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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

[body part]
nishkanzh nad
  1. my nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. my claw

gishkanzh nad
  1. your (sg) nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. your (sg) claw

oshkanzhiin nad
  1. h/ nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. h/ claw

nishkanzh nad
  1. my nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. my claw

gishkanzh nad
  1. your (sg) nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. your (sg) claw

oshkanzhiin nad
  1. h/ nail (fingernail, toenail)
  2. h/ claw

big nails
mamaangiganzhii vai s/he has big nails, has big claws

cut nail
giishkiganzhiikozh vta cut h/ nails

giishkiganzhiikonidizo vai s/he cuts h/ (own) nails

long nail
gagaanwaakoganzhii vai s/he has long nails or claws

pointed nail
bajiishkiganzhii vai s/he has pointed nails or claws or talons

sharp nails
gaashiganzhii vai s/he has a sharp nail or claw, has sharp nails or claws

short nail
dadaakwaakoganzhii vai s/he has short nails or claws

dadaakoganzhii vai s/he has short nails or claws

split nail
daashkaganzhii vai s/he has a split nail or split nails

split nail
daashkiganzhiishin vai s/he splits h/ nails on something

zaga'an vti nail it; fasten it (with something)

Paired with: zaga' vta

zaga' vta nail h/; fasten h/ (with something)

Paired with: zaga'an vti

zaga'ige vai s/he fastens things (with something); s/he nails things

zaga'amaw vta nail (it) for h/; fasten (it) for h/ (with something)

zaga'igaade vii it is fastened (with something) (by someone), "they" fasten it (with something); it is nailed (by someone), "they" nail it

zaga'igaazo vai it (animate) is fastened (with something) (by someone), "they" fasten it (animate) (with something); it (animate) is nailed (by someone), "they" nail it (animate)

zaga'igan ni a nail, a spike

mitaakwazhe vai s/he is naked

mitaaskiiwe vai s/he is naked

bingwaashaagidi vai [BL] s/he is naked

lie naked
mitaakwazheshin vai s/he lies naked, sleeps naked

sleep naked
mitaakwazhengwaami vai [RL] s/he sleeps naked

mitaakwazheshin vai s/he lies naked, sleeps naked

name a certain way
izhi-wiindan vti call, name it a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzh vta

izhi-wiinde vii it is called, named a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiinzo vai

izhi-wiinzh vta call, name h/ a certain way

Paired with: izhi-wiindan vti

izhinikaadan vti name it a certain way; call it by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaazh vta

izhinikaade vii it is named a certain way; it is called by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaazo vai

izhinikaazh vta name h/ a certain way; call h/ by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaadan vti

izhinikaazo vai s/he is named a certain way, has such a name; s/he is called by such a name

Paired with: izhinikaade vii

wiinzh vta give h/ a name; say or mention h/ name; name h/

Paired with: wiindan vti

wiindan vti name it, mention its name, give it a name

Paired with: wiinzh vta

wiindaawaso vai s/he names a child, gives names, has a naming ceremony

name in Ojibwe
ojibwewinikaadan vti name it in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaazh vta

ojibwewinikaazh vta name h/ in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaadan vti

ojibwewinikaade vii it is named in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaazo vai

ojibwewinikaazo vai s/he is named in Ojibwe

Paired with: ojibwewinikaade vii

izhinikaazowin ni a personal or family name

wiinzowin ni a personal or family name

first name
nitaminikaazo vai s/he has a first name

nitaminikaazowin ni a first name

give name
wiinzh vta give h/ a name; say or mention h/ name; name h/

Paired with: wiindan vti

wiindaawaso vai s/he names a child, gives names, has a naming ceremony

give spirit name
have name
wiinde vii it has a name

Paired with: wiinzo vai

wiinzo vai s/he has a name, is named

Paired with: wiinde vii

Indian name
anishinaabe-izhinikaazowin ni an Anishinaabe name, a spirit name

anishinaabe-wiinzowin ni an Anishinaabe name, a spirit name

last name
ishkwenikaazo vai s/he has a last name

ishkwenikaazowin ni a last name

ishkwaajinikaazo vai s/he has a last name

ishkwaajinikaazowin ni a last name

mention name
wiindan vti name it, mention its name, give it a name

Paired with: wiinzh vta

wiinzh vta give h/ a name; say or mention h/ name; name h/

Paired with: wiindan vti

ugly name
maazhinikaade vii it has an ugly name

Paired with: maazhinikaazo vai

maazhinikaazo vai s/he has an ugly name

Paired with: maazhinikaade vii

niiyawen'enh nad my namesake

giiyawen'enh nad your namesake

wiiyawen'enyan nad h/ namesake

naming ceremony
naming ceremony
wiindaawaso vai s/he names a child, gives names, has a naming ceremony

