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How to use the Ojibwe People's Dictionary

minjimii vai s/he clings, holds on (to something stick-like: a handle, a railing)

minjimaakwii vai s/he clings, holds on (to something stick-like such as a railing or a handle)

hair clippers
giishkikojigan ni hair clippers

diba'igeziswaan na [RL] a clock

See also: diba'igiiziswaan na

diba'igiiziswaan na a clock

See also: diba'igeziswaan na [RL]

besho adv loc near, nearby, close

beshowad vii it is near, is nearby, is close

appear to be close
beshonaagozi vai s/he appears to be close

Paired with: beshonaagwad vii

beshonaagwad vii it appears to be close

Paired with: beshonaagozi vai

close friends
beshwaji' vta be close friends with h/

think to be close
beshwendan vti think it to be near or soon

Paired with: beshwenim vta

beshwenim vta think h/ to be near or near soon

Paired with: beshwendan vti

close wings
zipwaangeni vai s/he closes h/ wings

close up
zipobidoon vti2 close it up by pulling; zip it up

Paired with: zipobidoon vti2

zipobizh vta close h/ up by pulling; zip h/ up

Paired with: zipobidoon vti2

ataasowin ni a place for storage, a cupboard, a pantry, a closet, a bin

blood clot
wadow na a blood clot

babagiwayaaniigin ni (a piece of) cloth, a rag

bagiwaaniigin ni [BL] (a piece of) cloth, a rag; fabric; material; yardage

See also: babagiwayaaniigin ni

bagiwayaanish ni (a piece of) cloth, a rag

black cloth
makadewegin ni black cloth

cloth bag
bagiwayaaneshkimod ni a cloth bag

cotton cloth
babagiwayaaniigin ni (a piece of) cloth, a rag

gidagiigin ni calico, print cotton fabric

piece of cloth
bagiwayaan ni [LLC] a shirt, (a piece of) cloth

See also: babagiwayaan ni

white cloth
waabishkiigin ni a sheet; white cloth

cloth bag
cloth bag
bagiwayaaneshkimod ni a cloth bag

aya'ii pron psl I don't remember what; a thing

See also: aya'aa pron psl ; ayi'ii pron psl

biizikigan ni an item of clothing

See also: biizikiigan ni

biizikiigan ni an item of clothing

See also: biizikigan ni

change clothes
aanjikwanaye vai s/he changes h/ (own) clothes

aanzikan vti change it (something on the foot or body)

Paired with: aanzikaw vta

aanzikaw vta change h/ (something on the foot or body)

Paired with: aanzikan vti

aanzikonaye vai s/he changes h/ (own) clothes

aanzikonaye' vta change h/ clothes

put on clothes
biichikonaye vai [BL] s/he dresses, puts h/ clothes on

biizikonaye vai s/he dresses, is dressed, puts on clothes

biizikonaye' vta put clothes on, dress h/

take off clothes
giichikonaye' vta [BL] undress h/, get h/ clothes off

giizikan vti take it (something worn) off

Paired with: giizikaw vta

giizikaw vta take it (something animate worn) off

Paired with: giizikan vti

giizikonaye vai s/he undresses, takes off h/ (own) clothes

giizikonaye' vta undress h/, get h/ clothes off

wash clothes
giziibiiga'ige vai s/he washes things, washes clothes, does laundry

wear dirty clothes
wiinapizo vai s/he wears dirty clothes

wiini'o vai s/he wears dirty clothes

wiinikonaye vai s/he wears dirty or filthy clothes

wear new clothes
oshki'o vai s/he wears new clothes

clothes iron
clothes iron
zhooshkwega'igan ni an iron

See also: zhooshkwega'igan na [RL]

zhooshkwega'igan na [RL] an iron

See also: zhooshkwega'igan ni

clothes wringer
clothes wringer
ziinaakwa'igan ni a clothespin; a clothes wringer

