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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

maanaadad vii it is bad, is no good, is ugly

Paired with: maanaadizi vai

maanaadizi vai s/he is ugly, is homely

Paired with: maanaadad vii

ugly name
maazhinikaade vii it has an ugly name

Paired with: maazhinikaazo vai

maazhinikaazo vai s/he has an ugly name

Paired with: maazhinikaade vii

umbilical cord
umbilical cord
indis nid my navel, umbilical cord

gidis nid your navel, umbilical cord

odis nid h/ navel, umbilical cord

cut umbilical cord
bakidisiizh vta cut h/ umbilcal cord

bakidisiizhige vai s/he cuts the umbilical cord

agawaate'on ni an umbrella

unable to drag
bwaawidaabii vai s/he is unable to pull a load, has trouble pulling a load

bwaawidaabaadan vti be unable to drag or pull it; have trouble dragging or pulling it

Paired with: bwaawidaabaazh vta

bwaawidaabaazh vta be unable to drag or pull h/; have trouble dragging or pulling h/

Paired with: bwaawidaabaadan vti

unable to burn
bwaawaakide vii it doesn't burn, is unable to burn

Paired with: bwaawaakizo vai

bwaawaakizo vai s/he doesn't burn, is unable to burn

Paired with: bwaawaakide vii

bwaawaakizan vti be unable to burn, unable to light it

Paired with: bwaawaakiz vta

bwaawaakiz vta be unable to burn, unable to light h/

Paired with: bwaawaakizan vti

unable to pull a load
bwaawidaabii vai s/he is unable to pull a load, has trouble pulling a load

bwaawidaabaadan vti be unable to drag or pull it; have trouble dragging or pulling it

Paired with: bwaawidaabaazh vta

bwaawidaabaazh vta be unable to drag or pull h/; have trouble dragging or pulling h/

Paired with: bwaawidaabaadan vti

unable to find a drink
gwiinobii vai s/he is unable to find a drink

unable to find water
gwiinoobii vai s/he is unable to find water (or another liquid)

unable to do
bwaanawitoon vti2 be unable to do or manage it

Paired with: bwaanawi' vta

bwaanawi' vta be unable to do something to or manage h/

Paired with: bwaanawitoon vti2

bwaanawichige vai s/he is unable (to do something)

bwaanawi'o vai s/he is stuck; s/he is unable to do something, is disabled

unable to manage
bwaanawi' vta be unable to do something to or manage h/

Paired with: bwaanawitoon vti2

bwaanawitoon vti2 be unable to do or manage it

Paired with: bwaanawi' vta

unable to light
bwaawaakizan vti be unable to burn, unable to light it

Paired with: bwaawaakiz vta

bwaawaakiz vta be unable to burn, unable to light h/

Paired with: bwaawaakizan vti

unable to see
gwiinawaabam vta fail to see h/, be unable to see h/

Paired with: gwiinawaabandan vti

gwiinawaabandan vti fail to see it, be unable to see it

Paired with: gwiinawaabam vta

There are two kinds of uncles: one is a mother's brother (sometimes called a cross-uncle) whose children are called with special cousin terms. The other is a father's brother (sometimes called a parallel uncle) whose children are called siblings (brothers and sisters).
uncle (cross-uncle)
inzhishenh nad my uncle (cross-uncle: mother's brother)

gizhishenh nad your uncle (cross-uncle: mother's brother)

ozhishenyan nad h/ uncle (cross-uncle: mother's brother)

uncle (parallel uncle)
nimishoomenh nad my stepfather; my uncle (parallel uncle: father's brother)

gimishoome nad your uncle (parallel uncle: father's brother); your stepfather

omishoomeyan nad h/ uncle (parallel uncle: father's brother); h/ stepfather

lie uncomfortably
maazhishin vai s/he lies uncomfortably

Paired with: maazhisin vii

sit uncomfortably
maanabi vai
  1. s/he sits uncomfortably
  2. s/he is an uncomfortable or unmanageable position, isn't managing well

sleep uncomfortably
maazhingwaam vai s/he sleeps uncomfortably

baakin vta uncover h/ or it (animate), open it (animate), turn it (animate) on

Paired with: baakinan vti

baakinan vti uncover it, open it up

Paired with: baakin vta

baakinamaw vta uncover (it) for h/

baakinige vai s/he opens things up, uncovers things

baakinigaade vii it is opened, uncovered (by someone), "they" open, uncover it

come uncovered
baakise vii it comes open, comes uncovered, flies open

Paired with: baakise vai

leave uncovered
baakishim vta leave h/ uncovered

Paired with: baakisidoon vti2

baakisidoon vti2 leave it uncovered

Paired with: baakishim vta

baakisin vii it is left open, is left uncovered

Paired with: baakishin vai

baakishin vai s/he is left open, left uncovered

Paired with: baakisin vii

lie uncovered
michishin vai
  1. s/he lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. s/he lies right on the floor or the ground