wiindaawasowin ni a naming ceremony

quick nap
zhiibaangwashi vai s/he takes a quick nap

giziidoone'igan ni a napkin

See also: giziidoone'on ni

giziidoone'on ni a napkin

See also: giziidoone'igan ni

dibaajimowin ni a narrative; a story; a report

agaasadeyaa vii it is narrow

Paired with: agaasadezi vai

agaasadezi vai s/he is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaa vii

narrow (mineral)
agaasadeyaabikad vii it (mineral) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaabikizi vai

agaasadeyaabikizi vai it (animate; mineral) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyaabikad vii

narrow (sheet-like)
agaasadeyiigad vii it (sheet-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyiigizi vai

agaasadeyiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is narrow

Paired with: agaasadeyiigad vii

narrow (string-like)
agaasadeyaabiigad vii it (string-like) is narrow, is thin (in width)

Paired with: agaasadeyaabiigizi vai

agaasadeyaabiigizi vai it (animate; string-like) is narrow, is thin (in width)

Paired with: agaasadeyaabiigad vii

make narrow
agaasade' vta make h/ narrow

Paired with: agaasadetoon vti2

agaasadetoon vti2 make it narrow

Paired with: agaasade' vta

narrow boat
agaasadeyoonagad vii it (a boat) is narrow

narrow face
agaasadengwe vai s/he has a narrow face

narrow river
agaasadetigweyaa vii it (a river) is narrow

narrow road or trail
agaasademon vii it (road or trail) is narrow

wabaa vii it is a narrows

wabigamaa vii there is a channel between lakes; there is a narrows

See also: obigamaa vii

obigamaa vii there is a channel between lakes; there is a narrows

See also: wabigamaa vii

narrows through muskeg
obashkiigaa vii it is a swampy channel or narrows, is a channel or narrows through muskeg

rocky narrows
obaabikaa vii it is a rocky narrows

swampy narrows
obashkiigaa vii it is a swampy channel or narrows, is a channel or narrows through muskeg

wooded narrows
obaakweyaa vii it is a wooded narrows

speak nastily
wiinigiizhwe vai s/he speaks nastily

spiritual nature
manidoowaadizi vai s/he has a spiritual nature

Paired with: manidoowaadad vii

gagiibaadizi vai s/he is foolish, is silly, is naughty

indis nid my navel, umbilical cord

gidis nid your navel, umbilical cord

odis nid h/ navel, umbilical cord

besho adv loc near, nearby, close

beshowad vii it is near, is nearby, is close

besho adv loc near, nearby, close

think near
beshwendaagozi vai s/he is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagwad vii

beshwendaagwad vii it is thought near

Paired with: beshwendaagozi vai

beshwendan vti think it to be near or soon

Paired with: beshwenim vta

beshwenim vta think h/ to be near or near soon

Paired with: beshwendan vti

near the woods
jiigaakwaa adv loc by, near the woods

See also: jiigaakwaang adv loc

gegaa adv deg nearly, almost

ingoji adv deg somewhere, anywhere; approximately; nearly, almost

See also: ningoji adv loc

booch adv man it is certain; it is necessary; no matter what

back of neck
nikwegan nid my neck

gikwegan nid your neck

okwegan nid h/ neck

clean neck
biinaakogwe vai s/he has a clean neck; h/ neck is clean

long neck
ginwaabiigigwe vai s/he has a long thin neck

See also: genwaabiigigwed na-v

neck itches
gizhiibigwayawe vai h/ neck itches

scar on neck
ojiishigwayawe vai s/he has a scar on h/ neck

stiff neck
jiibajigwayawe vai s/he has a stiff neck

wear around neck
naabikan vti wear it around the neck

Paired with: naabikaw vta

naabikaw vta wear it (animate) around the neck

Paired with: naabikan vti

wring neck
bookogwebizh vta wring h/ neck

naabikaagan ni [BL] something worn around the neck: a necklace, a necktie, a neck scarf

naabikawaagan na something worn around the neck: a necklace, a necktie, a neck scarf ; a necktie

naabikawaagan na something worn around the neck: a necklace, a necktie, a neck scarf ; a necktie

andawendam vai2 [N] s/he needs, wants something, wishes for something

See also: nandawendam vai2 [S]

andawendan vti [C] [N] need, want it

Paired with: andawenim vta [N] See also: nandawendan vti [S]

andawenim vta [N] hunt it (animate); need, want h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: andawendan vti [C] [N] See also: nandawenim vta [S] [S]