agoojigan ni something hung: a clothesline, a Christmas present, an item for sale at a stand; something used to hang things: a hanger

agoojiganeyaab ni a clothesline

clothesline pole
agoojiganaatig ni a clothesline pole

gichiwaakwa'igan ni [BL] something that pins or clamps things down: a peg, a clamp, a clothespin, a safety ring on a trap

minjimaakwa'igan ni a clothespin

ziinaakwa'igan ni a clothespin; a clothes wringer

clothing store
second-hand clothing store
zhiigoshkigani-adaawewigamig ni a second-hand clothing store

aanakwad ni a cloud

aanakwadowan vii it is a cloud

a lot of clouds
aanakwadokaa vii there are (a lot of) clouds, there are clouds there

clouds approach
biidaanakwad vii clouds approach

biidaanakwagoode vii clouds in the sky come here

clouds go about
babaamaanakwad vii clouds go about

clouds go along
bimaanakwad vii clouds go along

clouds go away
animaanakwad vii clouds go away

clouds there
aanakwadokaa vii there are (a lot of) clouds, there are clouds there

dark clouds
makadewaanakwad vii it is a dark cloud

See also: makadeyaanakwad vii

makadeyaanakwad vii it is a dark cloud

See also: makadewaanakwad vii

red clouds
miskwaanakwad vii it is a red cloud; there are red clouds

scattered clouds
biigizawakwad vii it is hazy; there are scattered clouds

see through cloud
zhaabwaanakwad vii clouds can be seen through, "you can see through the clouds"

storm clouds
zegaanakwad vii there are storm clouds, threatening clouds

threatening clouds
zegaanakwad vii there are storm clouds, threatening clouds

white clouds
waabishkaanakwad vii there are white clouds

ningwaanakwad vii it is cloudy

ningwakwad vii it is cloudy

ball-headed club
bikwaakwado-bagamaagan ni a ball-headed club

war club
bagamaagan ni a war club

club suite card
danens na a club suite card

akakanzhe ni charcoal, coals, coal

akakanzhe ni charcoal, coals, coal

akakanzhekaa vii there are (a lot of) coals

cook on the coals
akakanzhebwe vai s/he cooks, roasts, grills something on the coals

babiinzikawaagan ni a coat, a jacket

See also: biinzikawaagan ni [BL]

biinzikawaagan ni [BL] a coat, a jacket

See also: babiinzikawaagan ni

have new coat
oshkibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he has a new coat

put on coat
biichibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he puts on h/ coat or jacket

See also: biichibiinzikawaagane vai [BL]

gimiwanoowayaan ni a raincoat

take off coat
giichibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he takes off h/ coat or jacket

wear a coat
gigibabiinzikawaagane vai s/he wears a coat

coat hanger
coat hanger
agoojiganaabikoons ni a coat hanger made of wire

gaapii ni [N] coffee

makademashkikiwaaboo ni coffee

makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN]

makade-mashkikiwaabo ni [BL] coffee

See also: makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN]

makade-mashkikiwaaboo ni [MN] coffee

See also: makade-mashkikiwaabo ni [BL]

Agwadaashiwi-ziibiing name place Cohasset, Minnesota

zhooniyaans na
  1. a coin
  2. a small (silver) coin, a dime

zhooniyaawaabik na a coin

can't take being cold
wakewaji vai s/he can't take being cold, gets chilled easily

cold foot
dakizide vai h/ foot is chilled or cold, h/ feet are chilled or cold

giikajizidewaji vai s/he has cold feet

cold hand
dakininjii vai s/he has cool hand or cool hands

giikajininjiiwaji vai s/he has cool or cold hands

cold head
giikajindibewaji vai h/ head is cold

cold house
dakate vii it (a room or house) is cold

cold liquid
dakigamin vii it (liquid) is cool, is cold

dakaagamin vii it (a liquid) is cold

cold rain
dakibiisaa vii it is cold rain

See also: dakibiisaan vii [BL]