Paired with: michisin vii

michisin vii
  1. it lies bare, lies uncovered
  2. it lies right on the floor or the ground

Paired with: michishin vai

Words indicating location directly underneath something may be built on the root /anaam-/. Words indicating location in a passage or tunnel underneath something may be built on the root /zhiibaa-/.
anaamayi'ii adv loc [S] under it

See also: anaamaya'ii adv loc [N]

anaami- pv lex under

under a board
anaami-nabagisag adv loc under a board or boards

under the bed
anaami-nibaagan adv loc under the bed

under the boat
anaamoonag adv loc under a boat or canoe

under the floor
anaamisag adv loc under the floor, in the basement

anaamisagong adv loc under the floor, in the basement

under the ground
anaamakamig adv loc under the ground

under ice
anaamikwam adv loc under the ice

anaamiskwam adv loc under the ice

anaamizigwam adv loc under the ice

under a rock
anaamaabik adv loc under a rock

under the snow
anaamaagon adv loc under the snow

anaamaagonag adv loc under the snow

under wood
anaamaatig adv loc under wood (e.g., a fallen tree or a stick)

anaamibiig adv loc underwater

crawl under
zhiibaayoode vai s/he crawls under something, crawls though a passage

dense underbrush
zazagaa vii there is dense underbrush

anaamakamig adv loc under the ground

anaamaki adv loc underground

biitoo-giboodiyegwaazon na a pair of underpants

biitoo-babagiwayaan ni an undershirt

See also: biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL]

biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL] an undershirt

See also: biitoo-babagiwayaan ni

nisidotam vai2 s/he understands (by hearing)

nisidotan vti understand it, recognize, identify it (by hearing)

Paired with: nisidotaw vta

nisidotaw vta recognize h/ (by sound); understand, comprehend h/ (when speaking)

Paired with: nisidotan vti

nisidotaadiwag vai they understand, comprehend each other

nisidotaagozi vai s/he is understood

Paired with: nisidotaagwad vii

nisidotaagwad vii it is understood

Paired with: nisidotaagozi vai

pretend to understand
nisidotamookaazo vai s/he pretends to understand

understand a certain way
initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard

initan vti hear, understand it a certain way

Paired with: initaw vta

initaw vta hear h/ a certain way; understand h/ a certain way

Paired with: initan vti

initaagozi vai s/he is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagwad vii

initaagwad vii it is heard, is understood a certain way

Paired with: initaagozi vai

anaamibiig adv loc underwater

deep underwater
anaamiindim adv loc in the depths of a body of water; deep underwater

dunk head underwater
googiikwebani'o vai [BL] s/he quickly dunks h/ (own) head underwater

put head underwater
googiikweni vai s/he puts h/ (own) head underwater

underwater panther
underwater panther
mishibizhii na
  1. a lion, a panther [mountain lion, Puma concolor]
  2. an underwater panther

See also: mishiibizhii na

biitooshkigan ni (an item of) underwear

biitoo-giboodiyegwaazon na a pair of underpants

biitoo-babagiwayaan ni an undershirt

See also: biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL]

biitoo-bagiwayaan ni [BL] an undershirt

See also: biitoo-babagiwayaan ni

aaba' vta undo, untie, unfasten h/ (using something)

Paired with: aaba'an vti

aaba'amaw vta undo, untie, unfasten (it) for h/ (using something)

aaba'ige vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens things (using something)

aaba'odizo vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens h/ self (using something)

aaba'igaade vii it is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten it

aaba'igaazo vai s/he is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten h/

undo by hand
aabiskon vta undo h/ (by hand)

Paired with: aabiskonan vti

aabiskonan vti undo it (by hand)