nandawendam vai2 [S] s/he needs, wants something, wishes for something

See also: andawendam vai2 [N]

nandawendan vti [S] need, want it

Paired with: nandawenim vta [S] [S] See also: andawendan vti [C] [N]

nandawenim vta [S] [S] hunt it (animate); need, want h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: nandawendan vti [S] See also: andawenim vta [N]

need to
noonde- pv lex before the usual time; need to

in need
manezin vai + o s/he is in need of, is short of (it)

zhaabonigan ni a needle

beading needle
naabidoo'igan ni a beading needle

glovers needle
ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni

leather needle
ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni

ashashawe-zhaabonigan ni a leather needle; a glovers needle

See also: ashishawe-zhaabonigan ni

sewing machine needle
gashkigwaasonaabiko-zhaabonigan ni [BL] a sewing machine needle

wiijigamigishkaw vta be a neighbor to h/

parallel nephew
indoozhim nad
  1. my nephew (parallel nephew: a male's brother's son or a female's sister's son)
  2. my stepson

See also: nindoozhim nad

nindoozhim nad
  1. my nephew (parallel nephew: a male's brother's son or a female's sister's son)
  2. my stepson

See also: indoozhim nad

gidoozhim nad
  1. your nephew (parallel nephew: a male's brother's son or a female's sister's son)
  2. your stepson

odoozhiman nad
  1. h/ nephew (parallel nephew: male's brother's son or female's sister's son)
  2. h/ stepson

niningwanis nad my nephew (cross-nephew: a male's sister's son or a female's brother's son)

giningwanis nad your nephew (cross-nephew: a male's sister's son or a female's brother's son)

oningwanisan nad h/ nephew (cross-nephew: male's sister's son or female's brother's son)

wadiswan ni [S] a nest

See also: wazison ni [BL] ; waziswan ni [N]

wazison ni [BL] a nest

See also: wadiswan ni [S] ; waziswan ni [N]

waziswan ni [N] a nest

See also: wadiswan ni [S] ; wazison ni [BL]

crow's nest
aandegwazison ni [BL] a crow's nest

duck's nest
zhiishiibazison ni [BL] a duck's nest

eagle's nest
giniwazison ni [BL] a golden eagle's nest

migiziwazison ni [BL] a bald eagle's nest

live in nest
dazhe vai s/he (an animal) lives in a certain place

loon's nest
maangwazison ni [BL] a loon's nest

seagull nest
gayaashkwazison ni [BL] a seagull nest

thunderbird nest
animikiiwazison ni a thunderbird nest

See also: animikii na

wasp nest
aamoo-wadiswan ni a bee hive, a wasp nest

banajaanh na a baby bird, a nestling

asab na a net

catch in a net
bida'anaa vai s/he catches something in h/ net

caught in a net
course net
bashkasab na a net with a coarse mesh

dip net
gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

fine net
zagwasab na a net with a fine mesh

fish with a net
bagida'waa vai s/he fishes (with a net), sets net

go get a net
naadasabii vai s/he goes to get a net, checks a net, pulls a net (up)

hand net
gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

hang up a net
agoodasabii vai s/he hangs up a net

have net
odasabii vai s/he has a net or nets

make nets
asabike vai s/he makes nets

mosquito net
zagimewayaan na a mosquito net, mosquito netting

net buoy
okandiikan ni a buoy (marking the location of a net)

prepare a net
oninasabii vai s/he prepares a net for setting

scoop net
gwaaba'waagan na a scoop net

set a net
bagida'waa vai s/he fishes (with a net), sets net

ziibaaskobijige vai s/he sets a net under the ice

set a net out from the shore
niminaawesaa vai [BL] s/he sets a net out from the shore

setting a net
bagida'waawin ni setting nets

steal from a net
gimoodasabii vai s/he steals something from a net or nets

sturgeon net
namewasab na a sturgeon net

take fish out of net
gidinamegwe vai s/he takes fish out of the net

net cord
net cord
zhinoodaagan ni selvedge lines at top and bottom of a net made of heavy cord or rope; lines tying the net to an anchor or buoy; [Border Lakes] a rope

net float
net float
agonjoonaagan ni a net float

agwinjiwinaagan ni [BL] a net float

agwanji'onaagan ni a net float

net shuttle
net shuttle
asabikaanaak ni a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak na

