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dewaabide vai s/he has a toothache

toothache medicine
toothache medicine
dewaabide-mashkiki ni toothache medicine

giziiyaabide'on ni a toothbrush

bashkwanige vai s/he is toothless

mazhiiyaabide vai s/he is toothless

zhegwaabide'on ni a toothpick

zesegwaabide'on ni a toothpick

use a toothpick
zhegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

zesegwaabide'o vai s/he picks h/ teeth

[highest part]
on top
agiji- pv lex on top, on top of

ogiji- pv lex on top, on top of

See also: agiji- pv lex

wagiji- pv lex on top, on top of

on top of it
agijayi'ii adv loc on top, on top of

ogijayi'ii adv loc [ML] on top, on top of

See also: ogijaya'ii adv loc [N]

wagijayi'ii adv loc on top, on top of

on top of a hill
agidaaki adv loc [ML] on top of a hill

ogidaaki adv loc on top of a hill; uphill

See also: agidaaki adv loc [ML] ; wagidaaki adv loc

wagidaaki adv loc on top of a hill

See also: ogidaaki adv loc

on top of a log or stick
ogidaatig adv loc on top of a log, piece of wood, stick, or tree

on top of a mountain
agidajiw adv loc [ML] on top of a mountain

ogidajiw adv loc on top of a mountain

See also: agidajiw adv loc [ML]

wagidajiw adv loc on top of a mountain

See also: agidajiw adv loc [ML] ; ogidajiw adv loc

on top of a rock
agidasin adv loc on top of a rock

on top of something mineral
agidaabik adv loc on top of something mineral (e.g., metal, glass, rock)

ogidaabik adv loc on top of something mineral (e.g., metal, glass, rock)

See also: agidaabik adv loc

on top of the ground
agidakamig adv loc on top of the ground

See also: ogidakamig adv loc ; wagidakamig adv loc

ogidakamig adv loc on top of the ground

See also: agidakamig adv loc ; wagidakamig adv loc

wagidakamig adv loc on top of the ground

See also: agidakamig adv loc ; ogidakamig adv loc

on top of the house
agidigamig adv loc on top of the house

ogidigamig adv loc on top of the house; upstairs

See also: agidigamig adv loc

on top of ice
agidiskwam adv loc on top of the ice

on top of the water
agidibiig adv loc on top of the water

ogidibiig adv loc on top of the water

gizhibaayaaboojigan na a top [toy]

ishkwesa'igan na a top [toy]

waaswaagan ni a torch; a spotlight

bark torch
biimashkwemaginigan ni a bark torch

biigobijigaade vii it is torn, ripped (by someone), "they" tear, rip it

Paired with: biigobijigaazo vai

biigobijigaazo vai s/he is torn, ripped (by someone), "they" tear, rip h/

Paired with: biigobijigaade vii

torn off
giishkibijigaade vii it is torn off (by someone), "they" tear it off

giishkibijigaazo vai s/he is torn off (by someone), "they" tear h/ off

wese'an vii it is a tornado

total up
asigagindaaso vai s/he adds, totals

maawandoogindaaso vai s/he totals up (as an account)

maawandoogindan vti total it up (as an account)

indoodem nad my clan

gidoodem nad your clan

odoodeman nad h/ clan

have a totem
odoodemi vai s/he has a clan

odoodemindiwag vai they have the same clan

[be close]
lie touching
daangishin vai s/he or it (animate) lies touching

Paired with: daangisin vii

daangisin vii it lies touching

Paired with: daangishin vai

put touching
daangishim vta put h/ touching

Paired with: daangisidoon vti2

daangisidoon vti2 put it touching

Paired with: daangishim vta

daangin vta touch h/ (with hand)

Paired with: daanginan vti

daanginan vti touch it (with hand)

Paired with: daangin vta

daanginamaw vta touch (it) for h/

test by touch
gagwedin vta test h/ or it (animate) by touch

Paired with: gagwedinan vti

gagwedinan vti test it by touch

Paired with: gagwedin vta

touch wrong one
wanin vta take, touch h/ (the wrong one)

Paired with: waninan vti

waninan vti hold, take, touch it the wrong way or the wrong one

Paired with: wanin vta

wake by touch
amadin vta wake h/, wake h/ (by touching with the hand)

bebaamaadizid na-v a tourist; a traveller

zagapijigan ni
  1. something towed: a trailer, a towed boat
  2. something used for hitching: a hitch, a tow rope

