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dewaakigan vai [C] [S] s/he has chest pain; h/ chest aches

See also: dewaakigane vai [N]

dewaakigane vai [N] s/he has chest pain; h/ chest aches

See also: dewaakigan vai [C] [S]

dewaawigan vai [C] s/he has a backache

See also: dewaawigane vai [N]

dewaawigane vai [N] s/he has a back ache

dewe'igan na a drum

(verb of making) dewe'iganike vai s/he makes a drum or drums (verb of possession) odewe'igani vai s/he has a drum or drums
dewe'iganaak ni a drumstick

dewe'iganike vai s/he makes a drum or drums

dewidaamikane vai h/ jaw aches, chin aches

dewidenaniwe vai h/ has a sore tongue

dewidoone vai h/ mouth aches

dewigane vai s/he has aches or pains in h/ bones

See also: dadewigane vai

dewigaade vai s/he has an ache in h/ leg

dewigidigwe vai h/ knee aches

dewigwayawe vai s/he has ache in h/ neck

dewijaane vai h/ nose aches

dewijiizi vai s/he has a stomachache

dewikwe vai s/he has a headache

(verb of addiction) dewikweshki vai s/he has chronic headaches
dewikwe-mashkikiins ni an aspirin

dewikwengwaam vai [S] s/he has a headache from sleeping too long

dewikwese vai s/he gets a sudden headache

dewikweshki vai s/he has chronic headaches

dewimisade vai s/he has a stomachache

dewinawe vai [LLC] h/ cheek aches or cheeks ache

dewinike vai s/he has an ache in h/ arm

dewininjii vai s/he has an ache in h/ hand

dewipikwan vai [C] s/he has a backache

See also: dewipikwane vai

dewipikwane vai s/he has a backache

See also: dewipikwan vai [C]

dewishkiinzhigwe vai h/ eye aches or eyes ache

dewitawage vai s/he has an earache

dewitigwaane vai [BL] s/he has a headache

dewizi vai s/he aches, has an ache

dewizide vai s/he has an ache in h/ foot

di vai s/he has something the matter with h/

di- vai s/he has a certain thing the matter with h/; s/he is in a certain condition

diba' vta pay for h/ or it (animate); bail h/ out

Paired with: diba'an vti See also: diba'wi vta [NI]

diba'akii vai s/he surveys land

diba'akiiwinini na a surveyor

diba'amaw vta pay h/ for (it), pay (it) to him

diba'amaadiwag vai they pay each other for (it)

diba'amaage vai s/he pays people for (something)

diba'amaazo vai

diba'an vti pay it, pay for it

Paired with: diba' vta

(verb of undergoing) diba'igaade vii it is paid, paid for (by someone), "they" pay it or for it (verb of undergoing) diba'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is paid for (by someone), "they" pay for h/ or it (animate) (detransitive) diba'ige vai s/he pays things; s/he measures things
(derived noun) diba'igan adv num
  1. an hour
  2. a mile
diba'igaans adv num
  1. a minute
  2. an acre
(verb of being) diba'igane vii [N] it is a certain time in hours; it is a distance in miles
diba'igese vii it pays off, pays for itself
(benefactive) diba'amaw vta pay h/ for (it), pay (it) to him
(reciprocal) diba'amaadiwag vai they pay each other for (it) (detransitive) diba'amaage vai s/he pays people for (something)
diba'aatigwaan ni a measuring used for measuring: a yardstick, a timber measuring stick, [esp. diminutive] a ruler

diba'aatigwe vai s/he scales timber

diba'igan adv num
  1. an hour
  2. a mile

daso-diba'igan qnt num

diba'igane vii [N] it is a certain time in hours; it is a distance in miles

diba'iganed vii [S]
  1. it is a time in hours
  2. it is a distance in miles

daso-diba'iganed vii [S]

diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is a time in hours

daso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL]

diba'igaade vii it is paid, paid for (by someone), "they" pay it or for it

diba'igaans adv num
  1. a minute
  2. an acre

daso-diba'igaans qnt num

diba'igaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is paid for (by someone), "they" pay for h/ or it (animate)

diba'ige vai s/he measures things; s/he pays things

diba'igese vii it pays off, pays for itself

diba'igeziswaan na [RL] a clock

See also: diba'igiiziswaan na

diba'igeziswaanens na [RL] a watch

See also: diba'igiiziswaanens na

diba'igiiziswaan na a clock

See also: diba'igeziswaan na [RL]

diba'igiiziswaanens na a watch

See also: diba'igeziswaanens na [RL]

diba'iminaan adv num bushel, container for dry measure

diba'oobaan adv qnt [BL] gallon

diba'oozh vta parcel things out to h/; ration out to h/

diba'wi vta [NI] pay for h/ or it (animate); bail h/ out

Paired with: diba'an vti See also: diba' vta

dibaabam vta inspect, check up on h/ or it (animate), look h/ or it (animate) over