asabikaanaak na a net shuttle

See also: asabikaanaak ni

net sinker
net sinker
asinaab ni a net weight, a net sinker

net weight
net weight
asinaab ni a net weight, a net sinker

Nett Lake
Nett Lake
Asabiikone-zaaga'iganiing name place Nett Lake Reservation

zesab na a nettle

gaa wiikaa adv tmp never

See also: gaawiin wiikaa adv tmp

gaawiin wiikaa adv tmp never

See also: gaa wiikaa adv tmp

never mind
maanoo adv man don't; don't care; let it be; never mind

oshki- pv lex
  1. new, young, fresh
  2. for the first time

oshkayi'iiwan vii it is new, is young

oshkaya'aawi vai it (animate) is new; s/he is young, is an adolescent

See also: oshki-aya'aawi vai

oshki-aya'ii ni something new

See also: oshki-aya'aa na

dress in a new outfit
oshkikonaye vai s/he dresses in a new outfit

look new
oshkiinaagwad vii it looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagozi vai

oshkiinaagozi vai s/he or it (animate) looks young, looks new

Paired with: oshkiinaagwad vii

new car
oshkidaabaane vai s/he has, gets a new car

new mittens
oshkiminjikaawane vai s/he has new mittens

new moon
oshkagoojin vai it (animate) is new (of a moon)

someone new
oshkaya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

oshki-aya'aa na something (animate) new; someone young

something new
oshkayi'ii ni something new; something young

wear new clothes
oshki'o vai s/he wears new clothes

new year
new year
aabita-biboon vii it is New Year; it is midwinter

newborn baby
oshkabinoojiinh na a newborn baby, an infant

biidaajimowin ni news

arrive with news
bagamaajimo vai s/he arrives with news

bring news
biidaajimo vai s/he brings the news

biidaajimotaw vta bring the news to h/

biidaajimotaage vai s/he brings the news to people

biidaadodan vti come and tell of it; bring the news about it

Paired with: biidaajim vta

biidaajim vta come to tell about h/; bring the news about h/

Paired with: biidaadodan vti

biidaadojigaade vii the news of it is brought (by someone), "they" bring the news of it; it is forecasted (by someone), "they" forecast it

spread the news about
babaamaajimo vai s/he spreads the news about

tell good news
minwaajimo vai s/he tells good news, tells a good story

minwaadodan vti tell good news of it

Paired with: minwaajim vta

minwaajim vta tell good news of h/

Paired with: minwaadodan vti

babaamaajimoo-mazina'igan ni a newspaper

aanikeshkaw vta stand next to or in place of h/, follow in h/ steps, suceed h/

aanikeshkodaadiwag vai they are next to each other

next room
aajisag adv loc in the next room

awasigamig adv loc on the other side of the wall, in the next room or building

someone next in succession to the leader
aanike-ogimaa na someone next in succession to the leader (e.g., a vice president)

her next
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

him next
wiinitam pron per his turn, her turn; her next, him next

me next
niinitam pron per my turn, me next

them next
wiinetawaa pron per only they, only them; just them

us next
giinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [inclusive]

niinitamawind pron per our turn, us next [exclusive]

you next
giinitam pron per your turn, you next [singular]

giinitamawaa pron per your turn, you next [plural]

mino- pv lex good; nice; well

onizhishi vai it (animate) is nice, pretty, beautiful, handsome

Paired with: onizhishin vii

onizhishin vii it is nice, pretty

Paired with: onizhishi vai

make nice
minotoon vti2 make it nice, build it well

onizhishi' vta make it (animate) nice, pretty, beautiful

Paired with: onizhishitoon vti2

onizhishitoon vti2 make it nice, pretty, beautiful

Paired with: onizhishi' vta

nice car
minodaabaane vai s/he has a nice car

nice day
mino-giizhigad vii it is a nice day

nice hair
minwaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair

onizhishaanikwe vai s/he has nice hair

aabita-zhooniyaans na a nickel (coin)

cross niece
nishimis nad my niece (cross niece: female's brother's daughter or male's sister's daughter)

gishimis nad your niece (cross niece: female's brother's daughter or male's sister's daughter)

oshimisan nad h/ niece (cross niece: female's brother's daughter or male's sister's daughter)

parallel niece
nindoozhimis nad my niece (parallel niece: female's sister's daughter or male's brother's daughter)

indoozhimis nad my niece (parallel niece: female's sister's daughter or male's brother's daughter)

gidoozhimis nad your niece (parallel niece: female's sister's daughter or male's brother's daughter)

odoozhimisan nad h/ niece (parallel niece: female's sister's daughter or male's brother's daughter)

dibikad vii it is night; it is dark (as at night)

active at night
niibaakamigizi vai s/he is active at night

Paired with: niibaakamigad vii

all night
gabe-dibik adv tmp all night; overnight

at night
niibaa- pv lex at night

certain number of nights
daso-dibik qnt num a certain number of nights; so many nights