See also: zagapijigan na

zagapidoon vti2 tie on, tow, hitch it

Paired with: zagapizh vta

zagapizh vta tie on, tow, hitch h/

Paired with: zagapidoon vti2

zagapide vii it is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapizo vai

zagapijige vai s/he ties on, tows, hitches things

zagapizo vai it (animate) is tied on, towed, hitched

Paired with: zagapide vii

tow rope
tow rope
zagapijigan ni
  1. something towed: a trailer, a towed boat
  2. something used for hitching: a hitch, a tow rope

See also: zagapijigan na

toward the speaker
bi- pv dir here; hither; this way; toward the speaker

run toward
mawinadan vti run at, rush at, charge it

Paired with: mawinazh vta

giziingwe'on ni [S] a towel

giziingwe'on na [N] a towel

See also: giziingwe'on ni [S]

dish towel
giziiyaabika'igan ni [BL] a dish towel

oodena ni town

form a town
oodetoo vai s/he goes to town, stays in town, lives in town; [plural] they form a town or community

live in a town
oodetoo vai s/he goes to town, stays in town, lives in town; [plural] they form a town or community

oodenawi'idiwag vai they live together in a camp or town

live on the end of town
ishkwege vai s/he lives at the end of town, lives in the last house

odaminwaagan ni a plaything; a toy

toy being made
odaminwaaganikaan ni toy being made

have a toy
odoodaminwaagani vai s/he has a toy or doll

use as a toy
odaminwaage vai + o s/he uses something as a toy; s/he plays with something (as a toy)

See also: odaminwaagen vai + o

bimikawaan ni a footprint, a track

bimikawewin ni a footprint, a track

come leaving tracks
biijikawe vai s/he comes leaving tracks

find tracks
okawi' vta find h/ tracks

Paired with: okawitoon vti2

okawitoon vti2 find the tracks of it

Paired with: okawi' vta

leave big tracks
mamaangishkam vai2 s/he leaves big tracks

leave long-footed tracks
gagaanwaakozidekawe vai s/he leaves long-footed tracks

leave pigeon-toed tracks
wawaagizidekawe vai s/he leaves pigeon-toed tracks

leave tracks coming from a certain place
onjikawe vai s/he leaves tracks coming from a certain place

leave tiny-footed tracks
babiiwizidekawe vai s/he leaves tiny-footed tracks

leave tracks going along
bimikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going along

leave tracks going away
animikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going away

leave tracks going down to the water
madaabiikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going down to the water

leave tracks going into the water
bakobiikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going into water

leave tracks going out from shore
niminaawekawe vai s/he leaves tracks going out from shore (on the ice)

leave tracks going to a certain place
izhikawe vai s/he leaves tracks going to a certain place

leave turned-out tracks
nanaapaajizidekawe vai s/he leaves tracks with the feet turned-out

leave wide-footed tracks
mamaangizidekawe vai s/he leaves wide-footed tracks

look for tracks
andokawe' vta [N] look for h/ tracks

See also: nandokawe' vta

nandokawe' vta be on h/ trail; look for h/ tracks

See also: andokawe' vta [N]

nandokawechige vai s/he looks for tracks

[make track with something on the feet]
biindigejiishkiwagishkige vai s/he tracks mud inside

biindigeyaawangishkige vai s/he tracks sand inside

biindigeyaagoneshkige vai s/he tracks snow inside

[buy and sell]
adaawe vai s/he buys

go about trading
babaamadaawe vai s/he goes about trading

fur for trade
adaawaagan ni something for sale, merchandise; fur for trade

meshkwadoon vta trade, exchange h/

Paired with: meshkwadoonan vti See also: meshkodoon vta

meshkwadoonan vti trade, exchange it

Paired with: meshkwadoon vta See also: meshkodoonan vti

meshkwadoonamaw vta trade, exchange (it) with h/

See also: meshkodoonamaw vta

meshkwadoonamaage vai s/he trades, exchanges things with people

See also: meshkodoonamaage vai

meshkwadoonige vai s/he trades things, exchanges things

meshkodoon vta trade, exchange h/

Paired with: meshkodoonan vti See also: meshkwadoon vta

meshkodoonamaw vta trade, exchange (it) with h/

See also: meshkwadoonamaw vta

trade in
trade in car
aanjidaabaane vai s/he changes cars, trades in a car

adaawewikwe na [RL] a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader (female)