dakibiisaan vii [BL] it is cold rain

See also: dakibiisaa vii

cold room
dakate vii it (a room or house) is cold

cold water
dakib ni cold water

cold weather
gisinaa vii it is cold (weather)

cold wind
dakaanimad vii it is a cold wind

feel cold
biingeji vai s/he feels cold

dakamanji'o vai s/he is chilled, feels cold

giikaji vai s/he feels cold

wake up from cold
amadaji vai s/he wakes up from being cold

catch a cold
mizhaakigwe vai s/he gets a cold, catches a cold

get a cold
mizhaakigwe vai s/he gets a cold, catches a cold

have a cold
agigokaa vai s/he has a cold

have an awful cold
nibaadaakigwe vai s/he has a awful cold, has a damn cold

collapse from overwork
gawanokii vai s/he collapses from overwork

apigwayawegwaajigan ni a collar

asigin vta gather h/ up, collect h/

Paired with: asiginan vti

asiginan vti gather it up, collect it

Paired with: asigin vta

maawanji' vta collect h/

Paired with: maawanjitoon vti2

maawanjitoon vti2 collect it

Paired with: maawanji' vta

collect money as a donation
asigizhooniyaawe vai s/he collects money as a donation

gabe-gikendaasoowigamig ni a college, a university

bitaakoshkodaadiwag vai they collide, have a collision

certain color
inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaanzo vai

inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaande vii

good color
minwaande vii it is a good color

Paired with: minwaanzo vai

minwaanzo vai it (animate) is a good color

Paired with: minwaande vii

adisan vti dye, color it

Paired with: adis vta ; adiswi vta [NI] See also: atisan vti [ML]

adis vta dye, color h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: adisan vti See also: atis vta [ML] ; adiswi vta [NI]

adisamaw vta dye, color (it) for h/

adisige vai s/he dyes, colors things

See also: atisige vai [ML]

atisan vti [ML] dye, color it

Paired with: atis vta [ML] See also: adisan vti

atis vta [ML] dye, color h/ or it (animate)

See also: adis vta

atisige vai [ML] s/he dyes things

See also: adisige vai

color a certain way
inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaanzo vai

inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaande vii

color black
makadewaande vii it is colored black

Paired with: makadewaanzo vai

makadewaanzo vai s/he is colored black

Paired with: makadewaande vii

makadewaanzan vti dye, color it black

color blue
ozhaawashkwaande vii it is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaanzo vai

ozhaawashkwaanzo vai it (animate) is colored blue or green

Paired with: ozhaawashkwaande vii

ozhaawashkobii'an vti color, paint it blue or green

color brown
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

color dark
bishagiishkaande vii it is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaanzo vai

bishagiishkaanzo vai s/he is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaande vii

color gold
ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii it is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai

ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii

color red
miskwaande vii it is colored, dyed red

Paired with: miskwaanzo vai

miskwaanzo vai s/he is colored, dyed red

Paired with: miskwaande vii

miskobii'an vti color it red; paint it red

miskwadite vii it is dyed red, is colored red

Paired with: miskwadiso vai

color white
waabishkaande vii it is colored white

Paired with: waabishkaanzo vai

waabishkaanzo vai s/he or it (animate) is colored white

Paired with: waabishkaande vii

color yellow
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

color a certain way
inaande vii it is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaanzo vai

inaanzo vai s/he is a certain color, is colored a certain way

Paired with: inaande vii

color black
makadewaande vii it is colored black

Paired with: makadewaanzo vai

makadewaanzo vai s/he is colored black

Paired with: makadewaande vii

makadewaanzan vti dye, color it black

color brown
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

color dark
bishagiishkaande vii it is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaanzo vai

bishagiishkaanzo vai s/he is dark colored

Paired with: bishagiishkaande vii

color gold
ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii it is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai

ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored gold

Paired with: ozaawaa-zhooniyaawaande vii

color red
miskwaande vii it is colored, dyed red

Paired with: miskwaanzo vai

miskwaanzo vai s/he is colored, dyed red

Paired with: miskwaande vii

color white
waabishkaande vii it is colored white

Paired with: waabishkaanzo vai

waabishkaanzo vai s/he or it (animate) is colored white

Paired with: waabishkaande vii

color yellow
ozaawaanzan vti color it yellow, color it brown

Paired with: ozaawaanz vta

ozaawaanz vta color h/ yellow, color h/ brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzan vti

ozaawaande vii it is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaanzo vai

ozaawaanzo vai it (animate) is colored yellow, is colored brown

Paired with: ozaawaande vii

binaakwaan ni a comb

comb hair
binaakwe' vta comb h/

binaakwe'o vai s/he combs h/ (own) hair

nazikwe' vta comb h/ hair

nazikwe'o vai s/he combs h/ (own) hair

See also: anzikwe'o vai [RL]

comb part in hair
daashkaabii'o vai [RL] s/he parts h/ (own) hair, combs a part in h/ (own) hair; s/he has a part in h/ hair

naawijiine'o vai s/he parts h/ (own) hair, combs a part in h/ (own) hair; s/he has a part in h/ hair

daashkaabii' vta [RL] part h/ hair, comb a part in h/ hair

naawijiine' vta part h/ hair, comb a part in h/ hair

bi-izhaa vai s/he comes

come here
indaashaan pc disc come here!

See also: nindaashaan pc disc

ondaas adv loc on this side; come here!

ondaashaan pc disc come here!

come in
biindigaw vta enter into where h/ is, come in on h/

come in a boat
biidaasamishkaa vai s/he paddles here; s/he comes in a boat

come in anger
biijigidaazo vai s/he comes here angry, comes here mad

come in fear
biidaanimizi vai s/he comes in fear

come indoors
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

come inside
biindige vai s/he enters, goes inside / indoors, comes inside / indoors

come into view
bi-naagozi vai s/he appears; s/he comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagwad vii

bi-naagwad vii it appears; it comes into view

Paired with: bi-naagozi vai

come laughing
biidaapi vai s/he comes laughing

come leaving tracks
biijikawe vai s/he comes leaving tracks

come making noise
biidwewidam vai2 s/he comes calling, comes sounding; s/he comes speaking

biidwewetoo vai s/he comes making vocal noise

come speaking
biidwewidam vai2 s/he comes calling, comes sounding; s/he comes speaking

come suddenly into view
zaagewe vai s/he comes suddenly into view as from around a corner

come with a light
biidaazakwanenjige vai s/he comes with a light

come up to
odish vta come up to, reach, visit h/; get to where h/ is

Paired with: oditan vti

oditan vti come up to, reach it

Paired with: odish vta

rain comes
biijibiisaa vii [S] rain comes

See also: biijibiisaan vii [BL]

biijibiisaan vii [BL] rain comes

See also: biijibiisaa vii [S]

rain comes from a certain way
onjibiisaa vii [S] rain comes from a certain way

waves come in to shore
agwaayaashkaa vii waves come ashore

biidaashkaa vii waves come here

wind comes from a certain direction
ondin vii the wind comes from a certain direction

come ashore
agwaataa vai s/he goes ashore, comes ashore

agwaa'o vai s/he lands, comes ashore in a boat

agwaabiitaa vai s/he or it (animate) comes ashore, moves ashore

come out of the woods
bapaakwa'am vai2 s/he comes out of the woods

come out over a hill
zaagajiwe vai s/he comes out over a hill

come up
mooshkamo vai s/he surfaces (in the water), comes up out of the water

come apart
gidiskise vii it comes apart, comes off

Paired with: gidiskise vai

come of age (of a girl)
makoonsiwi vai
  1. s/he is a bear cub
  2. she comes of age, has her first menses

