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biinininjii vai s/he has a clean hand

biinisaga'ige vai s/he cleans the floor

biinisagaa vii it (floor or wall) is clean

biinisanowe vai s/he has a numb cheek or numb cheeks

biinisaa vii it is plain, bland, numb, flavorless, without sensation

Paired with: biinisizi vai

biinisaagamin vii it (a liquid) is tasteless, is insipid

biinisidaamikane vai s/he has a numb chin or jaw

biinisidiye vai s/he has a numb rear

biinisidoon vai [S] s/he has numb lips

See also: biinisidoone vai [N]

biinisidoone vai [N] s/he has numb lips

See also: biinisidoon vai [S]

biinisigaade vai s/he has a numb leg or numb legs

biinisimaagozi vai s/he smells bland

Paired with: biinisimaagwad vii

biinisimaagwad vii it smells bland

Paired with: biinisimaagozi vai

biinisinike vai s/he has a numb arm or numb arms

biinisininjii vai s/he has a numb hand or numb hands

biinisipogozi vai it (animate) is tasteless

Paired with: biinisipogwad vii

biinisipogwad vii it is tasteless

Paired with: biinisipogozi vai

biinisitawage vai s/he has a numb ear or numb ears

biinisizekwe vai h/ cooking is bland, is unflavored

biinisizi vai it (animate) is plain, bland, numb, flavorless, without sensation

Paired with: biinisaa vii

biinisizide vai s/he has numb foot or numb feet

biinisiingwe vai s/he has a numb face

biinish adv gram until; up to

biinitamaw vta clean (it) for h/

biinitaw vta clean (it) for h/

biinitawage vai s/he has a clean ear or clean ears

biinitoon vti2 clean it

Paired with: biini' vta

(verb of undergoing) biinichigaade vii it is cleaned (by someone), "they" clean it (verb of undergoing) biinichigaazo vai s/he is cleaned (by someone), "they" clean h/ (detransitive) biinichige vai s/he cleans things (benefactive) biinitamaw vta clean (it) for h/ (benefactive) biinitaw vta clean (it) for h/
biinizi vai s/he or it (animate) is clean

Paired with: biinad vii

biinizide vai s/he has a clean foot or clean feet

biinizikaa adv man for no reason; spontaneously; suddenly

biiniigad vii it (sheet-like) is clean

Paired with: biiniigizi vai

biiniigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is clean

Paired with: biiniigad vii

biiniingwe vai s/he has a clean face

biinjaya'ii adv loc inside it

See also: biinjayi'ii adv loc

biinjayi'ii adv loc inside it

See also: biinjaya'ii adv loc

biinjaabibinidizo vai s/he pokes h/ self in the eye

biinjaabibizh vta poke h/ in the eye

(reflexive) biinjaabibinidizo vai s/he pokes h/ self in the eye
biinjaabishin vai s/he gets poked in the eye by something

biinji- pv lex inside, indoors

biinji-abinaas adv loc

biinji-gizhaabikizigan adv loc in the stove, in the oven

biinji-waazh adv loc in a den, cave, lair, or burrow

biinji-wiigiwaam adv loc inside the wigwam

biinji-wiish adv loc inside a beaver or muskrat lodge

biinjibadoon vti2 put liquid in it

biinjibide vii it drives, speeds, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibizo vai

biinjibizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjibide vii

biinjiboonaagan na a fish trap

biinjidakokaadan vti

biinjidaw adv loc into a river or bay from a lake, in a river or bay inland from a lake

biinjidawa'o vai s/he enters a river or bay from a lake in a boat

biinjidawakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles into a river or a bay from a lake

biinjidawaa vii it is an outlet

biinjidawaanimad vii the wind blows into river or bay from a lake

biinjidaabaan adv loc in a car

biinjidenaniweni vai s/he sticks h/ tongue into something

biinjidenigomeshin vai s/he gets poked in the nose by something

biinjidiyeni vai s/he sticks h/ butt into something

biinjidoon adv loc inside the mouth

biinjigoneweshin vai s/he gets poked in the mouth by something

biinjigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps in

biinjijaan adv loc [N] inside the nose

See also: biinjijaanzh adv loc

biinjijaaneyaabaawe vai s/he gets water in h/ nose

biinjijaanzh adv loc inside the nose

See also: biinjijaan adv loc [N]

biinjijiwan vii it flows in

biinjimisad adv loc in the stomach

biinjina adv loc [BL] inside the body

See also: biinjinaw adv loc

biinjinaw adv loc inside the body

See also: biinjina adv loc [BL]

biinjinaagan adv loc in a dish

biinjinikebani'o vai s/he sticks h/ arm in quickly

biinjinikeni vai s/he reaches h/ arm in, sticks h/ arm in

biinjininjiini vai s/he puts h/ hand or finger in

biinjipwaagan adv loc in a pipe

biinjise vii it flies, falls in

Paired with: biinjise vai

biinjise vai s/he flies, falls in; s/he is in debt, is in the hole

Paired with: biinjise vii

biinjisidoon vti2 lay or put it in something

Paired with: biinjishim vta

biinjisin vii it lies in something

Paired with: biinjishin vai

biinjisheshkaw vta

biinjisheyaabaawe vai s/he gets water in h/ ear

biinjishim vta lay or put put h/ or it (animate) in something

Paired with: biinjisidoon vti2

biinjishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies in something

Paired with: biinjisin vii

biinjishkiinzhig adv loc in the eye

biinjitawag adv loc inside an ear

biinjitawageshin vai s/he gets poked in the ear by something

biinjitawageshkaw vta

biinjiweba'amaw vta [BL] shove or knock (it) in for h/; [hockey] shoot it (the puck) in and score on h/ (the goalie)

biinjiweba'an vti [BL] shove or knock it in (using something); [hockey] shoot it (the puck) in the goal and score

Paired with: biinjiweba'wi vta [BL] See also: biinjweba'an vti [MN]

(detransitive) biinjiweba'ige vai s/he shoves or knocks something in (using something); s/he plays pool; s/he shoots and scores [hockey]
biinjiweba'ige vai s/he plays pool; s/he shoves or knocks something in (using something); s/he shoots and scores [hockey]

biinjiweba'igewasab na [BL] a hockey goal

See also: zhooshkwaada'ewasab na [BL]

biinjiweba'wi vta [BL] shove or knock h/ or it (animate) in (using something)

Paired with: biinjiweba'an vti [BL] See also: biinjweba' vta

biinjiwebin vta [BL] shove or throw h/ or it (animate) in

Paired with: biinjiwebinan vti [BL] See also: biinjwebin vta [MN]

biinjiwebinan vti [BL] shove or throw it in

Paired with: biinjiwebin vta [BL] See also: biinjwebinan vti [MN]

biinjiwebishkan vti kick it in, shove it in (with foot or body)

Paired with: biinjiwebishkaw vta

biinjiwebishkaw vta kick h/ in, shove h/ in (with foot or body)

Paired with: biinjiwebishkan vti

biinjizhaazo vai s/he pees into something

biinjizidebani'o vai s/he sticks h/ foot in quickly

biinjizideni vai s/he puts h/ foot in

biinjizidese vai h/ foot slips in, slides in

biinjweba' vta shove or knock h/ or it (animate) in (using something)

Paired with: biinjweba'an vti [MN] See also: biinjiweba'wi vta [BL]

biinjweba'an vti [MN] shove or knock it in (using something)

Paired with: biinjweba' vta See also: biinjiweba'an vti [BL]