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wiidoonzhem vta have a child with h/

wiidoopam vta eat with h/

(detransitive) wiidoopange vai s/he eats with others (reciprocal) wiidoopandiwag vai they eat with each other
wiidoopandiwag vai they eat with each other

wiidoopange vai s/he eats with others

wiigiwaam ni a wigwam, a lodge

(verb of possession) owiigiwaami vai s/he has a wigwam (verb of making) wiigiwaamike vai s/he makes, builds a wigwam
(verb of pretending) wiigiwaamikekaazo vai s/he pretends to make or build a wigwam
wiigiwaamaak ni a wigwam frame

wiigiwaamaatig ni a wigwam pole

wiigiwaamige vai s/he lives in a wigwam

wiigiwaamike vai s/he makes, builds a wigwam

wiigiwaamikekaazo vai s/he pretends to make or build a wigwam

wiigob na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

(verb of abundance) wiigobiikaa vii there are (a lot of) basswood trees
wiigob ni inner bark of basswood

wiigobaatig na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

(verb of abundance) wiigobaatigokaa vii there are (many) basswood trees
wiigobaatigokaa vii there are (many) basswood trees

wiigobimizh na a basswood

American basswood
Tillia americana

wiigobiibag ni a basswood leaf

wiigobiikaa vii there are (a lot of) basswood trees

wiigobiiwaatig na [BL] a basswood

wiigwaas na a birch

white birch
Betula papyrifera

(verb of abundance) wiigwaasikaa vii there are (many) birches (verb of being) wiigwaasiwi vai it (animate) is a birch
wiigwaas ni birch bark; piece of birch bark

(verb of making) wiigwaasike vai s/he removes birch bark from the tree
wiigwaasabak ni a birch bark covering, a mat or roll of birchbark pieces sewn together

wiigwaasabakway ni a birch bark covering; roll of birch bark roofing

wiigwaasabakwaan na a birch bark roof

wiigwaasanakoons ni (tip of) birch twig

wiigwaasaatig na a birch tree

paper birch
Betula papyrifera

See also: wiigwaas na ; wiigwaasi-mitig na

wiigwaasi-jiimaan ni a birch bark canoe

wiigwaasi-makak ni a birch bark basket or box

wiigwaasi-makako-waakaayaagibijigan ni a birchbark basket rim

wiigwaasi-mitig na a birch

white birch
Betula papyrifera

wiigwaasibag ni a birch leaf

wiigwaasigamig ni a birch bark lodge

wiigwaasikaa vii there are (many) birches

wiigwaasike vai s/he removes birch bark from the tree

wiigwaasinaagan ni a birch bark dish or basket

(verb of making) wiigwaasinaaganike vai s/he makes birch bark basket
wiigwaasinaaganike vai s/he makes birch bark basket

wiigwaasiwi vai it (animate) is a birch

wiij'ayaaw vta be with h/; stay with h/

wiiji- pv lex in company with; with

wiiji-bagizoom vta swim with h/

wiiji-daam vta live beside h/; live with h/

(reciprocal) wiiji-daandiwag vai they live with or by each other
wiiji-daandiwag vai they live with or by each other

wiiji-giiyosem vta hunt with h/

wiiji-minikwem vta drink with h/

wiiji-nagamoom vta sing with h/

wiiji-odaminoom vta play with h/

(reciprocal) wiiji-odaminoondiwag vai they play with each other
wiiji-odaminoondiwag vai they play with each other

wiiji-wanii'igem vta trap with h/

wiijibatoom vta run with h/

wiijibizoom vta drive with h/ ; go on a ride with h/

wiijigamigishkaw vta be a neighbor to h/

wiijigaabawitaw vta stand with h/

wiijigim vta be the same age as h/

(reciprocal) wiijigindiwag vai they are the same age (derived noun) wiijigimaagan na age-mate
wiijigimaagan na age-mate

wiijigindiwag vai they are the same age

wiiji' vta
  1. help h/
  2. play with h/

(reciprocal) wiiji'idiwag vai [BL] [BR] [C] they help each other (detransitive) wiiji'iwe vai s/he accompanies (people); s/he goes along with (people), goes with (people) waawiiji' vta keep helping h/; help each of them
(reciprocal) waawiiji'idiwag vai they keep helping each other
wiiji'idiwag vai [BL] [BR] [C] they help each other