adaawewinini na a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader

adaawewininiikwe na a store keeper, a merchant, a store clerk, a trader (female)

trading post
trading post
adaawewigamig ni a store, a shop, a trading post

bimikawewin ni a footprint, a track

miikana ni a road, a trail, a path

miikanaawan vii it is a road, is a trail

across the road or trail
agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

along the side of the road or trail
opimekana adv loc along the side of the road or trail

bad road or trail
maanadamon vii [S] it (road or trail) is bad, is poor

maanamon vii it (road or trail) is bad, is poor

beaver trail
amikokana ni a beaver trail

amiko-miikana ni a beaver trail

by a road or trail
jiigikana adv loc by a road or trail

end of the road or trail
gabekana adv loc at the end of the road or trail

follow a trail
maada'adoo vai s/he goes off following a trail

maada'adoon vti2 start following it (road or trail)

Paired with: maada'azh vta

maada'azh vta go off following h/ trail

Paired with: maada'adoon vti2

follow a trail along
bima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail along

bima'adoon vti2 follow it along as a trail

Paired with: bima'azh vta

bima'azh vta track h/ along, follow h/ trail along

Paired with: bima'adoon vti2

follow a trail away
anima'adoo vai s/he follows a trail away

anima'adoon vti2 follow it away as a trail

Paired with: anima'azh vta

anima'azh vta follow h/ trail away

Paired with: anima'adoon vti2

follow a trail here
biida'adoo vai s/he follows a trail here

biida'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail here

Paired with: biida'azh vta

biida'azh vta follow h/ trail here

Paired with: biida'adoon vti2

follow a trail inland
gopa'adoo vai s/he follows a trail inland

gopa'azh vta follow h/ trail inland

follow a trail to a certain place
ina'adoo vai s/he walks a certain way or to a certain place on a trail

ina'adoon vti2 follow it as a trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'azh vta

ina'azh vta follow h/ trail to a certain place

Paired with: ina'adoon vti2

good road or trail
minwamon vii it (road or trail) is good

hairpin turn
biskamon vii it (road, trail) makes a hairpin turn

make a road or trail
miikanaake vai s/he makes a road or trail; s/he breaks the trail

middle of the road or trail
naawikana adv loc in the middle of the road or trail

narrow road or trail
agaasademon vii it (road or trail) is narrow

on the trail of
nandokawe' vta be on h/ trail; look for h/ tracks

See also: andokawe' vta [N]

this side of the road or trail
ondaasikana adv loc on this side of the road or trail

other side of the road or trail
agaamikana adv loc on the other side of the road or trail, across the road or trail

road or trail goes off to the side
bakemon vii it (road or trail) leads off to the side, is a side road

road or trail leads along
bimamon vii it (road or trail) leads along

road or trail leads from a certain place
ondamon vii [BL] it (road or trail) comes from a certain place; it leads from there

ondadamon vii it (road or trail) leads from a certain place

road or trail leads to a certain place
inamon vii it leads to a certain place (as a road or trail)

sap-gathering trail
naadoobiikana ni a trail used to get water or sap

short road or trail
dakwamon vii it (road or trail) is short

slippery road or trail
ozhaashadamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

ozhaashamon vii it (road or trail) is slippery

so long a road or trail
akwamon vii it (road or trail) is a certain length, is so long

wagon trail
odaabaanikana ni a highway; a wagon trail

water trail
naadoobiikana ni a trail used to get water or sap

wide road or trail
mangademon vii it is wide (as a road or trail)

zagapijigan ni
  1. something towed: a trailer, a towed boat
  2. something used for hitching: a hitch, a tow rope

See also: zagapijigan na

zagapijigan na something towed: a trailer

See also: zagapijigan ni

ishkodewidaabaan ni [RL] a train

See also: ishkodewidaabaan na

ishkodewidaabaan na a train

See also: ishkodewidaabaan ni [RL]

train track
train track
biiwaabiko-miikana ni a train track

ishkodewidaabaanikana ni a train track

remain tranquilly in place
goshkwaawaadabi vai s/he stays somewhere quietly ; s/he sits quietly, sits still

