiwi-wiis ni deer tripe

waawaashkeshiwi-wiiyaas ni deer meat, venison

waawaashkeshiwibiiway ni a deer hair

waawaashkeshiwibwaam ni a deer hindquarter

waawaashkeshiwide' ni deer heart

waawaashkeshiwidoodikosiw na a deer kidney

waawaashkeshiwigan ni a deer bone

waawaashkeshiwikana ni a deer trail

waawaashkeshiwikon ni a deer liver

waawaashkeshiwipigay na a deer rib

waawaashkeshiiwaazhawa'adoowagwaakwa'igan ni a deer crossing sign

waawaata'amaw vta wave at h/

(reciprocal) waawaata'amaadiwag vai they wave at each other
waawaata'amaadiwag vai they wave at each other

waawaata'ige vai s/he waves

waawaate vii there is a display of the northern lights (aurora borealis)

waawaatesi na a firefly

waawaazakonese vii it flashes on and off

waawiyebii'an vti draw it as a circle

(detransitive) waawiyebii'ige vai s/he draws a circle (derived noun) waawiyebii'igan ni
  1. a circle
  2. a compass (drawing instrument)
  3. a circular target for practice shooting
waawiyebii'igan ni
  1. a circle
  2. a compass (drawing instrument)
  3. a circular target for practice shooting

waawiyebii'ige vai s/he draws a circle

waawiyegamaa vii it is a round lake

waawiye' vta make h/ round

Paired with: waawiyetoon vti2

waawiyejiwan vii there is an eddy in the stream

waawiyekidewan vii they stand in a circle

Paired with: waawiyekizowag vai

waawiyekidoon vti2 set it up in a circle

Paired with: waawiyekizh vta

waawiyekizh vta set h/ up in a circle

Paired with: waawiyekidoon vti2

waawiyekizowag vai they stand in a circle

Paired with: waawiyekidewan vii

waawiyekodan vti carve it round

Paired with: waawiyekozh vta

waawiyekozh vta carve h/ round

Paired with: waawiyekodan vti

waawiyeminagad vii it (something small and round) is round

Paired with: waawiyeminagizi vai

waawiyeminagizi vai it (animate; something small and round) is round

Paired with: waawiyeminagad vii

waawiyesagaa vii it has a round floor area, is a round room

waawiyesidoon vti2 put it in a circle

Paired with: waawiyeshim vta

waawiyesinoon vti they lie in a circle

waawiyeshim vta put h/ in a circle

Paired with: waawiyesidoon vti2

waawiyeshinoog vai they lie in a circle

Paired with: waawiyesinoon vti

waawiyetoon vti2 make it round

Paired with: waawiye' vta

waawiyeyaa vii it is round, is circular

Paired with: waawiyezi vai

waawiyeyaabikad vii it (mineral) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaabikizi vai

waawiyeyaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaabikad vii

waawiyeyaabiigitaa vai s/he, it (animate) coils up like a snake

waawiyeyaakozi vai it (animate); stick-like) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyaakwad vii

waawiyeyaakwad vii it is round (as something stick- or wood-like)

Paired with: waawiyeyaakozi vai

waawiyeyaandagizi vai it (animate; a tree) has round needles

waawiyeyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyiigizi vai

waawiyeyiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is round

Paired with: waawiyeyiigad vii

waawiyezh vta cut it (animate) round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezhan vti See also: waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

waawiyezhan vti cut it round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezh vta ; waawiyezhwi vta [NI]

(verb of undergoing) waawiyezhigaade vii it is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it round into a circle (verb of undergoing) waawiyezhigaazo vai it (animate) is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it (animate) round into a circle
waawiyezi vai it (animate) is round, is circular

Paired with: waawiyeyaa vii

waawiyezhigaade vii it is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it round into a circle

waawiyezhigaazo vai it (animate) is cut round into a circle (by someone), "they" cut it (animate) round into a circle

waawiyezhwi vta [NI] cut it (animate) round into a circle

Paired with: waawiyezhan vti See also: waawiyezh vta

waawiiba adv tmp frequently; sooner than expected

waawiidabim vta sit around with h/

waawiidookaw vta keep helping h/, help h/ off and on

waawiiji' vta keep helping h/; help each of them

waawiiji'idiwag vai they keep helping each other

waawiijiiw vta keep accompanying h/; keep going with h/

waawiikaa adv tmp every once in a while, every now and then; seldom, rarely

waawiikobidoon vti2 pull it out a little at a time; keep pulling it

waawiikwajitoon vti2 keep trying to do it

waawiikwaabiigibidoon vti2 pull it out on a line or as a line a little at a time

waawiindamaw vta tell h/ about (it), explain (it) to h/, promise (it) to him

waawiindamaage vai s/he explains, promises (something) to people

waawiindamaagewin ni an explanation, a promise

waawiindan vti explain it, keep telling about it

Paired with: waawiinzh vta

(benefactive) waawiindamaw vta tell h/ about (it), explain (it) to h/, promise (it) to him
(detransitive) waawiindamaage vai s/he explains, promises (something) to people
(derived noun) waawiindamaagewin ni an explanation, a promise
(verb of undergoing) waawiinjigaade vii it is talked about repreatedly, "they" keep talking about it; it is explained (by someone), "they" explain it (verb of undergoing) waawiinjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is talked about repeatedly, "they" keep talking about h/ or it (animate)
waawiinjigaade vii it is talked about repreatedly, "they" keep talking about it; it is explained (by someone), "they" explain it

waawiinjigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is talked about repeatedly, "they" keep talking about h/ or it (animate)

waawiinzh vta name, mention h/

Paired with: waawiindan vti

waawiisagishkaw vta keep hurting h/ (by bumping or kicking)

waawiizhaandiwag vai they invite each other; they ask each other to dance

waawiizhaandiwin ni a dance where people are invited to dance by others with a gift

waawoono vai s/he howls (e.g., a dog)

waazh ni a den, a lair, a cave, a burrow

See also: waanzh ni

waazakone vii it glows, gives off light

waazakonebidamaw vta turn on a light for h/, shine a light for h/

waazakonebidoon vti2 turn it on for a light

(benefactive) waazakonebidamaw vta turn on a light for h/, shine a light for h/ (derived noun) waazakonebijigan ni a flashlight
waazakonebijigan ni a flashlight

waazakonendamaw vta shine a light for h/

waazakonenjigan ni a lamp, a light

waazakonenjiganaaboo ni kerosene, diesel fuel