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midaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the tenth (of the month)

midaaswaabik qnt num ten dollars

midaaswaak qnt num thousand

midaasweg qnt num ten pieces of something sheet-like

midaaswemikwaanens qnt num ten spoonfuls

midaaswewaan qnt num ten pairs; ten sets

midaaswewaanagadoon vii there are ten sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

midaaswi qnt num ten

See also: midaaso qnt num [RL]

midaaswi ashi-bezhig qnt num eleven

See also: ashi-bezhig qnt num

midaaswi ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num sixteen

See also: ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num

midaaswi ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num sixteen

See also: ashi-ingodwaaswi qnt num ; ashi-ningodwaaswi qnt num

midaaswi ashi-niizh qnt num twelve

See also: ashi-niizh qnt num

mide na a member of the Midewiwin

(verb of being) midewi vai s/he is a Mide, is a member of the Midewiwin
(derived noun) Midewiwin ni Midewiwin; Medicine Dance; Grand Medicine Society
midechininj ni [S] a thumb

See also: michichin ni [BL]

midechizid ni a big toe

midewayaan na a Mide medicine bag

midewi vai s/he is a Mide, is a member of the Midewiwin

midewigamig ni a Mide lodge

midewigaan ni a Mide lodge

midewigaanaak ni a Mide lodge frame

migaaskitawagaan ni ear wax

migaaskitawage vai s/he has ear wax

migi vai s/he barks

(applicative) migidan vti bark at it (applicative) migizh vta bark at h/ (causative) migi' vta make h/ bark
migidan vti bark at it

Paired with: migizh vta

migi' vta make h/ bark

migiskan ni [BL] a fish hook

migiskanaak ni a fishing pole

migiskaneyaab ni a hook and line

migizh vta bark at h/

Paired with: migidan vti

migizi na a bald eagle

Haliaeetus leucocephalus

migiziwazison ni [BL] a bald eagle's nest

migiziwi-giizis na [BL] February

migiziwigwan na a bald eagle feather

migoshkaadendam vai2 s/he is annoyed, is bothered, is worried

migoshkaadendan vti be annoyed, bothered, worried by it

Paired with: migoshkaadenim vta

migoshkaadendaagozi vai s/he is considered a nuisance, is a bother, is worrisome

Paired with: migoshkaadendaagwad vii

migoshkaadendaagwad vii it is considered a nuisance, is a bother, is worrisome

Paired with: migoshkaadendaagozi vai

migoshkaadenim vta be annoyed, bothered, worried by h/

Paired with: migoshkaadendan vti

migoshkaaji' vta annoy, bother, pester h/

(reciprocal) migoshkaaji'idiwag vai they annoy, bother, pester each other (detransitive) migoshkaaji'iwe vai s/he annoys, bothers, pesters people
migoshkaaji'idiwag vai they annoy, bother, pester each other

migoshkaaji'iwe vai s/he annoys, bothers, pesters people

migoshkaajise vii it doesn't run right, has problems

migoos ni an awl

migoosi-wajiw ni mountain of awls

mijidwe vai s/he orders, sends for something through a third party

mikamaw vta find (it) for h/

mikamaadizo vai s/he finds (it) for h/ self

mikamaazo vai s/he finds (it) for h/ self

mikan vti find it

Paired with: mikaw vta

(benefactive) mikamaw vta find (it) for h/
(reflexive) mikamaazo vai s/he finds (it) for h/ self (reflexive) mikamaadizo vai s/he finds (it) for h/ self
(detransitive) mikige vai s/he finds things (verb of undergoing) mikigaade vii it is found (by someone), "they" find it (verb of undergoing) mikigaazo vai s/he is found (by someone), "they" find h/
mikaw vta find h/

Paired with: mikan vti

(reflexive) mikaadizo vai s/he finds h/ self (detransitive) mikaage vai s/he finds people
mikawaabam vta discover h/ in sight suddenly; spy h/