aanzinaago' vta change h/ appearance, transform h/

Paired with: aanzinaagotoon vti2

aanzinaagotoon vti2 change its appearance, transform it

Paired with: aanzinaago' vta

aanzinaago'idizo vai s/he changes h/ (own) appearance, transforms h/ self

izhinaago'idizo vai s/he transforms h/ self in appearance

aanikanootan vti translate, interpret it

Paired with: aanikanootaw vta

aanikanootaw vta translate, interpret (for) h/

Paired with: aanikanootan vti

aanikanootaage vai s/he translates, interprets (for) people

aanikanootamaw vta translate (it) for h/

aanikanootaadizo vai s/he translates for h/ self

aanikanootaadiwag vai they translate for each other

aanikanootaagewinini na a speaker (for others), a translator, an interpreter (male)

aanikanootaagewikwe na a translator, an interpreter (female)

naabakiin vta transplant h/

Paired with: naabakiinan vti

naabakiinan vti transplant it

Paired with: naabakiin vta

dasoozh vta trap h/

wanii'amaw vta trap (for) h/

wanii'ige vai s/he traps

trap beaver
noodamikwe vai s/he hunts beaver, traps beaver

dasoonaagan ni a deadfall trap; a trap

wanii'igan ni a trap

bear trap
makwanii'igan ni a bear trap

See also: mako-wanii'igan ni

mako-wanii'igan ni a bear trap

See also: makwanii'igan ni

beaver trap
amikwanii'igan ni a beaver trap

check traps
naadasoonaagane vai s/he checks h/ traps, goes to get h/ traps

deadfall trap
dasoonaagan ni a deadfall trap; a trap

mitigwanii'igan ni a deadfall trap

fish trap
biindasaagan na a raft; a winter net setting board

biinjiboonaagan na a fish trap

go after traps
naajiwanii'ige vai s/he goes to get the traps, goes to check the traps

go get traps
naadasoonaagane vai s/he checks h/ traps, goes to get h/ traps

mink trap
zhaangweshiwanii'igan ni a mink trap

remove from trap
giitaabikin vta remove h/ from a trap

steal a trap
gimoojiwanii'igane vai s/he steals a trap or traps

steal from a trap
gimooji-wanii'ige vai s/he steals something from a trap or traps

gimoojiwanii'igaw vta steal from h/ trap

trap trigger
odenaniw ni [BL] trap trigger

niisinigan ni trap trigger

dasoozo vai s/he is trapped, pinned down

trapping license
trapping license
wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML]

wanii'ige-mazina'igaans ni [ML] a trapping license

See also: wanii'ige-mazina'igan ni [BL]

ziigwebinigan ni a dump; something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash

zaagijiwebinigan ni something dumped out: slop, garbage, trash

travel about
babaamaadizi vai s/he lives about; s/he travels about

travel along
bimi-ayaa vai s/he goes, travels along

bimi-ayaa vii it goes along, by, past

Paired with: bimi-ayaa vai

bimaawadaaso vai [plural] they travel along in a group ; s/he hauls a load along, hauls freight along

travel at night
niibaashkaa vai s/he goes out at night, travels at night

travel to a certain place
inaawanidiwag vai they travel in a group to a certain place

bebaamaadizid na-v a tourist; a traveller

niswaakodaabaan ni a travois

zaagi' vta love, treasure h/

Paired with: zaagitoon vti2

zaagitoon vti2 love, treasure it

Paired with: zaagi' vta

zaagichige vai s/he loves, treasures things; s/he is stingy with things

zaagichigaade vii it is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure it

zaagichigaazo vai s/he or it (animate) is loved, treasured (by someone), "they" love, treasure h/ or it (animate)

treat by applying a tattoo
azhaas vta treat h/ with medicine by tattooing

treat well
mino-doodaw vta treat h/ well

treaty kettle
treaty kettle
okaadakik na a large kettle or cauldon with small legs: a treaty kettle

