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mikwamiiwaabikaa vii there is ice-covered rock

mikwamiiwaabikizi vai

Paired with: mikwamiiwaabikad vii

mikwamiiwi vai s/he is icy

Paired with: mikwamiiwan vii

mikwamiiwigamig ni an ice house (for storing cut ice)

mikwamiiwinaagaans ni a drinking glass

mikwamiiwinini na an ice cutter

mikwanokii vai s/he finds work, finds a job

mikwaagone' vta find h/ in the snow (by using something)

Paired with: mikwaagone'an vti

mikwaagone'an vti find it in the snow (by using something)

Paired with: mikwaagone' vta

mikwaanikaadan vti find it by digging

Paired with: mikwaanikaazh vta

mikwaanikaazh vta find h/ by digging

Paired with: mikwaanikaadan vti

mikwaanike vai s/he finds something by digging

(applicative) mikwaanikaadan vti find it by digging (applicative) mikwaanikaazh vta find h/ by digging
mikwaasenodan vti discover it in the light

Paired with: mikwaasenodaw vta

mikwaasenodaw vta discover h/ in the light

mikwendam vai2 s/he has things come to h/ mind; s/he recalls, recollects, remembers

mikwendamose vai s/he suddenly remembers

mikwendan vti recall, recollect, remember, come to think of it

Paired with: mikwenim vta

mikwendaagozi vai s/he comes to mind, is recalled, is remembered

Paired with: mikwendaagwad vii

mikwendaagwad vii it comes to mind, is recalled, is remembered

Paired with: mikwendaagozi vai

mikwenim vta recall, recollect, remember, come to think of h/

Paired with: mikwendan vti

(reciprocal) mikwenindiwag vai they recall, recollect, remember, come to think of each other
mikwenindiwag vai they recall, recollect, remember, come to think of each other

mikwewem vta call or ask for and find h/

mimigobagizo vai s/he shakes h/ body

mimigosaga'an vti scrub it (the floor)

(detransitive) mimigosaga'ige vai s/he scrubs the floor (derived noun) mimigosaga'igan ni a scrub brush
mimigosaga'igan ni a scrub brush

See also: mamigosaga'igan ni [BL]

mimigosaga'ige vai s/he scrubs the floor

mimigose vii it suddenly shakes, vibrates

mimigoshkam vai2 s/he threshes, jigs something (e.g., wild rice)

Paired with: mamigoshkam vai2 [BL]

mimigoshkamwaagan ni a barrel or tub used in threshing wild rice

mimigoshkan vti rub it (with foot or body) to loosen it; thresh, jig it (e.g., wild rice)

See also: mamigoshkan vti [BL]

mimigwabi vai s/he squirms sitting

mimigwaabika'igan ni a pot scrubber; a dish rag, a dish cloth

See also: mamigwaabika'igan ni [BL]

mimigwaakosidoon vti2 scrub it on a washboard, rub it against a board

(detransitive) mimigwaakosijige vai s/he scrubs something on a washboard (derived noun) mimigwaakosijigan ni a washboard
mimigwaakosijigan ni a washboard

See also: mamigwaakosijigan ni [BL]

mimigwaakosijige vai s/he scrubs something on a washboard

mina' vta give h/ a drink, give (it) to him to drink

(detransitive) mina'iwe vai s/he gives drinks out to someone
mina'ig na [BL] a white spruce