wiiji'idiwin ni mutual help or assistance, helping others

wiiji'igoowizi vai s/he is helped, is helped by a high power

wiiji'iwe vai s/he accompanies (people); s/he goes along with (people), goes with (people)

wiijikiwenyan nad his brother

wiijishimotaw vta dance with h/

(reciprocal) wiijishimotaadiwag vai they dance (with each other)
wiijishimotaadiwag vai they dance (with each other)

wiijitwaa vai [BL] s/he helps out, assists

wiijiindiwag vai they go with, come with, accompany each other

wiijiiw vta go with, come with, accompany h/

(derived noun) wiijiiwaagan na a partner, a companion
(verb of possession) owiijiiwaagani vai s/he has a partner, has a companion
wiijiiwaagan na a partner, a companion

wiikaa adv tmp late; ever; seldom

wiikaage sa pc interj

wiikenh na sweet flag

Acorus calamus

wiikobidamaw vta
  1. pull (it) for h/
  2. withdraw (it) for h/

wiikobidaw vta pull (it) for h/

wiikobidoon vti2 pull it

Paired with: wiikobizh vta

(benefactive) wiikobidaw vta pull (it) for h/ (benefactive) wiikobidamaw vta
  1. pull (it) for h/
  2. withdraw (it) for h/
(detransitive) wiikobijige vai s/he pulls things, plays slot machines (verb of undergoing) wiikobijigaade vii it is pulled (by someone), "they" pull it (verb of undergoing) wiikobijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is pulled (by someone), "they" pull h/ or it (animate) (derived noun) wiikobijigan ni a drawer, a chest of drawers, a dresser
wiikobijigan ni a drawer, a chest of drawers, a dresser

wiikobijigaade vii it is pulled (by someone), "they" pull it

wiikobijigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is pulled (by someone), "they" pull h/ or it (animate)

wiikobijige vai s/he pulls things, plays slot machines

wiikobizh vta pull h/

Paired with: wiikobidoon vti2

wiikodaabii vai s/he pulls a load

wiikogaadebizh vta pull h/ by the leg

wiikom vta invite h/ to a feast (especially as part of a religious ceremony)

See also: wiikwam vta

(reciprocal) wiikondiwag vai they feast with each other, have a feast
(derived noun) wiikondiwin ni a feast; a spirit dish: an offering of food at the start of a meal
(detransitive) wiikonge vai s/he gives a feast; s/he invites people to a feast (especially as part of a ceremony)
(causative) wiikonge' vta feast h/, make a feast for h/ (causative) wiikongetoon vti2 feast it, make a feast for it
(derived noun) wiikongewin ni ceremonial food
wiikondiwag vai they feast with each other, have a feast

See also: wiikwandiwag vai

wiikondiwin ni a feast; a spirit dish: an offering of food at the start of a meal

wiikonge vai s/he gives a feast; s/he invites people to a feast (especially as part of a ceremony)

wiikongechigaade vii it is feasted (by someone), "they" feast it

wiikongechigaazo vai it (animate) is feasted (by someone), "they" feast it (animate)

wiikonge' vta feast h/, make a feast for h/

Paired with: wiikongetoon vti2

wiikonge'idim vii there is a feast

wiikongetoon vti2 feast it, make a feast for it

Paired with: wiikonge' vta

wiikongewakik na a feast pot

wiikongewin ni ceremonial food

wiikongewinaagan ni a spirit dish: an offering of food at the start of a meal

wiikonikebizh vta pull h/ by the arm

wiikose vii it pulls, tugs, jerks

wiikoshkaa vai s/he or it (animate) is drawn toward, moves in by h/ self or itself

Paired with: wiikoshkaa vii

wiikoshkaa vii it is drawn toward, moves in by itself

Paired with: wiikoshkaa vai

wiikowebishkan vti draw it out (using the feet or body)

wiikwa'an vti pump it up (out of somewhere); draw it up or out (using something)

wiikwa'ibaan ni a pump (for water)

wiikwa'ibii vai s/he pumps, draws water

(derived noun) wiikwa'ibaan ni a pump (for water)
wiikwaji' vta try to get h/ free from something; try to get h/ to do something

Paired with: wiikwajitoon vti2