mitig na a tree

apple tree
mishiiminaatig na an apple tree

balm of gilead tree
maanazaadi na a Balm of Gilead tree; a balsam poplar

balsam poplar
Populus balsamifera

by a tree
jiigaatig adv loc by a tree; by a wall

dry tree
mishiiwaatig na a dead dry tree

See also: mishiiwaatig ni

mishiiwaatigosag na a dead dry tree

hollow tree
wiimbaatig na a hollow tree

wiimbanakizi vai it (animate) is a hollow tree

many trees
mitigokaa vai there are (many) trees

maple tree
aninaatig na a maple

sugar maple
Acer saccharum

See also: ininaatig na ; ziinzibaakwadwaatig na

ininaatig na a maple

sugar maple
Acer saccharum

See also: aninaatig na

ziinzibaakwadwaatig na a maple

plum tree
bagesaanaatig na a plum tree

American plum
Prunus americana

tap trees
ozhiga'ige vai s/he taps trees

tapped tree
ozhiga'igan na a tapped tree

tree struck by lightning
baaginewaatig na [BL] a tree struck by lightning

tree frog
tree frog
agoozimakakii na a tree frog

on the treetop
wanakong adv loc on the tip; on the treetop

baapagishkaa vai s/he trembles, shakes

Paired with: baapagishkaa vii

baapagishkaa vii it trembles, shakes

Paired with: baapagishkaa vai

triangular file
triangular file
ashishawe-zisiboojiganens ni [BL] a triangular file

perform tricks
mamaandaagochige vai s/he performs tricks

Wenabozho na name of {aadizookaan} character viewed as culture hero

nasaabikinigan ni [RL] a trigger

See also: nisaabikinigan ni [BL]

trap trigger
odenaniw ni [BL] trap trigger

niisinigan ni trap trigger

agogwaajigan ni something sewn or appliqued, trim

apigwaajigan ni something sewn over something: an appliqued piece, a lining, a facing, trim

bizozideshin vai s/he stubs h/ toe, trips

bizogeshin vai s/he stumbles, trips

cause trouble
aanimi' vta make h/ suffer, cause h/ trouble, abuse h/

Paired with: aanimitoon vti2

make trouble for
zanagi'iwe vai s/he makes (people) do something difficult, gives people a hard time, makes trouble for people

mamiidaawendam vai2 s/he is disturbed in h/ mind, is troubled in h/ mind

atoobaan ni a large container for liquid: a trough, a tank, a vat, a sink, a radiator

See also: atoobaan na

atoobaan na a large container for liquid: a trough, a tank, a vat, a sink, a radiator

See also: atoobaan ni

sugaring trough
naseyaawangwaan ni a sugaring trough

lake trout
namegos na a lake trout

lake trout
Salvelinus namaycush

namegosikaa vii there are (many) lake trout

have lake trout
onamegosi vai s/he has a lake trout or lake trout

there are lake trout
namegosikaa vii there are (many) lake trout

aawadaasoowidaabaan ni a truck

bimaawadaasoowidaabaan na [BL] a truck

ditibidaabaan na a wheeled vehicle for conveying things: a wagon, a truck, a cart, a wheelbarrow

fire truck
aatawe'igewidaabaan na [BL] a fire truck

aate'ishkodawewidaabaan na a fire truck

aatawe'ishkodawewidaabaan na [BL] a fire truck

See also: aatawe'ishkodawewidaabaan ni

aatawe'ishkodawewidaabaan ni a fire truck

See also: aatawe'ishkodawewidaabaan na [BL]

garbage truck
ziigwebinigewidaabaan na a garbage truck

gravel truck
aawajibingwewidaabaan ni [RL] a gravel truck

mail truck
mazina'iganiiwidaabaan na a mail truck

pickup truck
aawadaasoowidaabaanens ni [RL] a pickup truck

[shorts worn for swimming]
swim trunks
bagizoo-midaas ni [BL] (a pair of) swim trunks

debwewin ni truth

find out the truth
gwayakotam vai2 s/he hears the right thing, finds out the truth

tell the truth
debwe vai s/he tells the truth, speaks the truth

gagwe- pv lex try

goji- pv lex attempt; try

goji'ewizi vai s/he tries, makes an effort

try to do
wiikwajitoon vti2 try to do it; try to get free of it

Paired with: wiikwaji' vta

try to get
gagweji' vta test, try h/ or it (animate); try getting h/ to...

Paired with: gagwejitoon vti2

wiikwaji' vta try to get h/ free from something; try to get h/ to do something

Paired with: wiikwajitoon vti2

try to get free
wiikwaji'o vai s/he tries to get free; s/he tries, endeavors

wiikwaji' vta try to get h/ free from something; try to get h/ to do something

Paired with: wiikwajitoon vti2

wiikwajitoon vti2 try to do it; try to get free of it

Paired with: wiikwaji' vta

try to remember
nanda-mikwendan vti try to think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwenim vta

nanda-mikwenim vta try toi think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwendan vti

try to think
nanda-mikwendan vti try to think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwenim vta

nanda-mikwenim vta try toi think of it, try to remember it

Paired with: nanda-mikwendan vti

gagweji' vta test, try h/ or it (animate); try getting h/ to...