come off in pieces
bakweshkaa vii it comes off in pieces

come open
baakise vii it comes open, comes uncovered, flies open

Paired with: baakise vai

come uncovered
baakise vii it comes open, comes uncovered, flies open

Paired with: baakise vai

come undone
aabise vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vii

aabise vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabise vai

aabishkaa vii it comes undone, comes unraveled

Paired with: aabishkaa vai

aabiskose vai s/he comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vii

aabiskose vii it comes undone, comes untied, unravels

Paired with: aabiskose vai

come back to life
aabiziishin vai s/he comes back to life; s/he revives

aabijiibaa vai s/he revives, comes to; s/he comes back to life

come awake
amajise vai s/he wakes up suddenly, comes awake

come to be
bagami-ayaa vii
  1. it arrives
  2. it comes to be

Paired with: bagami-ayaa vai

come to mind
mikwendaagwad vii it comes to mind, is recalled, is remembered

Paired with: mikwendaagozi vai

mikwendan vti recall, recollect, remember, come to think of it

Paired with: mikwenim vta

mikwenim vta recall, recollect, remember, come to think of h/

Paired with: mikwendan vti

come to pass
bagami-ayaa vii
  1. it arrives
  2. it comes to be

Paired with: bagami-ayaa vai

come to a stop
noogise vai s/he suddenly comes to a stop

Paired with: noogise vii

noogise vii it suddenly comes to a stop

Paired with: noogise vai

coming up to in time
ani- pv dir coming up to in time; going away; in progress; on the way

See also: ni- pv dir

dawn comes
biidaaban vii dawn comes; it is daybreak

come from a certain place
ondaabate vii it (smoke) comes from a certain place

ondaabiigad vii it (string-like) comes from a certain place

ondaadad vii it comes from a certain place, originates in a certain place

onjibaa vai s/he comes from a certain place

onjii vai s/he comes from a certain place

Paired with: onjiimagad vii

onzikaa vii it comes from a certain place, originates in a certain place; it leaks

ondaadizi vai s/he comes from a certain place; s/he is born

wind comes from a certain place
ondaanimad vii the wind comes from a certain direction

come from a certain place crying
ondademo vai s/he cries for a certain reason, comes from a certain place crying

come off
come off
gidiskise vai it (animate) comes out or off of something

Paired with: gidiskise vii

gidiskise vii it comes apart, comes off

Paired with: gidiskise vai

bakwajise vai it (animate) comes out or off of something

Paired with: bakwajise vii

bakwajise vii it comes out or off of something

Paired with: bakwajise vai

come on
come on
ambe pc interj attention!; come on!; let's go!

daga pc disc come on!; please!

See also: indaga pc disc [RL]

naasanaa pc disc come on!; look out!

come out
come out from somewhere
mookii vai s/he emerges, surfaces, comes out of somewhere

come out from somewhere in rain
come to
come to
aabaakawizi vai s/he revives, comes to

Paired with: aabaakawad vii

mikawi vai s/he regains consciousness, comes to

mikawise vai s/he suddenly regains consciousness, comes to

gagiibaadaatese vii it is a funny movie, is a comedy

lie comfortably
minoshin vai s/he lies comfortably, lies in a good position

Paired with: minosin vii

sit comfortably
minwabi vai s/he sits comfortably

wawiyazh adv man comical; funny

think comical
wawiyadenim vta think h/ or it (animate) funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendan vti think it funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

anoozh vta hire, order, commission h/

anookii vai s/he hires, orders, commissions (someone)

commodity food
ashandiwin ni food that is given out or distributed: community food shelf, commodity food, rations

commodity store
ashangewigamig ni a welfare office, a commodity store

common pin
common pin
oshtigwaanzhaabonigan ni a common pin

wiijiiwaagan na a partner, a companion

wiidigemaagan na a spouse, a husband, a wife, a partner (cohabitant), a companion (cohabitant)

