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twenty-ninth day of the month
niishtana-shi-zhaangaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-ninth (of the month)

twenty-second day of the month
niishtana-shi-niizhwaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-second (of the month)

twenty-seventh day of the month
niishtana-shi-niizhwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-seventh (of the month)

twenty-sixth day of the month
niishtana-shi-ningodwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-sixth (of the month)

twenty-third day of the month
niishtana-shi-niswaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-third (of the month)

twenty-two bullet
anwiins ni a small caliber bullet; a twenty-two bullet

twenty-two rifle
baashkiziganens ni [BL] a small gun: a twenty-two rifle, a handgun, a toy gun

See also: baashkizigaans ni [S]

niizhing adv tmp twice; two times

dibikaabaminaagwad vii it is twilight

niizhoodenh na a twin

ball of twine or yarn
bikoojaan ni a ball of twine or yarn

biimaakwa'an vti twist it with a stick, wring it out by twisting it with a stick

biimaskobidoon vti2 twist it, turn it around (with the hands)

Paired with: biimaskobizh vta

biimaskobizh vta twist it (animate), turn it (animate) around (with the hands)

Paired with: biimaskobidoon vti2

biimaskon vta twist, turn h/ (around a central point)

Paired with: biimaskonan vti

biimin vta twist, turn h/ (around a central point)

Paired with: biiminan vti

biiminan vti turn, twist it (around a central point)

Paired with: biimin vta

biimiskon vta turn, twist h/ (by hand); twist, turn h/ (around a central point)

Paired with: biimiskonan vti

biimiskonan vti turn, twist it (around a central point)

Paired with: biimiskon vta

fall and twist arm
biimiskonikeshin vai s/he falls and twists h/ arm

twist ankle
biimaskoganese vai s/he twists h/ ankle

twisted mouth
biimidoon vai s/he has a twisted or crooked mouth (as from a stroke)

See also: biimidoone vai [N]

biimidoone vai [N] s/he has a crooked mouth

See also: biimidoon vai

niizho- pv qnt two

niizh qnt num two

niizhinoon vii they (inanimate) are two, there are two of them

Paired with: niizhiwag vai

niizhiwag vai they (animate) are two, there are two of them

Paired with: niizhinoon vii

and two
ashi-niizh qnt num
  1. and two
  2. twelve

ashi-niizho- pv qnt and two

tie two
niizhoopidoon vti2 tie two of them (inanimate) together

Paired with: niizhoopizh vta

niizhoopizh vta tie, hitch two of them (animate) together

Paired with: niizhoopidoon vti2

niizhoopidewan vii two of them (inanimate) are tied together

Paired with: niizhoopizowag vai

niizhoopizowag vai two of them (animate) are tied together, are hitched together

Paired with: niizhoopidewan vii

two bags
niizhooshkimod qnt num two bags

niizhooshkin qnt num two bags

two boatloads
niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

two boats
niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

two canoes
niizhoonag qnt num two boats or canoes, two boatloads

two days
niizho-giizhik qnt num two days

niizhogon qnt num two days

niizhogonagad vii it is two days

Paired with: niizhogonagizi vai

two days old
niizhogonagizi vai it is the second (of the month); s/he is two days old

Paired with: niizhogonagad vii

two dollars
niizhwaabik qnt num two dollars

two each
neniizh qnt num two each

two feet
niizho-mizid qnt num [NI] two feet

niizhozid qnt num two feet

two hours
niizho-diba'igan qnt num
  1. two hours
  2. two miles

two hundred
niizhwaak qnt num two hundred

two inches
niizhoninj qnt num two inches

niizho-mininj qnt num [NI] two inches

two lie
niizhooshinoog vai two of them lie together

two miles
niizho-diba'igan qnt num
  1. two hours
  2. two miles

two minutes
niizho-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. two minutes
  2. two acres

two months
niizho-giizis qnt num two months

niizho-giiziswagad vii it is two months

Paired with: niizho-giiziswagizi vai

two nights
niizho-dibik qnt num two nights

two o'clock
niizho-diba'iganed vii [S] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'igane vii [N] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is two o'clock

two pairs
niizhwewaan qnt num two pairs; two sets

two pieces of something sheet-like
niizhweg qnt num two pieces of something sheet-like

two pounds
niizho-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num two pounds

two sets
niizhwewaan qnt num two pairs; two sets

two sit
niizhoobiwag vai two of them are at home; two of them sit together

two stand
niizhoogaabawiwag vai two of them stand together

two thousand
niizhosagoons qnt num two thousand

two times
niizhing adv tmp twice; two times

two weeks
niizho-anama'e-giizhik qnt num two weeks

niizho-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is two weeks

two years
niizho-biboon qnt num two years; two winters

niizho-biboonagad vii it is two years

Paired with: niizho-biboonagizi vai

niizho-gikinoonowin qnt num two years

two years old
niizho-biboonagizi vai s/he is two years old

Paired with: niizho-biboonagad vii

niizhoobii'igan na a deuce, a two (card)

two o'clock
two o'clock
niizho-diba'iganed vii [S] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'igane vii [N] it is two o'clock

niizho-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is two o'clock

bakitebii'ige vai s/he types

mazinaabikiwebinige vai s/he types

bakitebii'igan ni a typewriter, a computer

mazinaabikiwebinigan ni a typewriter, a computer