Paired with: gagwejitoon vti2

gagwejitoon vti2 try, test it

Paired with: gagweji' vta

gagwejichige vai s/he tries things, practices

try on
try on
gozikan vti
  1. test it (with foot or body)
  2. try it on

Paired with: gozikaw vta

gozikaw vta
  1. test h/ (with foot or body)
  2. try h/ on

Paired with: gozikan vti

gagwezikan vti
  1. try it on
  2. test it (with foot or body)

Paired with: gagwezikaw vta

gagwezikaw vta
  1. test h/ (with foot or body)
  2. try h/ on

Paired with: gagwezikan vti

gagwezikige vai s/he tries on clothes

makakosag ni a large rigid containter: a tub. a barrel, a carton

barrel or tub used in threshing wild rice
mimigoshkamwaagan ni a barrel or tub used in threshing wild rice

bagizowin ni a bathtub, a swimming pool

giziibiigazhe-makak ni a bathtub, a swimming pool

wash tub
giziibiiga'igani-biiwaabik ni a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igani-makak ni a wash tub

giziibiiga'ige-makak ni a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igewinaagan ni [BL] a washtub, a washing machine

giziibiiga'igani-makakosag ni a wash tub

ozosodamwaapinewin ni tuberculosis

have tuberculosis
ozosodamwaapine vai s/he has a respiratory illness, has tuberculosis

niizho-giizhigad vii it is Tuesday

bimaatigwewi-naabikwaan ni [BL] a tugboat used for moving log booms

odoonibiins na a tullibee

cisco, lake herring
Coregonus artedii

turbulent water
madaagamin vii it is turbulent water

gichi-bine na [RL] a turkey

wild turkey
Meleagris gallopavo

mizise na a turkey

Meleagris gallopavo

turkey meat
turkey meat
mizise-wiiyaas ni turkey meat

turkey vulture
a turkey vulture
wiinaange na a vulture

turkey vulture, buzzard
Cathartes aura

[change direction or position]
turn by hand
gwekin vta turn h/ (by hand)

Paired with: gwekinan vti

gwekinan vti turn it (by hand)

Paired with: gwekin vta

gwekinige vai s/he turns things (by hand)

turn face down
animikon vta turn h/ face down, turn h/ facing away

Paired with: animikonan vti

animikonan vti turn it face down, turn it facing away

Paired with: animikon vta

animikonigaade vii it is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn it face down, it is turned facing away (by someone), "they" turn it facing away

animikonigaazo vai s/he is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn h/ face down, s/he is turned facing away (by someone), "turn" turn h/ facing away

turn face up
aazhigidin vta turn h/ face up

Paired with: aazhigidinan vti

aazhigidinan vti turn it face up

turn inside out
aabooda'an vti turn it inside out (using something)

Paired with: aabooda'wi vta [NI]

aabooda'wi vta [NI] turn h/ inside out (using something)

Paired with: aabooda'an vti

aaboojibizh vta turn h/ inside out (with hands)

Paired with: aaboojibidoon vti2

aaboojibidoon vti2 turn it inside out (with hands)

Paired with: aaboojibizh vta

aaboodin vta turn h/ inside out

Paired with: aaboodinan vti

aaboodinan vti turn it inside out (using something)

Paired with: aaboodin vta

aaboojiigin vta turn it (animate; sheet-like) inside out

Paired with: aaboojiiginan vti

aaboojiiginan vti turn it inside out (sheet-like)

Paired with: aaboojiigin vta

aaboojiiginige vai s/he turns things (something sheet-like) inside out

aaboojiiginigaade vii it (something sheet-like) is turned inside out (by someone)

aaboojiiginigaazo vai s/he (something sheet-like) is turned inside out (by someone)

turn over (sheet-like)
gwekiigin vta turn or flip it (animate; sheet-like) over

Paired with: gwekiiginan vti

gwekiiginan vti turn or flip it (sheet-like) over

Paired with: gwekiigin vta

turn to face away
animikon vta turn h/ face down, turn h/ facing away

Paired with: animikonan vti

animikonan vti turn it face down, turn it facing away

Paired with: animikon vta

animikonigaade vii it is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn it face down, it is turned facing away (by someone), "they" turn it facing away

animikonigaazo vai s/he is turned face down (by someone), "they" turn h/ face down, s/he is turned facing away (by someone), "turn" turn h/ facing away

turn with hands
gwekibidoon vti2 turn it (with the hands)