dark as night
gashkii-dibik-ayaa vii it is dark as night

dark at night
gashkii-dibikad vii it is very dark at night

drive at night
niibaabizo vai s/he drives at night

niibaadaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

dibikidaabii'iwe vai s/he drives at night

early in the night
oshki-dibikad vii it is early in the night

every night
endaso-dibik adv tmp every night

happen at night
niibaakamigad vii it happens at night

Paired with: niibaakamigizi vai

last night
dibikong adv tmp last night

late at night
ishpi-dibik adv tmp late at night

ishpi-dibikad vii it is late at night

niibaa-dibik adv tmp late at night

paddle at night
niibaakwazhiwe vai s/he paddles at night

run at night
niibaabatoo vai s/he runs at night

sit up at night
niibaabi vai s/he sits up at night

See also: niibebi vai

so many nights
daso-dibik qnt num a certain number of nights; so many nights

spend the whole night
gabedibikwe vai s/he spends the whole night

travel at night
niibaashkaa vai s/he goes out at night, travels at night

work into the night
niibaataa vai s/he works into the night

night watchman
night watchman
ganawishkodawewinini na a boiler tender or night watchman at a school or other public building

beshkwe na a nighthawk

common nighthawk
Chordeiles minor

See also: beshk na [BL]

beshk na [BL] a nighthawk

common nighthawk
Chordeiles minor

See also: beshkwe na

zhaangaso- pv qnt nine

zhaangaso qnt num [RL] nine

See also: zhaangaswi qnt num

zhaangaswi qnt num nine

zhaangachiwag vai they (animate) are nine, there are nine of them

Paired with: zhaangachinoon vii

zhaangachinoon vii they (inanimate) are nine, there are nine of them

Paired with: zhaangachiwag vai

and nine
ashi-zhaangaso- pv qnt and nine

ashi-zhaangaswi qnt num
  1. and nine
  2. nineteen [nid:488906]

nine acres
zhaangaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. nine minutes
  2. nine acres

nine bags
zhaangasooshkimod qnt num nine bags

zhaangasooshkin qnt num nine bags

nine boatloads
zhaangasoonag qnt num nine boats or canoes, nine boatloads

nine boats
zhaangasoonag qnt num nine boats or canoes, nine boatloads

nine canoes
zhaangasoonag qnt num nine boats or canoes, nine boatloads

nine days
zhaangaso-giizhik qnt num nine days

zhaangasogon qnt num nine days

zhaangasogonagad vii it is nine days

Paired with: zhaangasogonagizi vai

nine days old
zhaangasogonagizi vai s/he is nine days old; it is the ninth day of it (a month)

Paired with: zhaangasogonagad vii

nine dollars
zhaangaswaabik qnt num nine dollars

nine each
zhezhaangaswi qnt num nine each

nine feet
zhaangaso-mizid qnt num [NI] nine feet

zhaangasozid qnt num nine feet

nine hours
zhaangaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. nine hours
  2. nine miles

nine inches
zhaangaso-mininj qnt num [NI] nine inches

zhaangasoninj qnt num nine inches

nine lie
zhaangasooshinoog vai nine of them (animate) lie together

nine miles
zhaangaso-diba'igan qnt num
  1. nine hours
  2. nine miles

nine minutes
zhaangaso-diba'igaans qnt num
  1. nine minutes
  2. nine acres

nine months
zhaangaso-giizis qnt num nine months

zhaangaso-giiziswagad vii it is nine months

Paired with: zhaangaso-giiziswagizi vai

nine o'clock
zhaangaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is nine o'clock

zhaangaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is nine o'clock

zhaangaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is nine o'clock

nine pairs
zhaangaswewaan qnt num nine pairs; nine sets

nine pieces of something sheet-like
zhaangasweg qnt num nine pieces of something sheet-like

nine pounds
zhaangaso-dibaabiishkoojigan qnt num nine pounds

nine sets
zhaangaswewaan qnt num nine pairs; nine sets

nine sit
zhaangasoobiwag vai nine of them (animate) sit together; nine of them (animate) are at home

nine stand
zhaangasoogaabawiwag vai nine of them (animate) stand together

nine times
zhaangaching adv qnt nine times

nine weeks
zhaangaso-anama'e-giizhik qnt num nine weeks

zhaangaso-anama'e-giizhikwagad vii it is nine weeks

nine years
zhaangaso-biboon qnt num nine years; nine winters

zhaangaso-biboonagad vii it is nine years

Paired with: zhaangaso-biboonagizi vai

zhaangaso-gikinoonowin qnt num nine years

nine years old
zhaangaso-biboonagizi vai s/he is nine years old

Paired with: zhaangaso-biboonagad vii

zhaangasoobii'igan na a nine (card)