in company with
wiiji- pv lex in company with; with

[drawing a circle]
waawiyebii'igan ni
  1. a circle
  2. a compass (drawing instrument)
  3. a circular target for practice shooting

zhawenim vta bless, pity h/; show loving-kindess, unconditional love for h/; have mercy, compassion for h/

zhawenjigewin ni a blessing, mercy, kindness

zhawenim vta bless, pity h/; show loving-kindess, unconditional love for h/; have mercy, compassion for h/

zhawenjigewin ni a blessing, mercy, kindness

giizhi- pv lex complete; finish

complete mourning
bagidenim vta
  1. release h/ from your mind
  2. complete mourning for h/
  3. bury h/ or it (animate)
  4. let h/ or it (animate) go (and don't think about h/ or it)

Paired with: bagidendan vti

wawiinge adv man carefully; completely; properly; well

See also: owiinge adv deg [NI]

wenda- pv lex really; just so; completely

See also: enda- pv lex

all [completely]
apane adv tmp all the time; always; continually

finally and completely kill
aapijinazh vta finish h/ off, finally and completely kill h/

mazinaabikiwebinigan ni a typewriter, a computer

concrete road
asinii-miikana ni a concrete paved road

made of concrete
waabiganikaade vii
  1. it is made of clay, made of plaster, made of concrete
  2. it is in a cast

Paired with: waabiganikaazo vai

biinda'oojigan ni [N]
  1. a gun case
  2. a condom

conduct a ceremony
manidooke vai s/he has spiritual power, conducts a ceremony

have confidence
miikwenimo vai s/he has confidence, is confident; s/he is confident

miikwenim vta have confidence in h/, is confident of h/

miikwenimo vai s/he has confidence, is confident; s/he is confident

miikwenim vta have confidence in h/, is confident of h/

wanim vta mislead, confuse h/ (by speech)

giiwashkweyendam vai2 s/he is confused, is in shock, is scared witless

wanaanimizi vai s/he is confused, is in shock, is scared witless

mamaazhi' vta overpower, prevail over, conquer h/ or it (animate)

Paired with: mamaazhitoon vti2

mamaazhitoon vti2 prevail over, conquor it

Paired with: mamaazhi' vta

regain consciousness
mikawi vai s/he regains consciousness, comes to

indawaaj adv man consequently; rather; therefore

conservation officer
conservation officer
wiiyaasi-dakoniwewinini na a game warden, a conservation officer

gizhaadigewinini na [BL] a game warden, a conservation officer

maaminonendam vai2 s/he thinks about, considers, realizes, notices something

maaminonendan vti think about, consider, realize, notice it; realize that it

Paired with: maaminonenim vta

maaminonenim vta think about, consider, realize about, notice about h/

Paired with: maaminonendan vti

naanaagadawenim vta think about, consider, realize about, notice about h/

Paired with: naanaagadawendan vti

naanaagadawendan vti think about, consider, realize, notice it

Paired with: naanaagadawenim vta

think funny
wawiyadenim vta think h/ or it (animate) funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadendan vti

wawiyadendan vti think it funny or cute

Paired with: wawiyadenim vta

wawiyadendaagozi vai s/he is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagwad vii

wawiyadendaagwad vii it is thought cute, thought funny (comical)

Paired with: wawiyadendaagozi vai

give too much consideration
onzaamendam vai2 s/he gives too much consideration

aabiji- pv lex continually; constantly

work constantly
aabidanokii vai s/he continues, works constantly

aabijitaa vai s/he continues, works constantly

gibishaganzhii vai s/he is constipated

wiibwaa vii it becomes narrow; it constricts

beat in a contest
bakinaw vta win over h/, beat h/ (in a contest or game)

bakinaage vai s/he wins over people, beats people (in a contest or game)

defeat in a contest or game
niiwezh vta defeat h/ (in a contest or game), beat h/ (in a contest or game)