Paired with: aabiskon vta

aabiskonige vai s/he undoes things

aabiskonigaade vii it is undone (by someone), "they" undo it (using the hand)

aabiskonigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is undone (by someone), "they" undo h/ or it (animate) (using the hand)

come undone
aabise vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vii

aabise vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vai

aabishkaa vii it comes undone, comes unraveled

Paired with: aabishkaa vai

aabiskose vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vii

aabiskose vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vai

giizikonaye' vta undress h/, get h/ clothes off

giichikonaye' vta [BL] undress h/, get h/ clothes off

giizikonaye vai s/he undresses, takes off h/ (own) clothes

taste unfamiliar
mayagipogozi vai s/he tastes strange, tastes unfamiliar

Paired with: mayagipogwad vii

mayagipogwad vii it tastes strange, tastes unfamiliar

Paired with: mayagipogozi vai

aaba' vta undo, untie, unfasten h/ (using something)

Paired with: aaba'an vti

aaba'amaw vta undo, untie, unfasten (it) for h/ (using something)

aaba'ige vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens things (using something)

aaba'igaade vii it is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten it

aaba'igaazo vai s/he is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten h/

aaba'odizo vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens h/ self (using something)

aaba'wi vta

aaba' vta

aabiskwegin vta unfold, unwrap h/ or it (animate) (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: aabiskweginan vti

aabiskweginan vti unfold, unwrap it (sheet-like)

Paired with: aabiskwegin vta

aabiskweginamaw vta unfold it for h/ (as something sheet-like); unwrap it for h/

aabiskweginigaade vii it is unwrapped (by someone), "they" unwrap it (as something sheet-like); it is unfolded by somebody, "they" unfold it (as something sheet-like)

aabiskweginigaazo vai it is unwrapped (by someone), "they" unwrap it (as something sheet-like); s/he is unfolded (by someone), "they" unfold h/ (as something sheet-like)e]

aabiiginan vti unfold it; unwrap it

Paired with: aabiigin vta

aabiigin vta unfold h/; unwrap h/

Paired with: aabiiginan vti

aabiiginige vai s/he unfolds (things); s/he unwraps (things)

unhook (string-like)
gidiskaabiiginan vti release, disconnect, unhook, unplug it (as something string-like)

Paired with: gidiskaabiigin vta

gidiskaabiigin vta release, disconnect, unhook, unplug h/ (as something string-like)

Paired with: gidiskaabiiginan vti

gidiskaabiiginamaw vta release, disconnect, unhook, unplug (it) (as something string-like) for h/

gidiskaabiiginige vai s/he releases, disconnects, unhooks, unplugs things (as something string-like)

gidiskaabiiginigaade vii it is released, disconnected, unhooked, unplugged (as something string-like) (by someone), "they" release, disconnect, unhook, unplug it (as something string-like)

United States
United States
gichi-mookomaan-aki ni United States

gabe-gikendaasoowigamig ni a college, a university

agwaanaaso vai s/he unloads a boat or vehicle

agwaasidoon vti2 take it off something or unload it off something: take it ashore, take it off the fire, take it off a boat or vehicle

Paired with: agwaashim vta

agwaashim vta take h/ ashore, take h/ off a boat or vehicle, unload it (animate) off something; take it (animate) off the fire

Paired with: agwaasidoon vti2

aabaabika' vta unlock h/

Paired with: aabaabika'an vti

aabaabika'an vti unlock it

Paired with: aabaabika' vta

aabaabika'amaw vta unlock (it) for h/

aabaabika'ige vai s/he unlocks something

aabaabika'igaade vii it is unlocked (by someone), "they" unlock it

unmarried man
moozhaabe na [ML] a bachelor, an unmarried man

unplug (string-like)
gidiskaabiiginan vti release, disconnect, unhook, unplug it (as something string-like)

Paired with: gidiskaabiigin vta

gidiskaabiigin vta release, disconnect, unhook, unplug h/ (as something string-like)

Paired with: gidiskaabiiginan vti

gidiskaabiiginamaw vta release, disconnect, unhook, unplug (it) (as something string-like) for h/

gidiskaabiiginige vai s/he releases, disconnects, unhooks, unplugs things (as something string-like)

gidiskaabiiginigaade vii it is released, disconnected, unhooked, unplugged (as something string-like) (by someone), "they" release, disconnect, unhook, unplug it (as something string-like)

aabiskose vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vai

aabiskose vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vii

aabise vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vii

aabise vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vai

aabaabiigise vii it unravels (as something string-like)

aabibidoon vti2 rip it open; unravel it

Paired with: aabibizh vta

aabibizh vta rip h/ open; unravel h/

Paired with: aabibidoon vti2

aabaabiigin vta unwind, unravel it (animate); string-like)

Paired with: aabaabiiginan vti

aabaabiiginan vti unwind, unravel it (as something string-like)