nine hundred
nine hundred
zhaangaswaak qnt num nine hundred

nine o'clock
nine o'clock
zhaangaso-diba'iganed vii [S] it is nine o'clock

zhaangaso-diba'igane vii [N] it is nine o'clock

zhaangaso-diba'iganeyaa vii [BL] it is nine o'clock

nine thousand
nine thousand
zhaangasosagoons qnt num nine thousand

ashi-zhaangaswi qnt num
  1. and nine
  2. nineteen [nid:488906]

nineteenth day of the month
ashi-zhaangaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the nineteenth (of the month)

zhaangasimidana qnt num ninety

ninth day of the month
zhaangasogonagizi vai s/he is nine days old; it is the ninth day of it (a month)

Paired with: zhaangasogonagad vii

zhaangaswaginzo vai [BL] it is the ninth (of the month)

gaawiin adv neg no, not

See also: gaawiin awiya pron indf ; gaawiin ganage adv man ; gaawiin gegoo pron indf ; gaawiin geyaabi adv tmp ; gaawiin giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] ; gaawiin ingodinoo pc disc ; gaawiin mashi adv tmp ; gaawiin ningoji adv loc ; gaawiin wiikaa adv tmp

no longer
gaawiin geyaabi adv tmp no more, no longer, not any more

gaawiin giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] no longer; not any more

no more
gaawiin geyaabi adv tmp no more, no longer, not any more

gaawiin giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] no longer; not any more

no way
gaawesaa pc disc impossible!, no way!, can't be done!

yes-no question
ina pc disc [yes-no question word]

See also: na pc disc

na pc disc [yes-no question word]

See also: ina pc disc

no one
no one
gaawiin awiya pron indf anybody; nobody, no one

gaawiin awiya pron indf anybody; nobody, no one

nod head
wewebikweni vai s/he nods h/ head side-to-side

wewebikwetaw vta nod, shake head at h/

naamikweni vai s/he nods h/ head

naanaamikweni vai s/he keeps nodding h/ head

naamikwetaw vta nod head yes to h/

nod head a certain way
inikweni vai s/he puts h/ head a certain way, nods h/ head a certain way

inikwetaw vta nod h/ head to h/ a certain way

come making noise
biidwewidam vai2 s/he comes calling, comes sounding; s/he comes speaking

biidwewetoo vai s/he comes making vocal noise

drive away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

fly away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

hear a certain noise
initam vai2 s/he hears a certain sounds, understands something heard

make a certain noise
inwewe vii it makes a certain noise

make noise
madwewe vii it makes noise, resounds, reverberates

noondaagozi vai
  1. s/he is heard, makes a sound, makes a noise
  2. s/he calls with a characteristic sound (moo, neigh, croak, etc.)

Paired with: noondaagwad vii

noondaagwad vii it is heard, makes a sound, makes noise

Paired with: noondaagozi vai

make noise boiling
madwegamide vii it makes noise boiling

Paired with: madwegamizo vai

madwegamizo vai it (animate) makes noise boiling

Paired with: madwegamide vii

make noise hitting
madwesidoon vti2 make it sound by dropping or hitting it, ring it

Paired with: madweshim vta

madwesin vii it makes noise dropping or hitting something, rings

Paired with: madweshin vai

make noise moving around
mamadwetoo vai s/he is heard moving or doing something repeatedly or here and there

noise in a certain place
danwewe vii there is the sound of shooting (gunfire) or an explosion in a certain place

danwewetoo vai s/he speaks publicly, talks or makes noise in a certain place

operate with constant noise
aabidwewebide vii it operates with constant noise; it runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebizo vai

aabidwewebizo vai s/he operates with constant noise; s/he runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebide vii

run away making noise
animwewebatoo vai s/he is heard running away (in the other direction)

run with constant noise
aabidwewebide vii it operates with constant noise; it runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebizo vai

aabidwewebizo vai s/he operates with constant noise; s/he runs with constant noise

