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niiyoosinoon vii four of them lie together

Paired with: niiyooshinoog vai

niiyooshinoog vai four of them lie together

Paired with: niiyoosinoon vii

niiyooshkimod qnt num four bags

niiyooshkin qnt num four bags

niizh qnt num two

niizhing adv tmp twice; two times

niizhinoon vii they (inanimate) are two, there are two of them

Paired with: niizhiwag vai

niizhiwag vai they (animate) are two, there are two of them

Paired with: niizhinoon vii

niizho- pv qnt two

niizho-anama'e-giizhik qnt num two weeks

niizho-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is two weeks

niizho-biboon qnt num two years; two winters

niizho-biboonagad vii it is two years

Paired with: niizho-biboonagizi vai

niizho-biboonagizi vai s/he is two years old

Paired with: niizho-biboonagad vii

niizho-diba'igan qnt num
  1. two hours
  2. two miles

niizho-diba'igane vii [N] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'iganed vii [S] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. two minutes
  2. two acres

niizho-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] two gallons

niizho-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num two pounds

niizho-dibaabiishkoojiganezi vai s/he or it (animate) weights two pounds

niizho-dibik qnt num two nights

niizho-gikinoonowin qnt num two years

niizho-giizhigad vii it is Tuesday

niizho-giizhik qnt num two days

niizho-giizis qnt num two months

niizho-giiziswagad vii it is two months

Paired with: niizho-giiziswagizi vai

niizho-giiziswagizi vai s/he is two months old

Paired with: niizho-giiziswagad vii

niizho-minikwaajigan qnt num two gallons

niizho-mininj qnt num [NI] two inches

niizho-mizid qnt num [NI] two feet

niizhodaabaan qnt num two cars, carloads

niizhogon qnt num two days

niizhogonagad vii it is two days

Paired with: niizhogonagizi vai

niizhogonagizi vai it is the second (of the month); s/he is two days old

Paired with: niizhogonagad vii

niizhogonendi vai s/he is gone two days, is absent two days

niizhonaaganens qnt num [BL] two cups, cupfuls

niizhonaagaans qnt num two cups, cupfuls

niizhoninj qnt num two inches

niizhosagoons qnt num two thousand

niizhozid qnt num two feet

niizhozigwam adv qnt two blocks of ice

niizhoobiwag vai two of them are at home; two of them sit together

niizhoobizowag vai two of them speed, drive, fly together

niizhoobii'igan na a deuce, a two (card)

niizhoodenh na a twin

niizhoogamaa vii there are twin lakes

niizhoogaabawiwag vai two of them stand together

niizhoogaade vai it (animate) has two wheels; s/he has two legs

niizhookik qnt num two pails, two pailfuls

niizhookwewe vai he has two women, two wives

niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

niizhoonagiziwag vai there are two canoes or boats of them

niizhoonikeni vai s/he uses both arms (or hands)

niizhoopidewan vii two of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niizhoopizowag vai

niizhoopidoon vti2 tie two of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niizhoopizh vta

niizhoopizh vta tie, hitch two of them (animate) together

Paired with: niizhoopidoon vti2

niizhoopizowag vai two of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niizhoopidewan vii

niizhooshimowag vai s/he two of them dance together

niizhooshinoog vai two of them lie together

niizhooshkimod qnt num two bags

niizhooshkin qnt num two bags

niizhootawage vai s/he has two ears

niizhwaginzo vai [BL] it is the second (of the month)

niizhwaabik qnt num two dollars

niizhwaabiig adv num two strands, two strings

niizhwaaching adv tmp seven times

niizhwaachinoon vii they (inanimate) are seven, there are seven of them

Paired with: niizhwaachiwag vai

niizhwaachiwag vai they (animate) are seven, there are seven of them

Paired with: niizhwaachinoon vii

niizhwaak qnt num two hundred

niizhwaasimidana qnt num seventy

niizhwaaso qnt num [RL] seven

See also: niizhwaaswi qnt num

niizhwaaso- pv qnt seven

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhigad vii it is seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num seven weeks

niizhwaaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is seven weeks

niizhwaaso-biboon qnt num seven years; seven winters

niizhwaaso-biboonagad vii it is seven years

Paired with: niizhwaaso-biboonagizi vai

niizhwaaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is seven years old

niizhwaaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. seven hours
  2. seven miles

niizhwaaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is seven o'clock

niizhwaaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. seven minutes
  2. seven acres

niizhwaaso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] seven gallons

niizhwaaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num seven pounds

niizhwaaso-dibik qnt num seven nights

niizhwaaso-gikinoonowin qnt num seven years

niizhwaaso-giizhik qnt num seven days

niizhwaaso-giizis qnt num seven months

niizhwaaso-giiziswagad vii it is seven months

Paired with: niizhwaaso-giiziswagizi vai

niizhwaaso-giiziswagizi vai s/he is seven months old

Paired with: niizhwaaso-giiziswagad vii

niizhwaaso-minikwaajigan qnt num seven gallons

niizhwaaso-mininj qnt num [NI] seven inches

niizhwaaso-mizid qnt num [NI] seven feet

niizhwaasogon qnt num seven days

niizhwaasogonagad vii it is seven days

Paired with: niizhwaasogonagizi vai

niizhwaasogonagizi vai
  1. s/he is seven days old
  2. it is the seventh day of the month

Paired with: niizhwaasogonagad vii

niizhwaasonaaganens qnt num [BL] seven cups