Paired with: aabaabiigin vta

find unsatisfactory
aanawendan vti find it unsatisfactory, dislike, reject it

Paired with: aanawenim vta

aanawenim vta find h/ unsatisfactory, dislike, reject h/

Paired with: aanawendan vti

aanawenjige vai s/he finds things unsatisfactory, dislike, rejects things

aanawendaagozi vai s/he is found unsatisfactory, is disliked, is rejected

Paired with: aanawendaagwad vii

aanawendaagwad vii it is found unsatisfactory, is disliked, is rejected

Paired with: aanawendaagozi vai

feel unsteady
giiwashkweyaabandam vai2 s/he is dizzy, feels unsteady

aaba' vta undo, untie, unfasten h/ (using something)

Paired with: aaba'an vti

aaba'amaw vta undo, untie, unfasten (it) for h/ (using something)

aaba'ige vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens things (using something)

aaba'igaade vii it is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten it

aaba'igaazo vai s/he is undone, untied, unfastened (by someone), "they" undo, untie, unfasten h/

aaba'odizo vai s/he undoes, unties, unfastens h/ self (using something)

aaba'oodoon vti2 untie it

Paired with: aaba'oozh vta

aaba'oozh vta untangle h/; untie h/

Paired with: aaba'oodoon vti2

untie wild rice
aaba'oodoo vai s/he unties wild rice

come untied
aabise vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vai

aabise vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vii

biinish adv gram until; up to

aabaabiigin vta unwind, unravel it (animate); string-like)

Paired with: aabaabiiginan vti

aabaabiiginan vti unwind, unravel it (as something string-like)

Paired with: aabaabiigin vta

aabiskwegin vta unfold, unwrap h/ or it (animate) (as something sheet-like)

Paired with: aabiskweginan vti

aabiskweginan vti unfold, unwrap it (sheet-like)

Paired with: aabiskwegin vta

aabiskweginamaw vta unfold it for h/ (as something sheet-like); unwrap it for h/

aabiskweginigaade vii it is unwrapped (by someone), "they" unwrap it (as something sheet-like); it is unfolded by somebody, "they" unfold it (as something sheet-like)

aabiskweginigaazo vai it is unwrapped (by someone), "they" unwrap it (as something sheet-like); s/he is unfolded (by someone), "they" unfold h/ (as something sheet-like)e]

aabiiginan vti unfold it; unwrap it

Paired with: aabiigin vta

aabiigin vta unfold h/; unwrap h/

Paired with: aabiiginan vti

aabiiginige vai s/he unfolds (things); s/he unwraps (things)

up to
up to
biinish adv gram until; up to

up to you
it's up to you
booshke giin pc disc it's up to you; it's your decision

agidaaki adv loc [ML] on top of a hill

ogidaaki adv loc on top of a hill; uphill

See also: agidaaki adv loc [ML] ; wagidaaki adv loc

carry uphill
ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2 carry, take it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewizh vta

ogidaakiiwewizh vta carry, take h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2

drag uphill
ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti drag it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta

ogidaakiiwedaabaazh vta drag h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwedaabaadan vti

drive uphill
ogidaakiiwebizo vai s/he or it (animate) drives uphill

go uphill
agidaakiiwe vai [ML] s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top

ogidaakiiwe vai s/he goes uphill, climbs up to the top

lead uphill
ogidaakiiwemon vii [RL] it (a road or trail) leads uphill

pull load uphill
ogidaakiiwedaabii vai s/he goes uphill pulling a load

run uphill
agidaakiiwebatoo vai [ML] s/he runs uphill

ogidaakiiwebatoo vai s/he runs uphill

See also: agidaakiiwebatoo vai [ML]

take uphill
ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2 carry, take it uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewizh vta

ogidaakiiwewizh vta carry, take h/ uphill

Paired with: ogidaakiiwewidoon vti2

[by computer]
upload on a computer
boozitoon vti2 load it on (as cargo on a vehicle or boat); upload it (on a computer)

Paired with: boozi' vta

upper story
have an upper story
ishpimisagokaade vii it has an upper story

hold upright
namadinan vti put or hold it upright

Paired with: namadin vta

namadaakonan vti hold it (stick-like) upright, right side up

Paired with: namadaakon vta

put upright
namadinan vti put or hold it upright

Paired with: namadin vta

stand something upright
namadakidoon vti2 stand it upright

Paired with: namadakizh vta

namadakizh vta stand it (animate) upright

Paired with: namadakidoon vti2

stand upright
namadakide vii it stands upright

Paired with: namadakizo vai

namadakizo vai it (animate) is upright, stands upright

Paired with: namadakide vii

stand upright (as an animal)
namajigaabawi vai s/he stands upright (as an animal)

upset by hand
gawin vta upset h/ (by hand)