Paired with: aabidwewebide vii

speed away making noise
animwewebide vii it speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebizo vai

animwewebizo vai s/he speeds, drives, flies away making noise

Paired with: animwewebide vii

stop making vocal noise
giishkowe vai s/he stops crying; s/he stops making vocal noise

wake by vocal noise
amajim vta rouse, wake h/ (by vocal noise)

walk away making noise
animwewetoo vai s/he walks away speaking publicly, making sounds

ombiigizi vai s/he is loud, is noisy

talk nonsense
gagiibaadaanagidoon vai [S] s/he talks crazy, talks nonsense

See also: gagiibaadaanagidoone vai [N]

gagiibaadaanagidoone vai [N] s/he talks crazy, talks nonsense

write nonsense
gagiibaajibii'ige vai s/he writes crazy things, writes nonsense

naawakwe vii it is mid-day, is noon

giiwedin ni north; the north wind

north wind
north wind
giiwedin ni north; the north wind

northern pike
ginoozhe na a northern, a northern pike

Esox lucius

northern lights
northern lights
waawaate vii there is a display of the northern lights (aurora borealis)

northern pike
northern pike
ginoozhe na a northern, a northern pike

Esox lucius

Norway pine
Norway pine
bapakwanagemag na [S] a red pine

red pine, Norway pine
Pinus resinosa

wenda-zhingwaak na [RL] a red pine

red pine, Norway pine
Pinus resinosa

zhingwaak na a pine; [S] a white pine; [BL] a red pine

The medial /-jaan-/ occurs in verbs referring to the nose.
injaanzh nid [S] my nose

See also: ninjaan nid [N]

gijaanzh nid [S] your nose

See also: gijaan nid [N]

ojaanzh nid [S] h/ nose

See also: ojaan nid [N]

ninjaan nid [N] my nose

See also: injaanzh nid [S]

gijaan nid [N] your nose

See also: gijaanzh nid [S]

ojaan nid [N] h/ nose

See also: ojaanzh nid [S]

big nose
mangijaane vai s/he has big nose

bloodied nose
miskwiiwijaane vai s/he has a bloodied nose

bloody nose
miskwiiwijaane vai s/he has a bloodied nose

blow nose
ziinikiigome vai [ML] s/he blows h/ (own) nose

See also: ziiniskiigome vai [N]

ziiniskiigome vai [N] s/he blows h/ nose

See also: ziinikiigome vai [ML]

break nose
bookojaane vai s/he has a broken nose

bookojaaneshin vai s/he falls and breaks h/ nose

broken nose
bookojaane vai s/he has a broken nose

bump nose
bitaakojaaneshin vai s/he bumps h/ nose on something

clean nose
biinijaane vai s/he has clean nose; h/ nose is clean

crooked nose
biimijaane vai s/he has a crooked nose

curved nose
waagijaane vai s/he has a curved nose

dirty nose
wiinijaane vai s/he has a dirty nose

flat nose
nabagijaane vai s/he has a flat nose

inside nose
biinjijaanzh adv loc inside the nose

See also: biinjijaan adv loc [N]

long nose
ginwaakojaane vai s/he has long nose

nose aches
dewijaane vai h/ nose aches

nose itches
gizhiibijaane vai h/ nose itches

pointed nose
bajiishkijaane vai s/he has a pointed nose

red nose
miskojaane vai s/he has a red nose

red nose from the cold
miskojaanewaji vai h/ nose is red from the cold

scab on nose
omigijaane vai s/he has a sore or sores, a scab or scabs on h/ nose

omigiiwijaane vai s/he has a scab on h/ nose

scar on nose
ojiishijaane vai s/he has scar on h/ nose

small nose
agaasijaane vai s/he has small nose

sore nose
gaagiijijaane vai s/he has a sore nose

stuffed-up nose
gagiibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose

gibijaane vai s/he has a stuffed-up nose

such a nose
izhijaane vai s/he has such a nose

swollen nose
baagijaane vai s/he has h/ nose swell up, has a swollen nose

tip of the nose
wanakojaan ni [BL] the tip of a nose

gibitan vai [S] s/he has a nosebleed

See also: gibitane vai [N]

gibitane vai [N] s/he has a nosebleed

See also: gibitan vai [S]

gibitaneganaam vta hit h/ and give h/ a nosebleed

gibitaneshin vai s/he falls and gets a nosebleed

nindenigom nad my nostril

gidenigom nad your nostril

odenigoman nad h/ nostril

big nostrils
mamaangidenigome vai s/he has big nostrils

hairy nostrils
miishidenigome vai s/he has hairy nostrils

small nostrils
agaasidenigome vai s/he has small nostrils

gaawiin adv neg no, not

See also: gaawiin awiya pron indf ; gaawiin ganage adv man ; gaawiin gegoo pron indf ; gaawiin geyaabi adv tmp ; gaawiin giiyaabi adv tmp [RL] ; gaawiin ingodinoo pc disc ; gaawiin mashi adv tmp ; gaawiin ningoji adv loc ; gaawiin wiikaa adv tmp

not able
bwaa- pv tns not able to; not before

gwiinawi- pv lex not able; not knowing

not at all
gaawesaa pc disc impossible!, no way!, can't be done!