niiwezhiwe vai s/he defeats people (in a contest or game), beats people (in a contest or game)

aabiji- pv lex continually; constantly

apane adv tmp all the time; always; continually

aabijitaa vai s/he continues, works constantly

pane adv tmp always; continuously

aagonwetam vai2 s/he denies, contradicts

aagonwetan vti deny, contradict, don't believe it

Paired with: aagonwetaw vta

aagonwetaw vta deny, contradict, don't believe h/

Paired with: aagonwetan vti

nanaapaadendam vai2 s/he is contrary, disagrees with people

act contrary to instructions
gagaanzitaw vta act contrary to h/ instructions

Paired with: gagaanzitan vti

dibendan vti control, own it

Paired with: dibenim vta

dibenim vta control, own, rule h/

Paired with: dibendan vti

dibendaagozi vai
  1. s/he is controlled, is owned
  2. s/he belongs, is a member

Paired with: dibendaagwad vii

dibendaagwad vii
  1. it is controlled, is owned
  2. it belongs

Paired with: dibendaagozi vai

convene a council
zagaswe'iwe vai s/he gives a ceremony, convenes a council

gaganoonidiwag vai they talk to each other, have a conversation

gaganoozh vta talk to h/, have a conversation with h/

gagaanzom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

wiikwazom vta persuade, urge, encourage, convince h/

wiikwazondiwag vai they persuade, urge, convince each other

wiikwazonge vai s/he persuades, urges, convinces people

jiibaakwewikwe na a cook (female)

jiibaakwewinini na a cook (male)

[heat something]
giizizekwe vai s/he cooks

See also: giizhizekwe vai

jiibaakwe vai s/he cooks

cook a certain way
inizekwe vai s/he cooks a certain way

cook angrily
nishkizekwe vai s/he cooks angrily

cook in a certain place
danizekwe vai s/he cooks in a certain place

cook in a hurry
ojaanimizekwe vai s/he cooks in a hurry

cook well
minozekwe vai s/he cooks well

make a mistake cooking
wanizekwe vai s/he makes a mistake cooking

onzaamiz vta overheat, overcook h/

Paired with: onzaamizan vti

onzaamizan vti overheat, overcook it

Paired with: onzaamiz vta

start cooking
maadizekwe vai s/he starts cooking

jiibaakwaadan vti cook it

Paired with: jiibaakwaazh vta

jiibaakwaazh vta cook it (animate)

Paired with: jiibaakwaadan vti

giiziz vta cook it (animate); finish cooking it (animate)

Paired with: giizizan vti See also: giizhizwi vta [NI]

giizizan vti cook it; finish cooking it

Paired with: giiziz vta See also: giizhizan vti [NI]

giizizamaw vta cook (it) for h/

cook a certain way
iniz vta cook h/ a certain way; heat h/ a certain way

Paired with: inizan vti

inizan vti cook it a certain way; heat it a certain way

Paired with: iniz vta

inizige vai s/he cooks (things) a certain way

cook by boiling
gabaashim vta cook it (animate) (by boiling)

Paired with: gabaatoon vti2

gabaatoon vti2 cook it (by boiling)

Paired with: gabaashim vta

cook in a certain place
danizan vti cook it in a certain place

Paired with: daniz vta

daniz vta cook it (animate) in a certain place

Paired with: danizan vti

danide vii it is cooked in a certain place

Paired with: danizo vai

danizo vai s/he is cooked in a certain place

Paired with: danide vii

cook into jam (berries)
baashkiminasan vti cook it into jam or sauce

cook on the coals
akakanzhebwe vai s/he cooks, roasts, grills something on the coals

cook over a fire
abwe vai s/he roasts, cooks something over a fire

abwaadan vti roast, cook it over a fire

Paired with: abwaazh vta

abwaazh vta roast, cook h/ over a fire

Paired with: abwaadan vti

cook tender
nookiz vta cook h/ tender

Paired with: nookizan vti

nookizan vti cook it tender

Paired with: nookiz vta

nookizwi vta [BL]

