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boozitaaso vai s/he loads cargo

boozitoon vti2 load it on (as cargo on a vehicle or boat); upload it (on a computer)

Paired with: boozi' vta

(benefactive) boozitamaw vta load (it) with cargo for h/ (verb of undergoing) boozichigaade vii it is loaded on (by someone), "they" load it on; it is put on board (by someone), "they" put in on board (verb of undergoing) boozichigaazo vai s/he is loaded on (by someone), "they" load h/ on; s/he or it (animate) is put on board (by someone), "they" put h/ or it (animate) on board
boozhoo pc interj greetings!; hello!

boozhoo' vta say hello to h/; send h/ a greeting

boozooneweba'wi vta knock h/ into the boat (using something),

boozwebin vta throw h/ aboard

Paired with: boozwebinan vti

boozwebinan vti throw it aboard

Paired with: boozwebin vta

(detransitive) boozwebinige vai s/he throws things aboard
boozwebinige vai s/he throws things aboard

bwaa- pv tns not able to; not before

bwaakadinigaazod na-v a doughnut

bwaam vta be refused by h/ when asking h/ to do something, fail to persuade h/ to do something

bwaan na a Dakota

(verb of being) bwaaniwi vai s/he is a Dakota
bwaanawichige vai s/he is unable (to do something)

bwaanawi' vta be unable to do something to or manage h/

Paired with: bwaanawitoon vti2

bwaanawi'ewizi vai s/he is unable to do something or unable to get someplace

bwaanawi'o vai s/he is stuck; s/he is unable to do something, is disabled

bwaanawitoon vti2 be unable to do or manage it

Paired with: bwaanawi' vta

(detransitive) bwaanawichige vai s/he is unable (to do something)
bwaanikwe na a Dakota woman

bwaanimo vai s/he speaks Dakota

(derived noun) bwaanimowin ni the Dakota language (applicative) bwaanimotaw vta speak Dakota to h/
bwaanimotaw vta speak Dakota to h/

bwaanimowin ni the Dakota language

bwaaniwi vai s/he is a Dakota

bwaanzhii-nagamo vai s/he sings war songs

bwaanzhii-niimi vai s/he dances a war dance

bwaanzhii-niimi'idiwag vai they dance a war dance

bwaanzhii-niimi'idiwin ni a war dance

bwaanzhiiwi'o vai s/he wears dance regalia

bwaanzhiiwi'on ni dance regalia

bwaawane vai s/he is hardly able to carry a pack

bwaawaakide vii it doesn't burn, is unable to burn

Paired with: bwaawaakizo vai

bwaawaakiz vta be unable to burn, unable to light h/

Paired with: bwaawaakizan vti

bwaawaakizan vti be unable to burn, unable to light it

Paired with: bwaawaakiz vta

bwaawaakizo vai s/he doesn't burn, is unable to burn

Paired with: bwaawaakide vii

bwaawendam vai2 h/ mind goes blank; s/he is unable to think

bwaawibide vii it is unable to drive, unable to run or operate

Paired with: bwaawibizo vai

bwaawibidoon vti2 be unable to pull it; have trouble pulling it

Paired with: bwaawibizh vta

bwaawibizh vta be unable to pull h/; have trouble pulling h/

Paired with: bwaawibidoon vti2

bwaawibizo vai s/he is unable to drive, unable to run or operate

Paired with: bwaawibide vii

bwaawidaabaadan vti be unable to drag or pull it; have trouble dragging or pulling it

Paired with: bwaawidaabaazh vta

bwaawidaabaazh vta be unable to drag or pull h/; have trouble dragging or pulling h/

Paired with: bwaawidaabaadan vti

bwaawidaabii vai s/he is unable to pull a load, has trouble pulling a load

bwaawigi vai s/he or it (animate) is unable to grow

Paired with: bwaawigin vii

bwaawigin vii it is unable to grow

Paired with: bwaawigi vai

bwaawin vta be unable to handle, hold or lift h/; have trouble handling, holding or lifting h/

Paired with: bwaawinan vti

bwaawinadoon vti2 be unable to kill it

Paired with: bwaawinazh vta

bwaawinan vti be unable to handle, hold or lift it; have trouble handling, holding or lifting it

Paired with: bwaawin vta

(detransitive) bwaawinige vai s/he has trouble carrying a load on the shoulder ; s/he is unable to carry a load on the shoulder
bwaawinazh vta be unable to kill h/; have trouble killing h/

Paired with: bwaawinadoon vti2

bwaawinige vai s/he is unable to carry a load on the shoulder; s/he has trouble carrying a load on the shoulder

bwaawishkaa vai s/he hardly moves, won't budge

Paired with: bwaawishkaa vii

bwaawishkaa vii it hardly moves, won't budge

Paired with: bwaawishkaa vai

bwaawizh vta be unable to cut h/

Paired with: bwaawizhan vti

bwaawizhan vti be unable to cut it

Paired with: bwaawizh vta

bwaawiiwi vai s/he is unable to budge something

bwaawoom vta be unable to carry h/ on the back; have trouble carrying h/ on the back

Paired with: bwaawoondan vti

bwaawoondan vti be unable to carry it on the back; have trouble carrying it on the back

Paired with: bwaawoom vta