Paired with: gwekibizh vta

gwekibizh vta turn h/ or it (animate) (with the hands)

Paired with: gwekibidoon vti2

[time to do]
her turn
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

his turn
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

my turn
niinitam pron per my turn, me next

our turn
giinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [inclusive]

niinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [exclusive]

their turn
wiinitamawaa pron per their turn, them next

your turn
giinitam pron per your turn, you next [singular]

giinitamawaa pron per your turn, you next [plural]

in turn
meshkwad adv man in turn, in exchange

memeshkwad adv man in turns, alternately

See also: memeshkod adv man

memeshkod adv man in turn, in exchange

turn rancid
zaateshin vai it (animate) turns rancid

Paired with: zaatesin vii

zaatesin vii it turns rancid

Paired with: zaateshin vai

turn rusty
agwaagwaabikishin vai s/he turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikisin vii

agwaagwaabikisin vii it turns rusty

Paired with: agwaagwaabikishin vai

[change position]
gwekitaa vai s/he turns (h/ body); s/he changes h/ way of doing something or h/ belief

turn driving
gwekibizo vai s/he turns driving

Paired with: gwekibide vii

gwekibide vii it turns, changes direction driving

Paired with: gwekibizo vai

turn face down
animikose vai s/he turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vii

animikose vii it turns face down, flies face down

Paired with: animikose vai

turn face up
aazhigijise vai s/he turns face up, falls face up

Paired with: aazhigijise vii

aazhigijise vii it turns face up, falls face up

Paired with: aazhigijise vai

turn inside out
aaboozikaa vai s/he turns inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaa vii

aaboozikaa vii it turns inside out

Paired with: aaboozikaa vai

turn lying
gwekishin vai s/he turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekisin vii

gwekisin vii it turns lying in place

Paired with: gwekishin vai

turn quickly
gwekibagizo vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning

gwekise vai s/he turns suddenly or without warning

Paired with: gwekise vii

gwekiwebinan vti flip it over; turn it quickly

Paired with: gwekiwebin vta

turn running
gwekibatoo vai s/he turns running

turn sitting
gwekabi vai s/he turns around while sitting

gwekabiitaw vta turn toward h/ while seated

turn standing
gwekigaabawi vai s/he turns while standing

[change direction]
turn and go back
washkigiiwe vai s/he turns and goes back

turn and run
washkibatoo vai s/he turns and runs

turn in place
washkibagizo vai s/he quickly turns

[around a central point]
biimiskon vta turn, twist h/ (by hand); twist, turn h/ (around a central point)

Paired with: biimiskonan vti

biimiskonan vti turn, twist it (around a central point)

Paired with: biimiskon vta

biimaskonan vti twist, turn it (around a central point)

Paired with: biimaskon vta

biimaskon vta twist, turn h/ (around a central point)

Paired with: biimaskonan vti

turn down
turn down fire or light
naazhenan vti turn it (fire, light) down

turn on
turn on a light
waazakonebidoon vti2 turn it on for a light

turn out
turn out
aatebidoon vti2 turn it out (to extinguish it)

Paired with: aatebizh vta

turn out that
turn out that
ingwana pc disc it turns out that...; it was just so; so it was that

nangwana pc disc it turns out that...; it happens to be that...; in fact...

turn up
turn up fire or light
ikwaanzhenan vti turn it (fire, light) up

ikwaanzhenige vai s/he turns the lights or flame up

painted turtle
miskwaadesi na a painted turtle

painted turtle, mud turtle
Chrysemys picta

snapping turtle
mikinaak na a snapping turtle

mishiikenh na a snapping turtle

turtle egg
snapping turtle egg
mikinaakwaawan ni a snapping turtle egg

turtle shell
turtle shell
emikwaan na a turtle shell, carapace

twelfth day of the month
ashi-niizhwaginzo vai [BL] it is the twelfth (of the month)

ashi-niizh qnt num
  1. and two
  2. twelve

midaaswi ashi-niizh qnt num twelve

See also: ashi-niizh qnt num

twentieth day of the month
niishtana qnt num twenty

twenty-eighth day of the month
niishtana-shi-nishwaaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-eighth (of the month)

twenty-fifth day of the month
niishtana-shi-naanwaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-fifth (of the month)

twenty-first day of the month
twenty-fourth day of the month
niishtana-shi-niiwaginzo vai [BL] it is the twenty-fourth (of the month)