nookiz vta

cook to pieces
zhishigode vii it is cooked mushy

Paired with: zhishigozo vai

bigishkizan vti cook it to pieces

Paired with: bigishkiz vta

bigishkiz vta cook h/ to pieces

Paired with: bigishkizan vti

cook to syrup
zhiiwaagamizan vti cook it to a syrup

cook under the ashes
ningwa'abwe vai s/he cooks (something) under the ashes

cook well
minoz vta cook h/ well

Paired with: minozan vti

minozan vti cook it well

Paired with: minoz vta

cook with
dagoz vta cook h/ with something else

Paired with: dagozan vti

dagozan vti cook it with something else

Paired with: dagoz vta

done cooking
giizhide vii it is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhizo vai ; giizizo vai

giizhizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhide vii See also: giizizo vai

giizizo vai s/he is cooked, is done cooking

Paired with: giizhide vii

cook shack
cook shack
jiibaakwewigamig ni a kitchen; a cook shack

bread cooked over an open fire
abwaajigan na bread cooked over a fire

cooked a certain way
inide vii it is cooked a certain way

Paired with: inizo vai

inizo vai s/he is cooked a certain way

Paired with: inide vii

cooked tender
nookide vii it is cooked tender

Paired with: nookizo vai

nookizo vai s/he is cooked tender

Paired with: nookide vii

cooked with
dagode vii it is cooked with something else

Paired with: dagozo vai

dagozo vai it (animate) is cooked with something else

Paired with: dagode vii

incompletely cooked
ashkide vii it is incompletely cooked

Paired with: ashkizo vai

ashkizo vai it (animate) is incompletely cooked

Paired with: ashkide vii

onzaamide vii it is overcooked

Paired with: onzaamizo vai

onzaamizo vai it (animate) is overcooked

Paired with: onzaamide vii

well cooked
minode vii it is well cooked

Paired with: minozo vai

minozo vai s/he is well cooked

bakwezhigaans na [MN] a small bread product or pastry: a biscuit, a cookie, a cracker, a roll, a muffin

See also: bakwezhiganens na [BL]

bakwezhiganens na [BL] a small bread product or pastry: a biscuit, a cookie, a cracker, a roll, a muffin

See also: bakwezhigaans na [MN]

cooking pot
cooking pot
jiibaakwewakik na a cooking pot, a pan

jiibaakwe-gizhaabikizigan ni a cookstove

See also: jibaakwewi-gizhaabikizigan ni [BL]

dakaa vii it (a thing) is cool

Paired with: dakizi vai

dakise vai s/he cools

Paired with: dakise vii

dakise vii it cools

Paired with: dakise vai

dakizi vai s/he (an animate thing) is cool

Paired with: dakaa vii

dakiigad vii it (sheet-like) is cool

Paired with: dakiigizi vai

dakiigizi vai it (animate; sheet-like) is cool

cool beach
dakadaawangaa vii there is cool sand, is a cool beach

cool floor
dakisagaa vii it is a cool floor

cool sand
dakadaawangaa vii there is cool sand, is a cool beach

cool weather
dakaayaa vii it is cool (weather)

daki-ayaa vii it is cool

cool off
dakaagamisin vii it (a liquid) cools off

See also: dakigamisin vii

dakishin vai it (animate) cools off

Paired with: dakisin vii

dakisin vii it cools off

Paired with: dakishin vai

set to cool
dakishim vta set it (animate) to cool

Paired with: dakisidoon vti2

dakisidoon vti2 set it to cool

Paired with: dakishim vta

cooled by the wind
dakaashi vai s/he is cooled by the wind

Paired with: dakaasin vii

dakaasin vii it is cooled by the wind

Paired with: dakaashi vai