Paired with: gawinan vti

gawinan vti upset it by hand

Paired with: gawin vta

gawinige vai s/he takes things down, upsets things

ishkendam vai2 s/he feels tired about something, is disturbed, is upset

upside down
Words indicating an orientation upside down or head down, head first may be built on the initial /ajid-/.
hang upside down
ajidagoodoon vti2 hang it upside down

Paired with: ajidagoozh vta

ajidagoozh vta hang h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidagoodoon vti2

hold upside down
ajidinan vti hold it upside down

Paired with: ajidin vta

ajidin vta hold h/ upside down

Paired with: ajidinan vti

ajidinige vai s/he holds, turns things upside down

ishpimisag ni the floor above, upstairs

ogidigamig adv loc on top of the house; upstairs

See also: agidigamig adv loc

carry upstairs
akwaandawewidoon vti2 climb up carrying it, take; or carry it upstairs

Paired with: akwaandawewizh vta

akwaandawewizh vta climb up carrying h/ or it (animate), take or carry h/ or it (animate) upstairs

Paired with: akwaandawewidoon vti2

go upstairs
akwaandawe vai s/he climbs up, climbs, goes upstairs

go upstairs mad
akwaandawegidaazo vai s/he goes upstairs angry, goes upstairs mad

take upstairs
akwaandawewidoon vti2 climb up carrying it, take; or carry it upstairs

Paired with: akwaandawewizh vta

akwaandawewizh vta climb up carrying h/ or it (animate), take or carry h/ or it (animate) upstairs

Paired with: akwaandawewidoon vti2

agidaajiwan adv loc [ML] upstream

See also: ogidaajiwan adv loc

ogidaajiwan adv loc upstream

See also: agidaajiwan adv loc [ML] ; ogiidaajiwan adv loc [BL]

blown upwards
ombaashi vai s/he or it (animate) is blown up in the air, is lifted by the wind; flies, sails, or soars upwards

Paired with: ombaasin vii

ombaasin vii it is lifted by the wind; is blown, sails, soars upwards

Paired with: ombaashi vai

fly upwards
ombibide vii it flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibizo vai

ombibizo vai s/he or it (animate) flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibide vii

go upwards
ombishkaa vai s/he or it (animate) rises, ascends, goes upwards

Paired with: ombishkaa vii

ombishkaa vii it rises, ascends, goes upwards

See also: ombishkaa vai

go upwards as smoke
ombaabate vii it goes upwards as smoke

jump upwards
ombigwaashkwani vai s/he jumps upwards

speed upwards
ombibide vii it flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibizo vai

ombibizo vai s/he or it (animate) flies, speeds upwards

Paired with: ombibide vii

throw upwards
ombiwebin vta throw, toss h/ upwards

Paired with: ombiwebinan vti

ombiwebinan vti throw, toss it upwards

Paired with: ombiwebin vta

go upwind
onjishkawishkaa vai s/he goes upwind

paddle upwind
onjishkawa'o vai s/he goes upwind in a boat

gagaanzom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

wiikwazom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

wiikwazondiwag vai they persuade, urge, convince each other

wiikwazonge vai s/he persuades, urges, convinces people

urge to come
wiizhaam vta invite h/ (to join an activity), ask h/ along

zhiishiigi vai s/he urinates

zhigidan vti urinate on it

Paired with: zhigizh vta

zhigizh vta urinate on h/

Paired with: zhigidan vti

zhiginidizo vai s/he urinates on h/ self

heard urinating
madwezhaazo vai s/he can be heard urinating

urinate all over
miziwezhaazo vai s/he urinates all over

urinate in clothes
gibozhaazo vai s/he pees in h/ clothes

urinate straining
zhigiiwii vai s/he urinate while straining h/ self or lifting

zhigiwin ni urine

giinawind pron per we, us [inclusive]

See also: gaye giinawind pron per ; gegiinawind pron per

niinawind pron per we, us [exclusive]