Paired with: dibaabandan vti

dibaabandan vti inspect, check up on it, look it over

Paired with: dibaabam vta

dibaabiigin vta measure h/ (as with something string-like)

Paired with: dibaabiiginan vti

dibaabiiginan vti measure it (as with something string-like)

Paired with: dibaabiigin vta

dibaabiiginigan ni a tape measure
dibaabiiginigan ni a tape measure

See also: dibaabiiginiganeyaab ni

dibaabiiginiganeyaab ni a tape measure

See also: dibaabiiginigan ni

dibaabiishkoodoon vti2 weigh it (on a scale)

Paired with: dibaabiishkoozh vta

(detransitive) dibaabiishkoojige vai s/he weighs things (on a scale) (derived noun) dibaabiishkoojigan ni a scale (derived noun) dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num a pound
dibaabiishkoojigan ni a scale

dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num a pound

daso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num

dibaabiishkoojiganezi vai [BL]

dibaabiishkoojige vai s/he weighs things (on a scale)

dibaabiishkoozh vta weigh h/ (on a scale)

Paired with: dibaabiishkoodoon vti2

dibaadodan vti tell of it

Paired with: dibaajim vta

(verb of undergoing) dibaadojigaade vii it is told of, reported (by someone), "they" tell of, report it (verb of undergoing) dibaadojigaazo vai s/he is told of, reported (by someone), "they" tell of, report h/
dibaadode vii it is told around; word of it is going around

dibaadojigaade vii it is told of, reported (by someone), "they" tell of, report it

dibaadojigaazo vai s/he is told of, reported (by someone), "they" tell of, report h/

dibaajim vta tell of h/

Paired with: dibaadodan vti

dibaajimo vai s/he tells, tells a story

(applicative) dibaajimotaw vta tell (it) to h/
(reciprocal) dibaajimotaadiwag vai they tell stories to each other
(derived noun) dibaajimowin ni a story; a narrative; a report dadibaajimo vai s/he tells stories, reports
(applicative) dadibaajimotaw vta tell stories to h/
dibaajimotaw vta tell (it) to h/

(reciprocal) dibaajimotaadiwag vai they tell stories to each other
dibaajimotaadiwag vai they tell stories to each other

dibaajimowin ni a narrative; a story; a report

dibaajimoo-mazina'igan ni a newspaper

dibaajimoomagad vii it tells, reports

dibaakon vta judge h/

Paired with: dibaakonan vti

dibaakonan vti judge it

Paired with: dibaakon vta

(detransitive) dibaakonige vai s/he judges things (verb of undergoing) dibaakonigaade vii it is a court matter (verb of undergoing) dibaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged, is sentenced (by someone), "they" judge, sentence h/
dibaakonigaade vii it is a court matter

dibaakonigaazo vai s/he is judged, is sentenced (by someone), "they" judge, sentence h/

dibaakonige vai s/he judges things

dibaakonigewigamig ni a courthouse, a courtroom

dibaakonigewikwe na a judge, a lawyer (female)

dibaakonigewinini na a judge, a lawyer

dibaakwa'an vti measure it (with a stick)

(detransitive) dibaakwa'ige vai s/he measures with a stick
dibaakwa'iganaak ni a measuring used for measuring: a yardstick, a timber measuring stick, [esp. diminutive] a ruler

dibaakwa'ige vai s/he measures with a stick

dibaakwa'igewinini na a timber measurer

dibaazom vta talk about something to h/

(reciprocal) dibaazondiwag vai they talk about something with each other
dibaazondiwag vai they talk about something with each other

dibendamookaazo vai s/he acts as if s/he owns something

dibendan vti control, own it

Paired with: dibenim vta

(detransitive) dibenjige vai s/he controls, owns, rules something (detransitive) dibendaaso vai s/he owns for h/ self (verb of pretending) dibendamookaazo vai s/he acts as if s/he owns something (verb of undergoing) dibenjigaade vii it is controlled, owned, ruled (by someone), "they" control, own, rule it (verb of undergoing) dibenjigaazo vai
  1. s/he is controlled, owned, ruled (by someone), "they" control, own, rule h/
  2. s/he is a member