Paired with: mikawaabandan vti

mikawaabandan vti discover it in sight suddenly; spy it

Paired with: mikawaabam vta

mikawaam vta remind h/ of something

mikawi vai s/he regains consciousness, comes to

mikawise vai s/he suddenly regains consciousness, comes to

mikaadizo vai s/he finds h/ self

mikaage vai s/he finds people

mikigaade vii it is found (by someone), "they" find it

mikigaazo vai s/he is found (by someone), "they" find h/

mikige vai s/he finds things

mikinaak na a snapping turtle

mikinaakwaawan ni a snapping turtle egg

mikinaakwemikwaan na a snapping turtle shell

mikobidaw vta find (it) for h/ with hands

mikobidoon vti2 find it with hands

Paired with: mikobizh vta

(benefactive) mikobidaw vta find (it) for h/ with hands (detransitive) mikobijige vai s/he finds things with hands
mikobijige vai s/he finds things with hands

mikobizh vta find h/ by feeling with the hand(s)

Paired with: mikobidoon vti2

mikom vta mention h/; come to h/ mind

Paired with: mikondan vti

mikon vta find h/ with the hand

Paired with: mikonan vti

mikonan vti find it by the hand

Paired with: mikon vta

mikond na a binding stick on a basket

mikondan vti mention it, have come to h/ mind

Paired with: mikom vta

mikonizhikaw vta find h/ (your prey) by flushing or chasing

mikoweba' vta find h/ using something forcefully (for example, by raking)

Paired with: mikoweba'an vti

mikoweba'an vti find it by using something forcefully (for example, by raking)

Paired with: mikoweba' vta ; mikoweba'wi vta [NI]

mikoweba'wi vta [NI]

mikoweba' vta

mikoobiiga' vta find h/ in the water (using something)

mikoobiiga'an vti find it in the water (using something)

Paired with: mikoobiiga' vta

mikoobiigibidoon vti2 feel for it in the water, find it in the water (with the hands)

Paired with: mikoobiigibizh vta

mikoobiigibizh vta feel for h/ in the water, find h/ in the water (with the hands)

Paired with: mikoobiigibidoon vti2

mikoobiigin vta feel h/ in the water, find h/ in the water (with the hand)

Paired with: mikoobiiginan vti

mikoobiiginan vti feel it in the water, find it in the water (with the hand)

Paired with: mikoobiigin vta

mikoojii' vta [S] find, discover, feel h/ or it (animate) using something

Paired with: mikoojii'an vti See also: mikoojii'wi vta [NI]

mikoojii'an vti find, discover, feel (the shape of) it using something

Paired with: mikoojii' vta [S] ; mikoojii'wi vta [NI]

mikoojii'wi vta [NI] find, discover, feel h/ or it (animate) using something

Paired with: mikoojii'an vti See also: mikoojii' vta [S]

mikoojiin vta find, discover, feel h/ or it (animate) with the hand or fingers

Paired with: mikoojiinan vti

mikoojiinan vti find, discover, feel it with the hand or fingers

Paired with: mikoojiin vta

mikoojiishkan vti find, discover it by feeling around with the foot or body

Paired with: mikoojiishkaw vta

mikoojiishkaw vta find, discover h/ feeling around with the foot or body

Paired with: mikoojiishkan vti

mikwam na ice

(verb of abundance) mikwamiikaa vii
  1. there (a lot of) ice
  2. it hails
(verb of making) mikwamiike vai s/he makes ice, cuts ice
(derived noun) mikwamiikaan na cut ice
(verb of being) mikwamiiwan vii it is icy (verb of being) mikwamiiwi vai s/he is icy
mikwaminaaniwan vii [BL] there is a hailstorm

mikwamii-giishkiboojigan ni an ice saw

mikwamii-gwaaba'iskwaan ni ice scoop

See also: gwaaba'iskwaan ni

mikwamii-makak ni an ice box, a refrigerator

mikwamiikaa vii
  1. there (a lot of) ice
  2. it hails

mikwamiikaan na cut ice

mikwamiike vai s/he makes ice, cuts ice

mikwamiise vii

mikwamiiwan vii it is icy

Paired with: mikwamiiwi vai

mikwamiiwaabikad vii it (something mineral or metal) is icy

Paired with: mikwamiiwaabikizi vai