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niizhwaasonaagaans qnt num seven cups, cupfuls

niizhwaasoninj qnt num seven inches

niizhwaasosagoons qnt num seven thousand

niizhwaasozid qnt num seven feet

niizhwaasoobiwag vai seven of them sit together; seven of them are at home

niizhwaasoobii'igan na a seven (card)

niizhwaasoogaabawiwag vai seven of them stand together

niizhwaasookik qnt num seven pails, seven pailfuls

niizhwaasoonag qnt num seven boats or canoes, seven boatloads

niizhwaasoopidewan vii seven of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopizowag vai

niizhwaasoopidoon vti2 tie seven of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopizh vta

niizhwaasoopizh vta tie, hitch seven of them (animate) together

niizhwaasoopizowag vai seven of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niizhwaasoopidewan vii

niizhwaasooshkimod qnt num seven bagfuls; seven bags

niizhwaasooshkin qnt num seven bags

niizhwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the seventh (of the month)

niizhwaaswaabik qnt num seven dollars

niizhwaaswaak qnt num seven hundred

niizhwaasweg qnt num seven pieces of something sheet-like

niizhwaaswemikwaanens qnt num seven spoonfuls

niizhwaaswewaan qnt num seven pairs; seven sets

niizhwaaswi qnt num seven

See also: niizhwaaso qnt num [RL]

niizhwaatig qnt num two stick-like objects

niizhweg qnt num two pieces of something sheet-like

niizhweginigan qnt num two packages

niizhwemikwaanens qnt num two spoonfuls

niizhwewaan qnt num two pairs; two sets

niizhwewaanagadoon vii there are two sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

Paired with: niizhwewaanagiziwag vai

niizhwewaanagiziwag vai there are two sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)

Paired with: niizhwewaanagadoon vii

noobaadan vti suck on it; nurse on it

(detransitive) noobaajige vai s/he sucks on something (derived noun) noobaajigan ni a baby bottle
(derived noun) noobaajigaans ni a pacifier
noobaajigan ni a baby bottle

noobaajigaans ni a pacifier

noobaajige vai s/he sucks on something

noodamewe vai s/he goes after sturgeon, goes fishing for sturgeon

Paired with: noojinamewe vai

noodamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver

noodazhashkwe vai s/he hunts muskrat

noodendam vai2 s/he flirts

noodenim vta flirt with h/

See also: noondenim vta [RL]

(reciprocal) noodenindiwag vai they flirt with each other
noodenindiwag vai they flirt with each other

noodin vii it is windy; there is a wind; the wind blows

noogibagizo vai s/he stops suddenly while dancing

noogibatoo vai s/he stops running

noogibide vii it stops driving, stops speeding

Paired with: noogibizo vai

noogibidoon vti2 stop it (with the hands)

Paired with: noogibizh vta

noogibizh vta flag h/ down; stop h/ or it (animate) (with the hands)

Paired with: noogibidoon vti2

noogibizo vai s/he stops driving, stops speeding, parks

Paired with: noogibide vii

noogibizoni' vta stop h/ (the motor), park h/

noogibizonitoon vti2 park it

Paired with: noogibizoni' vta

noogidaabii'iwe vai s/he stops driving a team of horses

noogigaabawi vai s/he stops and stands in place

noogin vta stop h/, stop h/ with the hand

Paired with: nooginan vti

nooginan vti stop it, stop it with the hand

Paired with: noogin vta

noogise vii it suddenly comes to a stop

Paired with: noogise vai

noogise vai s/he suddenly comes to a stop

Paired with: noogise vii

noogishkaa vii it comes to a stop, stops moving

Paired with: noogishkaa vai

noogishkaa vai s/he comes to a stop, stops moving, stops and stays

Paired with: noogishkaa vii

noogishkaa' vta stop h/ or it (animate) moving, make h/ or it (animate) stop moving

Paired with: noogishkaatoon vti2

noogishkaatoon vti2 stop it moving, make it stop moving

Paired with: noogishkaa' vta

noogishkaawigamig ni a hotel

noogitaa vai s/he stops herself/himself, holds herself/himself back

noogiweba'an vti stop it using something

noogiwebishkan vti kick it to stop it; stop it quickly (with foot or body)

noogii vai s/he stops doing something, hesitates

noojigiigoonyiwe vai s/he goes fishing

noojigiigoonyiwe-mazina'igaans ni a fishing license

nooji' vta seek, go after, hunt h/

Paired with: noojitoon vti2

(detransitive) nooji'iwe vai s/he seeks, goes after, hunts people
nooji'ikwewe vai he goes after a woman or women, courts a woman

nooji'ikwewe-nagamo vai s/he sings a courting song

(derived noun) nooji'ikwewe-nagamon ni a courting song
nooji'ikwewe-nagamon ni a courting song

nooji'iwe vai s/he seeks, goes after, hunts people

noojimo vai s/he heals, recovers from an illness

(causative) noojimo' vta heal h/; cure h/
(reflexive) noojimo'idizo vai s/he heals, cures h/self (detransitive) noojimo'iwe vai s/he heals people; s/he cures people
(derived noun) noojimo'iwewin ni healing, curing
noojimo' vta cure h/; heal h/

noojimo'idizo vai s/he heals, cures h/self

noojimo'iwe vai s/he cures people; s/he heals people

noojimo'iwewin ni healing, curing

noojimoowi-wiisiniwin ni medicinal food, healing food

noojinamewe vai s/he goes after sturgeon, goes fishing for sturgeon

See also: noodamewe vai

noojitoon vti2 seek, go after, hunt it

Paired with: nooji' vta

noojiwigiizhwaam vta talk flirtatiously to h/

noojiwigiizhwaandiwag vai they talk flirtatiously to each other

noojiwigiizhwe vai s/he talks flirtatiously

(applicative) noojiwigiizhwaam vta talk flirtatiously to h/
(reciprocal) noojiwigiizhwaandiwag vai they talk flirtatiously to each other
noojiikaw vta flirt with h/

noojiikodaadiwag vai [BL] they flirt with each other

nookabi vai s/he sits on a soft seat

(derived noun) nookabiwin ni an easy chair
nookabiwin ni an easy chair

nookada' vta pound it (animate) soft; soften it (animate) (by hitting with something)

Paired with: nookada'an vti

nookada'an vti pound it soft; soften it (by hitting with something)

Paired with: nookada' vta ; nookada'wi vta [NI]

nookada'wi vta [NI]

nookada' vta

nookadin vii it is frozen soft (as dangerous ice)

nookagwinde vii it is softened by soaking

Paired with: nookagwinjin vai

nookagwinjidoon vti soak it to soften it

Paired with: nookagwinjim vta

nookagwinjim vta soak it (animate) to soften it

Paired with: nookagwinjidoon vti

nookagwinjin vai it (animate) is softened by soaking

Paired with: nookagwinde vii

nooka'an vti soften it (using something)

nooka'iskawaan ni

nooka'iskawe vai s/he makes smoked fish pemmican

nooka'iiwagwaan ni pemmican; pounded meat

nooka'iiwagwe vai s/he pounds meat, makes pemmican

(derived noun) nooka'iiwagwaan ni pounded meat; pemmican
nookakamigaa vii there is soft ground

nookam vta soften h/ in the mouth