Picea glauca

mina'igo-bigiw na white spruce pitch

mina'igwanagek na white spruce bark

mina'igwaandag na [BL] a white spruce bough

mina'iwe vai s/he gives drinks out to someone

minawaanigo' vta make h/ happy

minawaanigonaagozi vai s/he looks happy

minawaanigotaagozi vai s/he sounds happy

minawaanigozi vai s/he is happy, is joyous, is glad, has a good time

Paired with: minawaanigwad vii

minawaanigwad vii it is happy, is joyous, is exciting

Paired with: minawaanigozi vai

minawaanigwendam vai2 s/he feels happy, feels glad

minaadendan vti think highly of, esteem, respect it

Paired with: minaadenim vta

minaadendaagozi vai s/he is held in high esteem

minaadenim vta think highly of, esteem, respect h/

Paired with: minaadendan vti

minaadenimo vai s/he is proud, has self-respect

minaago'o vai s/he wears perfume, puts perfume on

minaago'on ni perfume

minaagozi vai s/he has an odor. has a smell

See also: minaagwad vii

minaagwad vii it has a odor, has a smell

See also: minaagozi vai

minaam vta sniff h/, take a smell of h/, smell h/, get h/ scent

mindawe vai s/he is dissatisfied (with what has been given), pouts

(verb of addiction) mindaweshki vai s/he pouts habitually
mindaweganzhaan a white spot on the fingernail

mindaweganzhii vai s/he has white spots on fingernails

mindaweshki vai s/he pouts habitually

mindido vai s/he or it (animate) is big

Paired with: michaa vii

mindido' vta make h/ big, enlarge h/
mindido' vta make h/ big, enlarge h/

Paired with: michaatoon vti2


mindimoowenh na an old woman, an old lady

See also: mindimooyenh na

mindimooyenh na an old woman, an old lady

(verb of being) mindimooyenyiwi vai she is an old woman, is an old lady (verb of pretending) mindimooyenyikaazo vai s/he pretends to is an old lady
mindimooyenyikaazo vai s/he pretends to is an old lady

mindimooyenyiwi vai she is an old woman, is an old lady

mindookad vii there is dew

mini ni pus

(verb of being) miniiwan vii it has pus, is inflected (verb of being) miniiwi vai s/he or it (animate) has pus, is infected
minik adv qnt a certain amount, a certain number, so much, so many

minikwaadan vti use it for a drink

minikwaajigan ni drinking vessel (larger than a cup): a glass, a mug, a tankard, a chalice

minikwaajigan adv qnt a measure of liquid: a gallon

minikwe vai s/he drinks

minikwen vai + o s/he drinks (it) (applicative) minikwaadan vti use it for a drink
(derived noun) minikwaajigan adv qnt a measure of liquid: a gallon (derived noun) minikwaajigan ni drinking vessel (larger than a cup): a glass, a mug, a tankard, a chalice
(verb of addiction) minikweshki vai s/he drinks as a habit (derived noun) minikwewin ni something to drink, a beverage; alcohol (for drinking): liquor, spirits, whiskey
minikwen vai + o s/he drinks (it)

minikweshki vai s/he drinks as a habit

minikwewigamig ni a tavern, a bar

minikwewin ni alcohol (for drinking): liquor, spirits, whiskey; something to drink, a beverage

mininj qnt num an inch

daso-mininj qnt num [NI]

minis ni an island

See also: minisi ni [RL]

(verb of abundance) minisikaa vii there are (many) islands
minisaabik ni a rocky island, a reef

(verb of abundance) minisaabikokaa vii there are (many) reefs
minisaabikokaa vii there are (many) reefs

minisi ni [RL] an island

See also: minis ni

minisikaa vii there are (many) islands

minisinadaawangaa vii there is an offshore sandbar, an island of sand

minisinakii vii it grows in an island, there is an island of it growing

minisinaakwaa vii it is a stand of trees in an open area; there is a grove of trees

minisinaanakwad vii it is an isolated cloud

minisinikobaa vii there is an isolated patch of brush

miniingwaan ni matter in or near in eyes

miniingwe vai s/he has an infected eye

miniiwan vii it has pus, is inflected

Paired with: miniiwi vai

miniiwaabide vai s/he has an abscessed tooth

miniiwi vai s/he or it (animate) has pus, is infected

Paired with: miniiwan vii

miniiwigaade vai s/he has an infected leg

miniiwininjii vai s/he has an infected hand or finger

miniiwitawage vai s/he has an infected ear

miniiwizide vai s/he has an infected foot

minjikanaakobide vii it is fenced, fenced in

minjikanaakobidoon vti2 fence it, fence it in

Paired with: minjikanaakobizh vta

(detransitive) minjikanaakobijige vai s/he fences something, fences something in (verb of undergoing) minjikanaakobijigaade vii it is fenced, fenced in (derived noun) minjikanaakobijigan ni a fence