not before
bwaa- pv tns not able to; not before

not believe
aagonwetan vti deny, contradict, don't believe it

Paired with: aagonwetaw vta

aagonwetaw vta deny, contradict, don't believe h/

Paired with: aagonwetan vti

aanwetaw vta disagree with what h/ says; disbelieve h/; doubt h/; not believe h/

not in the least
gaawiin ganage adv man not in the least; in no way; not even

not know what to do
gwiinawi-doodam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to do or think, is dumbfounded

not know what to think
gwiinawi-inendam vai2 s/he doesn't know what to think

not knowing
gwiinawi- pv lex not able; not knowing

not necessary
gaawiin memwech adv man it's not necessary, you don't have to

See also: gego memwech adv pred ; memwech adv man

not really
anishaa adv man just for fun; just for nothing; not really; without purpose

not too hard
na'egaaj adv man go easy!; not too hard!; easily; without effort

not yet
gaawiin mashi adv tmp not yet

See also: gaa mashi adv tmp

gaa mashi adv tmp not yet

See also: gaawiin mashi adv tmp

aajikode vii it is notched

gaawiin gegoo pron indf anything; nothing

just for nothing
anishaa adv man just for fun; just for nothing; not really; without purpose

agwaakwa'igan ni a sign, a poster, a posted notice

maaminonendam vai2 s/he thinks about, considers, realizes, notices something

maaminonendan vti think about, consider, realize, notice it; realize that it

Paired with: maaminonenim vta

maaminonenim vta think about, consider, realize about, notice about h/

Paired with: maaminonendan vti

gashkadino-giizis na November

aazha adv tmp [BL] already; now

azhigwa adv tmp already; at this time; now; then

See also: zhigwa adv tmp

noongom adv tmp now, today, nowadays

megwaa adv tmp while; during; right now

megwaa- pv lex while; during; right now

just now
bijiinag adv tmp after a while, eventually, finally; just now; recently

noongom adv tmp now, today, nowadays

gaawiin ingoji adv loc not anywhere; nowhere

See also: gaawiin ningoji adv loc

gaawiin ningoji adv loc not anywhere; nowhere

See also: gaawiin ingoji adv loc

giikibidoon vti2 nudge it, push it forward

Paired with: giikibizh vta

giikibizh vta nudge h/, push h/ forward

Paired with: giikibidoon vti2

feel numb
giikimanizi vai s/he feels numb; s/he tingles

numb arm
biinisinike vai s/he has a numb arm or numb arms

giikimaninike vai h/ arm is asleep, arms are asleep; h/ arm feels numb, arms feel numb

numb cheek
biinisanowe vai s/he has a numb cheek or numb cheeks

numb chin
biinisidaamikane vai s/he has a numb chin or jaw

numb ear
biinisitawage vai s/he has a numb ear or numb ears

numb face
biinisiingwe vai s/he has a numb face

numb foot
biinisizide vai s/he has numb foot or numb feet

giikimanizide vai h/ foot is asleep, feet are asleep; h/ foot feels numb, feet feel numb

numb hand
biinisininjii vai s/he has a numb hand or numb hands

giikimanininjii vai h/ hand is asleep, hands are asleep; h/ hand feels numb, hands feel numb

numb jaw
biinisidaamikane vai s/he has a numb chin or jaw

numb leg
biinisigaade vai s/he has a numb leg or numb legs

giikimanigaade vai h/ leg is asleep, legs are asleep; h/ leg feels numb, legs feel numb

numb lips
biinisidoon vai [S] s/he has numb lips

See also: biinisidoone vai [N]

biinisidoone vai [N] s/he has numb lips

See also: biinisidoon vai [S]

numb rear
biinisidiye vai s/he has a numb rear

asigibii'igan ni a number; a calculator

write numbers
asigibii'ige vai s/he writes numbers, adds things up, tallies up

anama'ekwe na a nun

anama'ewikwe na a nun

mekadewikonayewikwe na a nun

makadewikonayekwe na a nun

mashkikiiwikwe na a nurse (female)

[a baby feeds on milk]
nooni vai s/he [a child] nurses, sucks at the breast

[feed a baby milk]
noonaawaso vai s/he nurses a baby

nooni' vta breast feed h/

noozh vta nurse h/ [a baby]

nurse from a bottle
noonaajige vai s/he nurses a baby from the bottle

noonaajige' vta nurse h/ from the bottle

noonaajige'aawaso vai s/he nurses a baby from the bottle

nursing home
nursing home
gikaawigamig ni elders' residence, nursing home

bagaan na a nut, a hazelnut, a peanut