See also: gaye niinawind pron per ; geniinawind pron per

just us
niinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us [exclusive]

giinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us [inclusive]

only us
giinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us [inclusive]

niinetawind pron per only we, only us; just us [exclusive]

us next
giinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [inclusive]

niinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [exclusive]

aabaji' vta use h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: aabajitoon vti2

aabajitoon vti2 use it

Paired with: aabaji' vta

aabajitamaw vta use something of his/hers, use (it) for h/

aabajichige vai s/he uses something

aabajichigaade vii it is used (by someone), "they" use it

aabajichigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is used (by someone), "they" use h/ or it (animate)

aabadad vii it is useful, is used

Paired with: aabadizi vai

aabadizi vai s/he is useful, is used

Paired with: aabadad vii

use a certain way
inaabaji' vta use, employ h/ a certain way

Paired with: inaabajitoon vti2

inaabajitoon vti2 use, employ it a certain way

Paired with: inaabaji' vta

inaabajichige vai s/he uses things a certain way

inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

good use
minwaabadad vii it is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadizi vai

minwaabadizi vai s/he is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadad vii

minwaabaji' vta get good use of h/

Paired with: minwaabajitoon vti2

minwaabajitoon vti2 get good use of it

Paired with: minwaabaji' vta

use up
use up
jaagaabaji' vta use h/ up

Paired with: jaagaabajitoon vti2

jaagaabajitoon vti2 use it up

Paired with: jaagaabaji' vta

jaaginan vti use it up, deplete it

Paired with: jaagin vta

jaagin vta use h/ up, deplete h/, spend all of h/

Paired with: jaaginan vti

jaaginige vai s/he spends everything; s/he takes everything; s/he uses things. depletes things, spends everything

jaaginigaade vii it is used up, depleted (by someone), "they" use it up, deplete it

jaaginigaazo vai h/ is spent (by someone), "they" spend h/; s/he is used up, depleted (by someone), "they" use h/ up, deplete h/

use up ammunition
jaaga'e vai s/he uses up all of the ammunition

jaagizige vai s/he uses up all of the ammunition

use up in distribution
jaaga'ookii vai s/he gives everything out, distributes everything

jaaga'oozh vta give all of h/ out, use all of h/ up in a distribution

use up money
jaagizhooniyaaweshin vai s/he uses up all of the money

used to
[familiar with]
used to
nagadenim vta be used to, familiar with, acquainted with h/

Paired with: nagadendan vti

nagadendan vti be used to, be familiar with it

Paired with: nagadenim vta

nagaji' vta be familiar with, accustomed to, used to h/ or it (animate); know how to handle h/ or it (animate), know how to make it (animate)

Paired with: nagajitoon vti2

nagajitoon vti2 be familiar with, accustomed to, used to it; know how to make or handle it

Paired with: nagaji' vta

used to eating
nagadam vta be used to eating h/

nagadandan vti be used to eating it

Paired with: nagadam vta

nagadanjige vai s/he is used to eating things

used to handling
nagajibidoon vti2 be used to handling it

Paired with: nagajibizh vta

nagajibizh vta be used to handling h/

Paired with: nagajibidoon vti2

used to smell
nagajimaandan vti be used to the smell of it

Paired with: nagajimaam vta

nagajimaam vta be used to the smell of h/

Paired with: nagajimaandan vti

used to taste
nagajipo vta

Paired with: nagajipidan vti

nagajipwi vta [NI]

nagajipo vta

nagajipidan vti be used to the taste of it

See also: nagajipo vta

used to sight
nagazaabam vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazaabandan vti

nagazaabandan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazaabam vta

nagazinaw vta be used to the sight of h/

Paired with: nagazinan vti

nagazinan vti be used to the sight of it

Paired with: nagazinaw vta

used to working
nagadanokii vai s/he is used to working

used to driving
nagajibizonike vai s/he is used to driving

used to
used to
ako pc asp used to; it was the custom to...

iko pc asp See also: iko pc asp ; ko pc asp

iko pc asp used to; formerly, previously, some time ago; it was the custom to...

See also: ako pc asp ; ko pc asp

ko pc asp used to; it was the custom to...

See also: ako pc asp ; iko pc asp

aabadad vii it is useful, is used

Paired with: aabadizi vai

aabadizi vai s/he is useful, is used

Paired with: aabadad vii

minwaabadad vii it is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadizi vai

minwaabadizi vai s/he is very useful, is of good use

Paired with: minwaabadad vii

useful in a certain way
inaabadad vii it is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadizi vai

inaabadizi vai s/he is used in a certain way, is employed in a certain way

Paired with: inaabadad vii

goopadizi vai s/he is worthless, is useless

onabi'iwewinini an usher