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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

danweweshin vai s/he is heard hitting or falling in a certain place

Paired with: danwewesin vii

danwewetoo vai s/he speaks publicly, talks or makes noise in a certain place

danweweyaange vai the sound of h/ wings can be heard in a certain place

danwewezige vai s/he is heard firing in a certain place

danwewidam vai2 s/he is heard calling, sounding in or from a certain place

dapaabam vta look through a window at h/; peek (through an opening) at h/, look through an opening at h/

Paired with: dapaabandan vti

dapaabandan vti peek (through an opening) at it, look through an opening at it

Paired with: dapaabam vta

dapaabi vai s/he peeks (through an opening), looks through an opening

dapidiyeni vai [MN] s/he sticks h/ butt through an opening

See also: bapidiyeni vai [BL]

dapinazh vta injure, kill h/ in a certain place

dapine vai s/he dies in a certain place; s/he suffers in a certain place

dasin vii it is so much, there is so much of it

Paired with: dashi vai See also: dasinoon vii

dasing adv tmp a certain number of times; so many times

dasinoon vii they (inanimate) are so many, there are so many of them; they (inanimate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them

Paired with: dashiwag vai See also: dasin vii

daso- pv rel every; a certain number; so many

daso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num a certain number of weeks; so many weeks

daso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is a certain number of weeks; it is so many weeks

daso-biboon qnt num a certain number of years; so many years; a certain number of winters; so many winters

daso-biboonagad vii it is a certain number of years; it is so many years

daso-biboonagizi vai s/he is a certain number of years old; s/he is so many years old

Paired with: daso-biboonagad vii

daso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. a certain number of hours, so many hours
  2. a certain number of miles, so many miles

daso-diba'igane vii [N]
  1. it is a certain time in hours
  2. it is a certain distance in miles

See also: daso-diba'iganed vii [S]

daso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is a certain hour, is a certain time in hours

daso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is a certain time in hours

daso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. a certain number of minutes, so many minutes
  2. a certain number of acres, so many acres

daso-diba'iminaan qnt num a certain number of bushels; so many bushels

daso-diba'oobaan qnt num [BL] a certain number of gallons

daso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num a certain number of pounds; so many pounds

daso-dibik qnt num a certain number of nights; so many nights

daso-gikinoonowin adv tmp a certain number of years; so many years

daso-giizhigad vii it is a certain date

daso-giizhik qnt num a certain number of days; so many days

daso-giizis qnt num a certain number of months; so many months

daso-giiziswagad vii it is so many months

Paired with: daso-giiziswagizi vai

daso-giiziswagizi vai s/he is a certain number of months old

Paired with: daso-giiziswagad vii

daso-minikwaajigan qnt num a certain number of gallons

daso-mininj qnt num [NI] certain number of inches

daso-mizid qnt num [BL] a certain number of feet

dasobagad vii it has so many leaves

Paired with: dasobagizi vai

dasobagizi vai it (animate) has so many leaves

Paired with: dasobagad vii

dasobiboonwe vai [BL] s/he is a certain number of years old

dasobiiwaye vai s/he has so many hairs (in h/ fur or on h/ body)

dasodaabaan qnt num a certain number of cars, carfuls

dasogon qnt num a certain number of days; so many days

dasogonagad vii it is a certain number of days; it is so many days

dasogonagizi vai s/he is a certain day of the month; s/he is a certain number of days old

dasogonendi vai s/he is gone a certain number of days, is absent a certain number of days

dasonaaganens qnt num [BL] a certain number of cups, cupfuls; so many cups, cupfuls

dasonaagaans qnt num a certain number of cupfuls; so many cupfuls

dasoninj qnt num a certain number of inches; so many inches

dasosagoons qnt num a certain number of thousands; so many thousand

dasozid qnt num [MN] a certain number of feet; so many feet

See also: daso-mizid qnt num [BL]

dasoobiwag vai a certain number of them sit together; a certain number of them are at home

dasoobizowag vai a certain number of them speed, drive, fly together

dasoogaabawiwag vai a certain number of them stand together

dasoogaade vai s/he has so many legs

dasookawewag vai they leave a certain number of tracks

dasookik qnt num a certain number of pails, a certain number of pailfuls

dasoonag qnt num so many boats or canoes, so many boatloads

dasoonagadoon vii there are a certain number of canoes or boats of it

Paired with: dasoonagiziwag vai

dasoonagiziwag vai there are a certain number of canoes or boats of them

dasoonaagan ni a deadfall trap; a trap

dasoonidizo vai s/he traps h/ self, gets caught in h/ own trap

dasoopidewan vii a certain number of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: dasoopizowag vai

dasoopidoon vti2 tie a certain number of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: dasoopizh vta

dasoopizh vta tie, hitch a certain number of them (animate) together

Paired with: dasoopidoon vti2

dasoopizowag vai a certain number of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: dasoopidewan vii

dasooshinoog vai a certain number of them lie together

dasooshkimod qnt num a certain number of bags

dasooshkin qnt num certain number of bags; so many bags

dasoozh vta trap h/

(reflexive) dasoonidizo vai s/he traps h/ self, gets caught in h/ own trap
dasoozo vai s/he is trapped, pinned down

daswaabide vai s/he has so many teeth

daswaabik qnt num a certain number of dollars; so many dollars

daswaak qnt num so many hundreds

daswaandagizi vai it (animate) has a certain number of tree needles

daswaanikwe vai s/he has so many hairs (on h/ head)

daswaatig qnt num a certain number of stick-like objects

dasweg qnt num so many pieces of something sheet-like

dasweginigan qnt num a certain number of packages

daswegiziwag vai there are so many of them (animate; sheet-like)

daswemikwaanens qnt num a certain number of spoonfuls

daswewaan qnt num a certain number of sets or pairs, so many sets or pairs

daswewaanagadoon vii there are a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (inanimate)

Paired with: daswewaanagiziwag vai

daswewaanagiziwag vai there are of a certain number of sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate); there are so many sets, pairs, or kinds of them (animate)

Paired with: daswewaanagadoon vii

daswi qnt num a certain number; so many

dash adv conj but; and, and then, then

See also: idash adv conj

dashi vai s/he, it (animate) is so much, there is so much of h/, it (animate)

Paired with: dasin vii See also: dashiwag vai

dashiwag vai they (animate) are a certain number, there are a certain number of them; they (animate) are so many, there are so many of them

Paired with: dasinoon vii See also: dashi vai

datakibiisaa vii it is cold rain

datakininjii vai s/he has cool or cold hands

datakizide vai h/ feet are chilled or cold

datakokii vai s/he takes steps

datangishkaw vta keep kicking h/

datangishkodaadiwag vai they keep kicking each other

dataatabanaamo vai s/he breathes fast

dawabi vai s/he makes room (for someone to sit)

dawabiitaw vta make room for h/ to sit

dawaa vii there is a space, a gap, room

dawaabide vai s/he has a missing tooth or has missing teeth, has a gap in h/ teeth